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Posts posted by Plank

  1. 4 hours ago, vortios said:

    Immagina che stavo parlando della legislazione europea, ti assicuro che a nessuno sarebbe importato e che nessuno parlerebbe con me,


    4 hours ago, vortios said:

    Imagine that I was talking about European legislation, I assure you that nobody would care and that nobody would talk to me,

    Can you do all of us in the UK a huge favour and talk to our Government about European Legislation, because they haven't got a clue. Gracias mi amigo! :D

  2. Another Clara & Stas and Cleo & Axel foursome event.
    It started the normal way with strip cards.

    The Boys turn kicks off the first round.

    Cleo enjoys the view.



    Second round starts with the Girls turn.

    Stas encourages something creative.



    And switch.


    The friends relax,chat & have a laugh.


    Axel seems to have got over his shyness & Cleo is fast becoming a Star.


  3. And right on cue, a quickie session in the LR.
    The most unenthusiastic sex I have ever seen on any voyeur type site.
    It was a chore to her,an attitude of, 'oh,just get on with it', as she carried on watching tv.
    I'm not asking for, nor demanding, rampant Olympic level sex,but that was pathetically staged & fake.


    And when it was over,no emotion she went to wash-up.


    * back to sleeping in different rooms?

  4. Today there has been a falling out between Lisa & Grant. Could be something to do with last nights gathering which Grant opted out of. Who knows?
    A big argument this morning followed by Grant emptying his stuff out of his wardrobe all over the LR sofa.
    Since then there has been heated words,furious smoking by Lisa and tears. :mellow:

  5. In the words of Kool & the Gang,(1979) "if you hear any noise, it ain't the boys it's ladies night,uh-huh." O0
    And with Axel safely tucked up in bed the party began.
    Lots of drinking & a game of strip poker. The bad news was that the sexy brunette was either winning or didn't want to get involved.

    Meanwhile Cleo looked slaughtered & her mate Tessa wasn't far behind her.
    Just when I thought the evening was going end,the toys came out.
    Sexy brunette was offered various toy's to play with,including Cleo's favourite wand. She refused....damn it!
    "Ooh no thanks, I'm trying to give them up."

    On my right,dressed in black stockings,with home-field advantage, Miss Cleo.

    And on my left,wearing tan stockings,Miss Tessa!



    After five minutes they changed ends.Tessa remembers the cam.


    Sexy brunette helping Cleo with boob squeezes.


    As Cleo & Tessa got into it Sexy brunette seemed a little embarrassed at her friends.



    Cleo lost one of the batteries.

    Sexy brunette seemed happy enough,singing as the other two went at it,until I noticed where Cleo's hand had been.


    As the night drew to a close,Cleo went to assist Tessa who was being sick in the Bathroom ,they had drank a hell of a lot.
    In the cover of darkness & under a blanket the Sexy brunette started to experiment with some toys.
    She really liked Cleo's wand & was just getting into it when the other girls arrived back from having a smoke.

    Great fun night was had by all,more of Sexy brunette please!

  6. Last night I witnessed a strange phenomena.
    Rick,a participant in Voyeur-HouseTV, being a voyeur in his apartment, being watched by voyeur's.
    Discuss. 40%
    Rick is fast becoming surplus to requirement at this apartment.
    It seems that their various invited guests like the idea of partying with Betty, but not so much with Rick.
    The latest guest-couple started to have a session with Betty in the kitchen.

    Rick was in bed but must have stirred because of the noise.
    He started to watch the action via the reflection of the kitchen in the bedroom door.


    As things warmed up,he couldn't get a decent view.


    So he stood in the bedroom entrance trying to get a sneaky peek at the action, without getting caught.



    Busted! He was spotted by the guest-guy.


    Rick then made a pathetic childlike attempt at quickly getting back into bed to pretend he was asleep.
    He soon realised that this was idiotic.
    The session was over to the annoyance of Betty,it was just warming up. The look of contempt on Betty's face said it all.



  7. Anastasia had friends over last night. Lexy & Pete and Misty.
    They waited for Misty to go home and then the real fun started.
    Another sensational threesome event.Everyone had a great time but especially Anastasia.
    Lexy & Pete finished off the evening by going at it again in the bedroom as Anastasia slept.
    For me Pete is a serious threat to Alan for the Lucky S-O-B crown.







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