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Posts posted by Plank

  1. Part 2 of the above.
    I said, " & they have reverted to their previous behaviours."
    Once again another incident, yeah I know, that was quick !

    Sid sulking,hitting walls,slamming his hand on the kitchen table.If this was meant to frighten Em & prove some sort of macho bullshit it failed.
    Em lost it,slammed the kitchen table herself then smacked Sid upside his face, hard.
    Of course he responded by locking himself in the bathroom & blocking the door.
    If this was Em giving this asshole yet another chance,surely she knows that this relationship is done.
    Sid is not wired-up properly, I seriously think he has mental health problems.
    Em also does her best to ignore Pete & Lexy,I can appreciate that she was not happy when they were parachuted in to rescue this failing apartment.
    I don't buy the VHtv excuse that 'L & P are only there until their new place is ready'
    It is a big mistake to treat L & P like this, they are very popular with the viewers.
    They are a smart,cool couple, they get on with everyone,they know how to party, and they could have turned into really good friends to Em, especially at this time.
    So, Em has to decide if stands by Sid, or gets rid.But Sid has to go,permanently !Unfortunately if she is not prepared to do that she has to go too.
    I think that Anna & Alex will make that decision for them very soon anyway.
    I like Em,but this farce has to stop.

  2. A foursome at Jerar & Whitney's.
    You would expect that I would have lots to say on the subject & lots of pics.
    Not this time.
    Whitney is grade A fake and that is all you need to know.
    Two questions. Why the f*** did she agree to be part of VHtv?
    And why the f*** does Jerar tolerate this horrible brat?
    Get shot of them now.

    PS. The guests were great. Keep them get rid of J & W


  3. Drew & Tara go on leave? Tara is out of the project.
    And Bree is left alone in the apartment to stew.
    Ok she might welcome some peace & quiet & space.
    But when I had a look in earlier she was sobbing into a pillow.

    I adore Bree, but I never want to see this beautiful,vibrant,sexy woman in that state.
    I am worried as to what is going on with her at the moment.

  4. Sid has gone apparently! I don't know if Em & Sid have split up but I hope so?
    Em is too young to have to play the 'mother role' to that man-child.
    I understand that their managers Anna & Alex have run out of patience with him,however Em has  been given an ultimatum allegedly, to prove her worth by the 10th May. 

    I think is a disgusting directive to issue to this beautiful young woman who has had a hard time dealing with Sid.

    So it looks like Em has obeyed the directive and brought Sia & her boyfriend and Bob in for the weekend whist Pete & Lexy were at Bree's.
    Sia & Bf obliged us with a couple of undercover sessions, and after a protracted wait, Bob finally got into Em.
    I really feel sorry for Em,it is not her fault that she has been trapped with a pathetic individual like Sid,who every time was under any pressure either opts out of real life and escapes into a video game. Or bursts into tears & hides in the toilet until 'mummy is not angry any more'. Or worse threatens to harm/kill himself.He should never have been brought into the project in the first place! We all knew what he was like long before they came to this apartment.


  5. Not very much to report from the other nights party really, but I think it's worth sharing some pics and comments.
    I liked seeing the relationship between this group of friends,really enjoying each others company,Heather seemed to fit it very nicely.
    Although I do have my concerns about Tara, and Drew seems to have gone from being a cool, fun guy to Mr.Grumpy at the moment. Bree & Lexy spent a long time discussing stuff, I wonder if some of that was the subject of Drew?

    A drunk 'Lil Heather, the pocket rocket kept everyone entertained,especially Pete.She also changed outfits three times.
    Heather flirts with Pete and tries to speak a little English.

    Pete makes a move on Heather while Lexy talks to Dean in the kitchen and grumpy Drew eats.

    Things eventually got going with a dare card game,two teams of the girls versus the boys & Heather, who by this point of the party didn't have a clue what was going on.
    Tara was a pain in the ass. She passed out on the LR sofa in the middle of the party & despite encouragement from Bree for her to go to the bedroom she didn't.
    Which meant that the party had to revolve around her spread out on the sofa.
    As the rest of the group get to grips with the game,Pete gets to grips with Heather.

    The dare was something about Candy having to kiss all the other players.Heather takes this as an instruction to take her clothes off?
    Everyone finds it funny,except grumpy Drew, Pete signals to Lexy that it's nothing to do with him.



    Candy kisses Heather.

    The kiss between Candy & Lexy went on for longer than it needed to,Dean & Heather noticed.

    I noticed that Dean & Candy and Drew vanished from the cams to somewhere within the apartment for the best part of an hour?
    They didn't leave the apartment as on their return they were still dressed as they were when they vanished?
    Meanwhile Lexy & Bree carry on talking as Pete gets stuck into Heather.


    Pete gets in a pile with Bree,Lex & Candy,lucky sod!

    Lexy & Heather kiss as Dean & Candy chat.A little while later Heather returns the favour & gives Pete a bj assisted by Lexy.


    The Twitter announcement  last week said that they were going away for a week starting 28th. It's now early hours of the 30th and Bree is asleep on the sofa in the LR?


  6. 9 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    Way too many apartments to attempt to follow or even to just peek in to see "what's happening". Too many constant changes to tenants coming or going or inter-mingling to even bother with. Not one apartment is good enough to be a "go-to", in my opinion.


    Lucky I'm here matey, to keep you folks up to speed. Please pay attention, there will be a written exam at the end of term.

  7. On 4/26/2018 at 8:30 PM, Robwin said:

    I see this as an act of desperation as I think Mira & Henry's star is slowly on the wane. They have had no comments on CC for almost a week now and to be honest I am beginning to to find them a big boring. Too much of a good thing can become just too much sometimes. I have always found it strange that Darcie will never let him near her lol.

    Yes mate,I said something similar in VH General Chat section;" ,dare I say,since they have become 'managers' they have gone a bit boring." As soon as I said it they had a foursome...typical. ::)

    The view from the new Kitchen cam 1.......?

    Although there is still 'maintenance' on the apartment menu, it is online.


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