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Posts posted by Plank

  1. I wasn't going to rise to this,you would need bigger bait & a bigger boat.
    Of course it's Fake ! Seriously are people really still having this debate about these voyeur type sites? Sex sells and this is the adult entertainment industry & they are performers.
    They get paid more dependent on how many clicks on that apartment & how many people watch it for long periods.
    They probably get a bonus if the internet melts e.g. the Masha,Sasha,Tk & TkW.
    I have seen the VHtv and VV tenants sit down and plan what activities they are going to do.
    Lady Leora is one of RLC's longest serving tenants. Do you think she would still be there if she wasn't pulling in the viewers?
    She knows what works & what times to perform to reach the most viewers.
    The thing with M & S and Lady Leora is they are consistent.
    There will always be something going on there,naked yoga,naked ironing whatever.
    I have said this before about Masha, and the same goes for Leora.
    Both of them have nothing to prove to anyone!

  2. 12 hours ago, tharkibwj said:

    They are swingers Plank and the guests are swingers too. They have loads of money and they don't need VH really to boost their income. They are here to have fun. ( Source - A Russian speaking member at CC )

    Thanks for the info, I am aware of this,however I don't have a problem with their lifestyle. I do have a problem with the level of aggression shown by the guys towards the girls.

  3. Last nights shindig was interesting, if I can call it that. A Fivesome....sort of.
    A couple & their mate, I will call him Plus 1, joined E & I for a romp.
    I have no doubt that some of the VH fans will be saying that 'it was a classic' etc, it started off well in the BR with the two girls warming each other up whilst the guys stayed downstairs. After a while the girls went downstairs & it all kicked off,quickly moving up to the BR.
    But for me again I didn't like the way the girls were treated,it was like watching a porn movie, the guys forcing the girls heads down to 'lick this','suck that'.
    Now ok I get it,the build up and antici.....pation,heat of the moment,passions,excitement & Adrenalin, & a little something on the side to have a whiff at. (yeah we saw that,it was a bit blatant)
    What was clear was that there was no way Isaac was going to let either of those guys screw Ella.Sucking Ok, Fuc*ing no way!
    Plus 1 made a move in her direction & was stopped by Isaac, Ella seemed a bit disappointed & confused that Isaac had brought this rule into play.
    The other dark haired girl was smashed by her guy & Plus 1,she wasn't complaining but she will be sore today.
    The evening drew to a close & everyone went to their beds, the dark haired girl & her guy went at it again.

    As I said above, I am prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt, but this is too organised &/or staged for my tastes. Maybe they have been penciled in to be the new Anna & Alex? I doubt it Anna was always more subtle than this when organising a party night.


  4. 1 hour ago, Robwin said:


    Ella i don't think was that keen on many of the goings on and by her expression was wondering what the fuck am i getting into here lol.


    And by the look of that balcony it wouldn't take much for some of them to get over excited and go ass over tit over it crashing to the floor below....Just a thought.


    I agree mate,have a look at the Ella & Issac bit for my comments on last nights shindig.

    That balcony would terrifies me & all you need is someone a bit drunk or disorientated and.........

  5. I posted a pic in Zoi & Tim's page on Dec19th of a dark haired guest girl getting dressed in the kitchen.
    Looks to me as though that girl is Lina or Dominica?
    After watching last night events I would say that they are a Lesbian couple,but I don't want to label,stereotype or assume.They just might be extremely good friends?
    I have no doubt that Tim will soon visit to empty the fridge & see if he can get any extra portions if there is a chance.


  6. So Anastasia & Rock have returned in a new apartment.But still this apartment is confusion.

    According to the menu Em is in A & R's bedroom,wrong Nyusha is in there and has been entertaining a guy very well for the last few nights.

    On the Menu it says Nyusha,wrong Rapunzel can be found in there mainly sleeping, as I have said before, she seems like a nice girl, but who knows what she is doing there,apart from shuffling between the kitchen & back to the bedroom & back to sleep?

    Poor Em & Sid are still on the sofa-bed in the LR, grabbing any private moments when they can between one of the other housemates & friends interrupting them.

    This place needs sorting out soon.

  7. Nice to see Drew & Bree getting back to their old selves now that A & A and L & P are out of the apartment.

    I was going to say that it might be interesting if they invite some of their friends around,not friends of A & A's, but I think that Drew & Bree might have given up on swinging/swapping etc.

    And I blame Misty (and maybe Nyusha) for it!

  8. On 1/14/2018 at 12:11 AM, Sam Cuddly said:

    That is an especially nice picture.

    Thanks for the comment about the pic Sam,I appreciate it. I try to post pics that have some sort of an erotic or humourous flavour, rather than something that looks like a butchers shop window display, or a page from a Sexual Health clinics handbook.
    (need to send one of those to Misty, yeah I said it! What's the count now 40 that we know about. Yuuuuckkk!)
    Have a look at my latest Linda pics,you might like them too. :)

  9. Is there a need for a General Comments section for VHtv?
    I am thinking that there might be.
    Earlier I made some comments in Ella & Isaac's page that are pertinent them, but also at the wider VHtv platform/community.
    I was thinking that it would be nice to have a General stuff page where bits of information could be posted,discussions could be had that weren't specific to a particular apartment.
    For instance quite a few of the tenants are friends with each other, Nina,Alan & Serena are mates with Edda & Joe.
    So if something is going on with Edda & Joe at Nina's or with Nina where does that write-up get posted. Nina's page or Edda's page or both?
    We have quite a few overlaps now when it comes to these apartment tenants crossing over with each other.
    Just a suggestion,what do you think Vhtv lovers, good idea,crap,waste of space or what?

  10. As new tenants to the project I am always prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt until they have settled in.
    So it was nice to see that on their first night a session started in the bedroom in night vision (mole sex). Soon Isaac decided to stop that nonsense & switch the lights. Great start,no hiding.
    Yesterday saw some sort of pre-arranged threesome. Ella got her self ready in the bathroom,nice little black lacy number.
    Issac & his 'friend' sat downstairs chatting. They were called by Ella,in the bedroom it wasn't long before the massage of Ella started by the two guys.
    Pretty quickly the other guy had his hands & fingers exploring Ella fully, and soon enough both guys were getting sucked, the other guy was 'face-fucking' Ella & came on her tits. Isaac seemed a bit below par,spooked by the event? But not enough to stop him doing what his friend did.
    I will be honest,I didn't find it horny to watch. I found it a bit abusive if I'm honest. I didn't like seeing Ella being used as a sex-doll.
    Ok maybe that was a one off,benefit of the doubt again.It's up to them,their life etc etc. I suppose that is my issue that I will have to deal with,so what, move on.
    However today we have seen a similar scenario with another random guy getting to massage Ella,no finger penetration or BJ today,maybe he will return for an upgrade at some point?
    We are all aware that often these 'events' are staged to help the tenants boost their viewing figures & thereby earn more money, I don't have a problem with that.
    But I am not happy at the way VHtv is going if these 'staged sexual performance' type of activities are going to be the norm for these apartments with cam-girls & porn performers like some of the tenants.
    Vhtv need to be careful not to slide too far down that road after all there are plenty of cam girls & porn out there for free.

  11. Dayyyuuuummm ! This girl has got it all !
    I am not usually a fan of 'cam girls' on these sites,but I am willing to make an exception in her case!
    The way she screws him is fabulous! When she orgasms she pulls some faces, she looks like a 1970's stadium rock bands lead guitarist in mid solo!
    A every outfit she wears looks great !

    Sexy Secretary




    Burlesque Secretary?






    Orange Lacy Baywatch?






  12. Anastasia & Rock have returned in a smaller place. The camera's,angles,positioning & focus need fine tuning though.
    A little house warming party ensued with Anna & Alex,Dean & Candy & Lexy & Pete.The drink went down and it seemed to be generating into the usual affair.
    Bizarre bit for me was Pete letting Dean have a good grope & suck of & Lexy's tits,I think Pete & Dean would have been happy for this session to have continued,but Lexy in English said, "we should go home now."
    By the time A & A and L & P had left,Anastasia was drunk  & sexily dancing in her underwear with Candy.
    Rock intervened in his parental role & tried to get Anastasia to behave. She did until there was only her & Candy on the LR sofa. She launched herself into Candy,kissing her,both lost there bra's, more passionate kissing & Anastasia had her hand down Candy's pants. They stopped themselves,and went to find Dean & Rock.

    Rock in his usual way wanted to control Anastasia again,Dean was very drunk and waiting to see what was happening and fell asleep.
    Anastasia was horny & dancing for Rock sitting in front of the camera, we got a great view of Anastasia's sexy dancing,obscured by his back! >:(
    Candy tried in vain to wake Dean and I thought everything was winding down for the night........wrong!
    Anastasia,Rock & Candy went into the bedroom for a threesome,I didn't expect that. Although A & R's first night at the old place ended in a threesome with Nyusha.
    I had hoped that Candy & Anastasia would go at it,because it was obvious that they were both horny for each other,but a threesome with Rock? Wow!
    I hope there is a return fixture this evening!

  13. @VoyeurHouseTV's Twitter said;
    11 hours ago

    When @MirawithHenry have a rest.
    This evening time to intrigue. #Lady in #red waiting for a somebody.
    Vera, i wish to voyeur some #hot scenes with you...

    Well turned out to be a #redherring didn't it.
    Vera was wearing red,very nice,then she grew bored of waiting. Ate food,had a bath,did her hair,watched tv,ate more food,went to bed.
    That is all, no need to look through the time-line,I've saved you the time.








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