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Posts posted by Plank

  1. I've just looked through the Read Me section about the Chatbox.
    Two years ago the our old boss BTR posted this;

    Posted February 24, 2016
    Lately the Chatbox has become a place to bully, threaten and discredit members. This is not what it is designed for, it is a place to openly discuss anything that members wish to chat about, but remember we are a fan site of RLC. It’s nice to hear members views on other sites, are we not adults can we not find a common ground for all members to become involved....
    so as of today 02/24/16  anybody seen to be either bullying or using the Chatbox to intimidate another member will have their posting privileges removed for 1 week for the first offense . Then any further breaches from that member after they are reinstated will have their account closed.
    Also any member found to be deliberately trying to change a topic of conversation for their own personal gain, ie running commentaries on useless actions in a said apartment, or constant negativity .We all understand how frustrating RLC can be at times and we don’t need members reminding us of it, the exception to this rule is when the commentary is asked for by more than 3 members in chat. What all users of the chat need to remember is that the chat option is only used by 1% of our members, so it’s a small community that use it and if between you all you can’t find peace and harmony again, then I will have to rethink the Chatbox option.
    So can all Chatbox users please accept that it is an option for all members to use and not a personal battle ground.    
    I don’t think I need to remind members about the NO disclosure of links to tenant’s private lives being put on this forum
    And finally I have opened a forum for members to air their frustrations /anger etc , please use that forum and not the Chatbox. Thanks to all the members who agree with this and to those that disagree, well I guess we will be parting company very soon CIAO!

    (edited by me for spelling & punctuation only.)

    However that changed following the dmca stuff, & I thought that we were going to widen the room out to cover all the other sites & and basically screw rlc for their treatment of us.
    As far as I am aware there was never a rule about only rlc chat in the Chatbox, but two years ago rlc were playing fair towards this rlc fan site, they don't any more.
    Texl is/was the Chatbox Mod if memory serves me?


  2. I really like this couple !
    Cleo & Axel have a couple of friends that visit quite often. (the ones on the left) *Carl & Agnes.

    They have joined in games of strip poker,the girl has dressed in sexy lingerie & there have been massage sessions.
    This foursome have not gone as far as the sessions with Clara & Stas yet,but we can hope.

  3. A case of oh so damn close but no cigar.
    Lexy & Pete and their mate Stew, who we have seen a few times at different apartments, & his very cute blue haired 'girl-friend' visited.
    Things started really well,she & Lexy got changed into sexy underwear and the action moved to the LR.
    A lot of the time they were speaking English, so at least we had a clue what was going on for a change.
    The attempt at seducing the girl-friend had begun.The kissing,caressing and fondling stepped up as the booze flowed.



    However blue hair was a little resistant at times, which is understandable in an apartment full of camera's,but she was enjoying it all.
    Pete eventually suggested they all go upstairs to the bedroom.
    L & P began their session,blue hair said that she just wanted to watch, this disappointed the group, especially Pete.They tried to persuade her,but no.
    Pete insisted that 'if you only want to watch you have to be naked'. She agreed to that.




    Despite numerous attempts at encouragement to join in she didn't want to know.Stew on the other hand got involved as he has before.
    Blue haired girl watched as though this was some sort of practical/scientific demonstration. I wasn't sure if she was intrigued or disgusted.


    When the session finished she clapped them,which Lexy thought was a 'good commentary'.
    Blue hair couldn't wait to get out of the room quick enough & go to bed.


  4. Thanks for joining in chaps, I appreciate it.

    Danny, when it comes to posting pics of rlc it is probably best not to following the dmca take down shit that happened. You might want to talk to StnCld316 about that before you (or anyone else) posts anything.
    And thanks for the comments,but you are getting involved, it's a shame that others aren't, preferring to chat shit about the same topic over & over ad nauseam in the Chatbox.
    Iloner & Chucky,"posting our thoughts into outer space",and " a conversation with yourself",is exactly how I have been feeling.
    Scotsman my old skirt wearing friend, you might remember when I threatened Toolmaker that I had written a 4000 word dissertation that I was going to post, about the rlc cats, especially about Maya's moggie menagerie! Seems that some stuff never changes! :D

  5. Sia is visiting again, what could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:

    I like Em, she has a waif like beauty for me,great body and an ass to die for, but man has this apartment got dull really quickly. They need another couple to share this place, someone with a bit of a spark. Sia would be great, but I am worried that Em & Sid won't last long unless they raise their game considerably.

  6. I will hold my hands up and say that I wasn't a fan of Carrie when she first appeared, but all the attention went on the luscious Linda for obvious reasons.
    I was surprised when she got an apartment because she hadn't really done anything in her time sharing with Linda, other than some obviously staged events that weren't very good.
    Well how things have changed. Linda & Leon have gone, only to be seen now as guests at Zoi & Tim's.
    Meanwhile Carrie & David go from strength to strength.
    The other night saw another foursome with their friends. A mix of football (soccerball for our american cousins :P ) and fff....fornication.
    They have not swapped partners yet, but I think it is only a matter of time.


    *From VHtv's Newsletter; the friends are called Riley & Jeremy

  7. There is definitely a cultural difference between what is the 'norm' for our eastern European cousins to us lot in the decadent filthy west.
    In no way would you, or should you get away with this sort of behaviour.
    The same goes for all this pseudo S & M stuff, the really hard slapping of arses & choking women for me is a massive turn off.
    Candy & Dean have always had a volatile relationship. At one point Dean was living at A & A's old place after Candy threw him out.
    He tried to start a new relationship with a girl called Ashley who has to go down as one of the most boring people ever to appear on VH after Rapunzel.
    God knows why they got back together because clearly they despise each other.

    Looks like another one for the Archive.

  8. For the past few weeks Bree & Drew's friend Curly has been staying with them. The poor sod tried to get some with Anastasia when she was staying there, he failed.
    Then their friend Tara turns up. A drunken night saw lots of play fighting between them, but nothing happened. He fell asleep & Drew had a nice fumble under the covers with Tara.
    Later Curly tried again,he failed again. It was obvious to me that Tara's only interest was in Drew.
    The other night Tara & another friend visited, the friend fell asleep in the LR, Bree,Drew,Curly & Tara took the party to the BR for a game of Spin the bottle Dares.
    It went on & on and didn't really get anywhere, with Curly being a fish out of water again, and standing in front of one of the cams which annoyed the hell out of me.
    I'm not sure what happened but Curly got dressed and left the apartment.
    Half an hour later with Bree,Drew & Tara sharing the bed it all kicked off....Wow!

    To paraphrase Dean Martin.
    "How lucky can one guy be? I kissed her then she kissed Bree.
    A thought went through our head,let's break springs on this bed."




    A fantastic threesome happened and I have no doubt that Tara experienced the best sex she has ever had!
    The noises both girls were making was great.And what a fantastic body Tara has!


    After a couple of rounds Bree finished herself off & got up to go sleep in the LR whilst Drew & Tara continued.

    I don't think Bree was pissed off at Drew for showing more attention to Tara than her, I just think she was done.


    After Tara finished off Drew with a BJ and mouthful, Drew texted Bree to come back to bed, she did.



    There was no animosity from anyone. Bree & Drew are back to form after their self imposed break from swinging and it was great,long may this continue!

  9. I was literally just writing that this apartment needs to be taken down,before someone gets seriously hurt and boosh it is gone!
    Ever since the little blonde pocket rocket turned up at their apartment the atmosphere has become toxic.
    What looked to be heading towards a threesome the other day turned to rat-shit very quickly.Dean & the blonde started making out & Candy took exception to it, & words were exchanged.
    Candy was ranting at Dean, he was playing with a lighter trying to ignore her.
    She grabs the lighter,he resists and kicks out at her. He caught her under her jaw.Accidental or not, it doesn't matter.
    Over the last few days things seemed to have settled down. Wrong.
    Tonight I witnessed a very argumentative Candy constantly picking at Dean,the blonde trying to be peacemaker.
    Blonde goes to bed in the LR, Candy gets the bed & Dean has set up some cushions on the floor in the corner of the BR.
    Candy is still going at Dean, he is trying to watch his phone. Candy continues to provoke him he ignores her.
    She then kicks out at him towards the side of the head,he doesn't respond.


    She then rants & rages & decides that he doesn't deserve a pillow or a sheet, and kicks out at him again.

    Looking for something else to rage at, it's the fires turn. She kicks out at the fire in some way of switching it off.

    Dean loses it smacks her hard around the back of the head then grabs her hair & throws her to the floor.





    As much as I was a fan of Dean & Candy from their days at A & A's old place this sort of shit can not be tollerated.

    They have not only let themselves down, but they have really screwed over Anna & Alex who got them the place.

    Good riddance! >:D

  10. Thanks for the comments above chaps.
    But again all of us are in that group of the 'handful of members' or 'basket of dependables'.
    Iloner said,"BUT we can't post into a vacuum or we may as well not post at all."
    And that is exactly how I am feeling at the moment, I feel like I may as well be talking to the wall.
    I have no idea what the answers are for this situation?
    I just wish some of the newer members, and the old lot, would get involved on the forum!


  11. Just when I was about to say that M & H have been very quiet recently. Last night Veronica visited again. It turned into the usual 'squirt-fest'
    At this moment Darcie,wearing black fishnet stockings, and her bloke are visiting M & H.
    Both couples have had a warm-up quickie session earlier in the day so not sure if anything will kick off?
    And as we have seen before, Darcie has opted out of some of Henry's advances at previous gatherings.

    Looks like the Bear is well up for it ! :D


  12. Thanks for the response guys,I looked in earlier and there were no responses at all, that pissed me off like you wouldn't believe! ;D
    Only a short time ago I would've expected to,as Rubberman said,"better be wearing a bullet proof vest", because various members such as the much missed BTR & Toolmaker et al, would have waded in with some, shall we say, pithy' comments to say the least.
    I agree with what you have said about the state of the various Voyeur sites. I can tell when VHtv have sent a memo out for the tenants to raise their game. This week the memo must have said, "do stuff in front of the free cams." because there has been a rash of that.
    But my main rant and anger is towards the membership of this forum who,for whatever reasons don't seem to want to get involved.But sadly I feel that it is the same handful of members contributing anything to this forum.
    I wouldn't mind if we were all a bunch of horrible,volatile tossers,but we are not, and those that are don't last long.How many times have we all helped Newbies by answering questions? I managed to shoot myself in the foot and feel betrayed that one Newbie PM'd me to ask,"what is CC?" so I told him/her and gave a link.
    That member is now over there contributing regularly, and we have not seen him/her over here since.
    Sure,it is not compulsory to join in, but if I were the owner of this site I would be questioning if it were viable to continue running it.
    So to get back to the focus of this rant, I suppose is Use it or Lose it !

  13. I don't know about you but I find all this depressing.

    When I used to come onto this forum at this time of night/morning usually there would be numerous members around the place whether they were in the Chatbox ( the late night 'Usual Suspects') or reading the fan pages etc.
    When I logged in just now; 7 Members, 2 Anonymous, 20 Guests. ( and that includes me,obvs)
    I have tried to gee-up folks to get involved,post stuff,write up what you have seen & lets discuss it seriously or just for shits & giggles etc.
    But no, the majority of our membership can't be bothered, all take & no give.It is no wonder that our members have either vanished or jumped ship to CC.

    For instance out of the 33 sections of this forum, only 11 have any sort of input since the start of the weekend.
    2 of those are off topic,'need a laugh' & 'world outside'. (I have not included StnCld316's admin stuff.)
    I have no idea what is going on in RLC-land,but clearly nothing worth talking about has happened?
    Meanwhile in my usual hang out the VHtv section, there has been a weekend full of parties,orgies,swapping,threesomes,foursomes & moresomes.
    New faces,some old faces,all manner of incidents,some good,some bad.
    The very cute Darcie gets her own apartment & screws all weekend dressed in lingerie etc.
    Absolutely nothing has been reported.I warned last week that I was sick of doing most of the spade-work, that I was tired of getting nothing back.

    I have now come to the conclusion that this forum is fucked.

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