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  1. Like
    Plank got a reaction from reallifecamfan51 in Write it up!   
    @CowArt & @ Bobbil have got it spot on. I am talking about interesting stuff that would benefit the forum, e.g Nicole's fits....no I said fits!  A serious issue that has caused some concern for some members.
    I honestly don't give a flying one about Sphinx the Cat, the only reason I brought that subject up was I was concerned that it had been smuggled across borders,but that was answered thanks to @fray .
    I did not suggest that it should be compulsory to write stuff up,or to read it ,it's your choice. But it is a forum and the fan pages are going the same way as the Gallery,downhill.
    Or do we all think we should scrap all the Fan pages etc and just have a Chatbox? It would certainly make life easier for the Mods & Admin.
  2. Like
    Plank got a reaction from reallifecamfan51 in Write it up!   
    I'm a bit busy with stuff at the moment, so I try drop in to see what is going on.......if anything.
    If you take a look down the Fan Page index you will notice that there is very little activity on most of the pages with a few exceptions. ( I have moaned about this before)
    Meanwhile in the Chatbox the conversations go on, but if you miss that conversation you end up not knowing the details and being 'out of the loop'. Then you have to ask someone what happened etc, people have start relaying the details, raking over coals etc...which is fine most people are accommodating and will assist. But it can be a ball-ache at times.
    For instance; tonight I dropped in and noticed a great piece of chat from our esteemed friend Philo about Dasha. It went like this;
    "Some apartments have learned how to fly under the radar. Dasha and Demid for example, attract little attention because they don't present a lot of nudity and sex but there seems to be more going on there than most for the observant voyeur. Dasha's latest male visitor has learned how to turn off the lights and to disengage the infra red cameras.
    I just watched a shift change at Dasha's.
    Male guests and Dasha have been going back and fourth to the patio all afternoon. They leave and two new guys come in and Demid goes to bed after being introduced.
    Dasha took a shower and changed from her classic shorts to a fresh pair of shorts with no panties. While the new guest wait, she puts on her coat and invites the two new guys to the patio. The are out there for almost half and hour. They return without speaking while Dasha goes to the bathroom without closing the door and brushes her teeth.
    When she returns from the bathroom, they say good bye to one guy and he leaves while the new guy beds down on the sofa for the night.
    As they come back from the patio, the new guy appears to be watching a replay of something on his phone while Dasha is watching something on her phone at the same time.
    The new guy has disabled the infrared camera in the hallway and in the bathroom at Dasha's
    Although Demid and the new guy seemed to be meeting for the first time, the new guy immediately took charge of the kitchen and started preparing something to eat without asking and went to get his own bed linen for the sofa without any assistance or involvement from Dasha. When he said good by to the other male guest, he seemed to be in the role of the host rather than as a guest. Looks like Demid is being cuckolded again?"
    A great piece of observation by Philo, I think you would agree. But I have noticed similar events by others in the Chatbox that never get written up, but why not write it up in the Fan Pages so we can all be informed & be made aware of such stuff? Thereby we can all keep an eye out for any further events,intrigue,shenanigans or fall-out etc? We can then add to that fan page with our thoughts & observations and so it goes,and so it goes,and so it goes.......
  3. Like
    Plank got a reaction from CowArt in Write it up!   
    @CowArt & @ Bobbil have got it spot on. I am talking about interesting stuff that would benefit the forum, e.g Nicole's fits....no I said fits!  A serious issue that has caused some concern for some members.
    I honestly don't give a flying one about Sphinx the Cat, the only reason I brought that subject up was I was concerned that it had been smuggled across borders,but that was answered thanks to @fray .
    I did not suggest that it should be compulsory to write stuff up,or to read it ,it's your choice. But it is a forum and the fan pages are going the same way as the Gallery,downhill.
    Or do we all think we should scrap all the Fan pages etc and just have a Chatbox? It would certainly make life easier for the Mods & Admin.
  4. Like
    Plank reacted to StnCld316 in Fan Page Nicole   
    The only real thing RLC cares about is the $$$$$$$$$.
    I do agree she should be sent home to be looked after.  She's definitely not doing herself any good by staying with the project.  Health is more important.
  5. Like
    Plank reacted to Harry1949 in Fan Page Nicole   
    CowArt I have to agree. No contract is worth your health. Go get the treatment you need and return later for another Tour. Best wishes to Nicole. I was warming up to her as well. 
  6. Like
    Plank reacted to CowArt in Fan Page Nicole   
    This morning Nicole had her second big seizure. That makes three in total, counting the very minor one she had in the living room Wednesday evening.
    So far, the only indication RLC has given that they are aware of the situation is they cut this morning's episode from replay. Sofie and Nicole went out this morning, Sofie came back alone 15 minutes later. We can only hope she escorted Nicole downstairs for someone waiting in a car to get her the (medical) attention she needs. This afternoon's UM at B2 could have had something to do with Nicole, but we can't tell for sure. Nothing in her room was touched during the UM.
    During her first big seizure, she hurt her eye badly. Reportedly, during this morning's seizure she fell out of bed head first, and hurt her face again. On both occasions she was relatively safe in bed when it started. You don't want to think of what can happen if she has one while leaning over the balcony railing, or walking down a flight of stairs.
    I wasn't Nicole's biggest fan on her first tour, but I'm liking her this time around. I would really like to see a happy, healthy Nicole for a couple more weeks, but I believe at this point she would be better off at home, with friends and family. Not in some apartment far away from home with a bunch of perverts watching her.
  7. Like
    Plank reacted to Bobbil in Write it up!   
    @CowArt I think you're interpreting Plank just right. Description of interesting stuff would be good reading, unlike opinions of who should be ejected.
  8. Like
    Plank reacted to CowArt in Write it up!   
    Maybe I'm interpreting @Plank's message wrong, but I don't believe he asking for all sorts of theories to be dreamed up, or everyone to express their opinions about why Nina's cat always lick it's left front paw first instead of the right...
    It would be nice if something actually happened in an apartment, something would be posted in a fan page. Not everyone is watching RLC 24/7 and not everyone has access to replay. Even if you do have replay, where to start? 24 hours of video from roughly 200 cameras. A lot gets posted in the chatbox, but that lost it's archive-option after the update of the forum software last year, so it's impossible to go back (well, not impossible, you just need to ask everyone to shut up for half an hour and click on "load more" a million times, since that resets every time a new message gets posted).
    For instance: Paramedics showed up at T&W earlier this week. I wanted to go read what happened, 12 hours after the fact, but not a single shred of information to be found. Nicole had a second big seizure this morning, about 11 hours ago. Nothing on her fan page. 
  9. Like
    Plank got a reaction from delta10 in Write it up!   
    I'm a bit busy with stuff at the moment, so I try drop in to see what is going on.......if anything.
    If you take a look down the Fan Page index you will notice that there is very little activity on most of the pages with a few exceptions. ( I have moaned about this before)
    Meanwhile in the Chatbox the conversations go on, but if you miss that conversation you end up not knowing the details and being 'out of the loop'. Then you have to ask someone what happened etc, people have start relaying the details, raking over coals etc...which is fine most people are accommodating and will assist. But it can be a ball-ache at times.
    For instance; tonight I dropped in and noticed a great piece of chat from our esteemed friend Philo about Dasha. It went like this;
    "Some apartments have learned how to fly under the radar. Dasha and Demid for example, attract little attention because they don't present a lot of nudity and sex but there seems to be more going on there than most for the observant voyeur. Dasha's latest male visitor has learned how to turn off the lights and to disengage the infra red cameras.
    I just watched a shift change at Dasha's.
    Male guests and Dasha have been going back and fourth to the patio all afternoon. They leave and two new guys come in and Demid goes to bed after being introduced.
    Dasha took a shower and changed from her classic shorts to a fresh pair of shorts with no panties. While the new guest wait, she puts on her coat and invites the two new guys to the patio. The are out there for almost half and hour. They return without speaking while Dasha goes to the bathroom without closing the door and brushes her teeth.
    When she returns from the bathroom, they say good bye to one guy and he leaves while the new guy beds down on the sofa for the night.
    As they come back from the patio, the new guy appears to be watching a replay of something on his phone while Dasha is watching something on her phone at the same time.
    The new guy has disabled the infrared camera in the hallway and in the bathroom at Dasha's
    Although Demid and the new guy seemed to be meeting for the first time, the new guy immediately took charge of the kitchen and started preparing something to eat without asking and went to get his own bed linen for the sofa without any assistance or involvement from Dasha. When he said good by to the other male guest, he seemed to be in the role of the host rather than as a guest. Looks like Demid is being cuckolded again?"
    A great piece of observation by Philo, I think you would agree. But I have noticed similar events by others in the Chatbox that never get written up, but why not write it up in the Fan Pages so we can all be informed & be made aware of such stuff? Thereby we can all keep an eye out for any further events,intrigue,shenanigans or fall-out etc? We can then add to that fan page with our thoughts & observations and so it goes,and so it goes,and so it goes.......
  10. Like
    Plank got a reaction from delta10 in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Yesterday, Masha cleaning the apartment in a 'naughty maid' outfit. It works for me!
    Yesterday's pics and the one from today, also prove the cat is still there, it has not gone back with Dasha or disappeared & is very much alive, & all is well in Casa Masha.



  11. Like
    Plank reacted to TBird97 in Fan Page Nicole   
    I'm at a loss. Clearly, Nicole had an epileptic episode. This means that she may have another one at any time. There is no cure and the causes are unknown. Constant medication can keep it in check.
    So why hasn't Nicole been sent home where relatives and doctors can keep an eye on her?
    Instead, RLC has put her in her former bedroom by herself. Not the best of ideas taking her illness into account.
  12. Like
    Plank got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in Write it up!   
    I'm a bit busy with stuff at the moment, so I try drop in to see what is going on.......if anything.
    If you take a look down the Fan Page index you will notice that there is very little activity on most of the pages with a few exceptions. ( I have moaned about this before)
    Meanwhile in the Chatbox the conversations go on, but if you miss that conversation you end up not knowing the details and being 'out of the loop'. Then you have to ask someone what happened etc, people have start relaying the details, raking over coals etc...which is fine most people are accommodating and will assist. But it can be a ball-ache at times.
    For instance; tonight I dropped in and noticed a great piece of chat from our esteemed friend Philo about Dasha. It went like this;
    "Some apartments have learned how to fly under the radar. Dasha and Demid for example, attract little attention because they don't present a lot of nudity and sex but there seems to be more going on there than most for the observant voyeur. Dasha's latest male visitor has learned how to turn off the lights and to disengage the infra red cameras.
    I just watched a shift change at Dasha's.
    Male guests and Dasha have been going back and fourth to the patio all afternoon. They leave and two new guys come in and Demid goes to bed after being introduced.
    Dasha took a shower and changed from her classic shorts to a fresh pair of shorts with no panties. While the new guest wait, she puts on her coat and invites the two new guys to the patio. The are out there for almost half and hour. They return without speaking while Dasha goes to the bathroom without closing the door and brushes her teeth.
    When she returns from the bathroom, they say good bye to one guy and he leaves while the new guy beds down on the sofa for the night.
    As they come back from the patio, the new guy appears to be watching a replay of something on his phone while Dasha is watching something on her phone at the same time.
    The new guy has disabled the infrared camera in the hallway and in the bathroom at Dasha's
    Although Demid and the new guy seemed to be meeting for the first time, the new guy immediately took charge of the kitchen and started preparing something to eat without asking and went to get his own bed linen for the sofa without any assistance or involvement from Dasha. When he said good by to the other male guest, he seemed to be in the role of the host rather than as a guest. Looks like Demid is being cuckolded again?"
    A great piece of observation by Philo, I think you would agree. But I have noticed similar events by others in the Chatbox that never get written up, but why not write it up in the Fan Pages so we can all be informed & be made aware of such stuff? Thereby we can all keep an eye out for any further events,intrigue,shenanigans or fall-out etc? We can then add to that fan page with our thoughts & observations and so it goes,and so it goes,and so it goes.......
  13. Like
    Plank got a reaction from vulcan in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    I missed the first group session at A & A's last night,but saw the later one, I will come back to it,bear with....
    There seems to be suggestion that Alex was in the dog-house for some reason,speculation that he had cheated on her etc etc.
    Two nights ago I spotted Alex and his mate Dean at Chloe & James' place. It was clear to me what their intentions were.
    The drinks were going down,a game of clothed Twister started. I could see that Chloe & her friend were uncomfortable with this but they were playing along.
    Although both girls broke up the momentum of things as often as they could. (bathroom break,smoke break etc)
    Chloe must have phoned/texted someone.
    A second game of Twister started, with various winks,nods & gestures between Alex & Dean. Dean encouraged the drinking, while Alex sat the game out but controlled the Twister spinner that directs play.
    He was obviously rigging the game, 'left foot red circle....oh dear Dean seems to have his face in Chloe's crotch'. The game finished and more drinks & smoke breaks. Alex & Dean are having a lads conversation, obviously trying to work out their next move.
    At that point two male friends arrive, Chloe looked very,very relieved! Alex & Dean knew their plans were blown and quickly left the building.
    On to last night. (might have been easier to do this with captions on the pics? Do try & keep up.)
    The Cast, Anna & Alex, this dark haired girl (DG1) who was involved in the group session earlier (see above). Another dark haired smaller girl (DG2) who seems to be a friend of Anna's, who opted out of the action.
    And a short haired guy (SH) who I have never seen before, but Anna clearly likes.
    It seemed that everyone was waiting for DG2 to go to bed in A & A's room. Once she did it quickly kicked off.
    Dean was with DG1 in the kitchen. Meanwhile in the lounge Anna is getting to grips with Alex & SH, and they are getting to grips with her.
    Just as everything is getting interesting,Dean & DG1 walk into the room, but it is clear that this is Anna's party & they leave the room & go to the bathroom, everyone trying not to wake up DG2.
    Maybe I am wrong but,I have seen Anna do most things with other guy's, but I have never seen Alex allow anyone to fuck Anna but him. That changed last night when Alex handed her a condom for SH.
    SH was screwing Anna as she sucks Alex, they then swapped. In the middle of all this Dean & DG1 enter the room, it is clear that A & A and SH don't care they are going to continue.
    Dean & DG1 get involved by themselves as Anna's threesome continues. Alex keeps leaving the room, Anna doesn't care she's having a great time with SH.
    Alex's turn with Anna, and it seems that he has a point to prove. We have all seen A & A going at it hardcore, but he starts hammering Anna, the hard slaps on her arse start going in whilst Anna is blowing SH.
    The aggressive fucking noises even attracted the attention of Dean & DG1 who wanted to see what the hell was going on. Alex was smashing Anna!
    Not sure if DG1 decided that she wanted some of that action, or if she trying to rescue Anna from the pummeling? She got involved, leaving Dean a spare part.
    Anna couldn't handle anymore & got Alex to stop, so he turned his attention the DG1.He smashed her as well! The noises DG1 was making I'm not sure if it was a massive orgasm, or if Alex had penetrated a lung!!
    SH went to fuck DG1 while Alex returned to Anna, but you could tell that the girls were done! But there was still time for an impromptu demonstration of how to deep throat.

  14. Like
    Plank got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in Voyeur Villa   
    I think it is official now that nobody knows what the fuck is going on at V V, not even them!
    Volga has been a shambles for a while, mis-matched or wrong choice of tenants. Nikita seems to have vanished,Greg & Inna seem to be living there, yet the apartment menu still has Mona's name up there?
    Meanwhile whenever I look in at V V apartments there are empty rooms,nothing going on at all. The only source of possible intrigue is GreenWood, will Ivo & Sonia and Lex & Iris ever swap partners.....probably not.
    V V updated their site last week and ever since it has been chaos,stuff doesn't work,people can not log in,cams don't load & it goes on & on. And V V are expecting their customers to send them screen grabs so they can try to work out what the hell is going on,but when the customers do send an email to 'support',  no-one responds.
    They really need to get there act together and fast.
  15. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in Voyeur Villa   
  16. Like
    Plank got a reaction from texl01 in Write it up!   
    I'm a bit busy with stuff at the moment, so I try drop in to see what is going on.......if anything.
    If you take a look down the Fan Page index you will notice that there is very little activity on most of the pages with a few exceptions. ( I have moaned about this before)
    Meanwhile in the Chatbox the conversations go on, but if you miss that conversation you end up not knowing the details and being 'out of the loop'. Then you have to ask someone what happened etc, people have start relaying the details, raking over coals etc...which is fine most people are accommodating and will assist. But it can be a ball-ache at times.
    For instance; tonight I dropped in and noticed a great piece of chat from our esteemed friend Philo about Dasha. It went like this;
    "Some apartments have learned how to fly under the radar. Dasha and Demid for example, attract little attention because they don't present a lot of nudity and sex but there seems to be more going on there than most for the observant voyeur. Dasha's latest male visitor has learned how to turn off the lights and to disengage the infra red cameras.
    I just watched a shift change at Dasha's.
    Male guests and Dasha have been going back and fourth to the patio all afternoon. They leave and two new guys come in and Demid goes to bed after being introduced.
    Dasha took a shower and changed from her classic shorts to a fresh pair of shorts with no panties. While the new guest wait, she puts on her coat and invites the two new guys to the patio. The are out there for almost half and hour. They return without speaking while Dasha goes to the bathroom without closing the door and brushes her teeth.
    When she returns from the bathroom, they say good bye to one guy and he leaves while the new guy beds down on the sofa for the night.
    As they come back from the patio, the new guy appears to be watching a replay of something on his phone while Dasha is watching something on her phone at the same time.
    The new guy has disabled the infrared camera in the hallway and in the bathroom at Dasha's
    Although Demid and the new guy seemed to be meeting for the first time, the new guy immediately took charge of the kitchen and started preparing something to eat without asking and went to get his own bed linen for the sofa without any assistance or involvement from Dasha. When he said good by to the other male guest, he seemed to be in the role of the host rather than as a guest. Looks like Demid is being cuckolded again?"
    A great piece of observation by Philo, I think you would agree. But I have noticed similar events by others in the Chatbox that never get written up, but why not write it up in the Fan Pages so we can all be informed & be made aware of such stuff? Thereby we can all keep an eye out for any further events,intrigue,shenanigans or fall-out etc? We can then add to that fan page with our thoughts & observations and so it goes,and so it goes,and so it goes.......
  17. Like
    Plank got a reaction from CowArt in Write it up!   
    I'm a bit busy with stuff at the moment, so I try drop in to see what is going on.......if anything.
    If you take a look down the Fan Page index you will notice that there is very little activity on most of the pages with a few exceptions. ( I have moaned about this before)
    Meanwhile in the Chatbox the conversations go on, but if you miss that conversation you end up not knowing the details and being 'out of the loop'. Then you have to ask someone what happened etc, people have start relaying the details, raking over coals etc...which is fine most people are accommodating and will assist. But it can be a ball-ache at times.
    For instance; tonight I dropped in and noticed a great piece of chat from our esteemed friend Philo about Dasha. It went like this;
    "Some apartments have learned how to fly under the radar. Dasha and Demid for example, attract little attention because they don't present a lot of nudity and sex but there seems to be more going on there than most for the observant voyeur. Dasha's latest male visitor has learned how to turn off the lights and to disengage the infra red cameras.
    I just watched a shift change at Dasha's.
    Male guests and Dasha have been going back and fourth to the patio all afternoon. They leave and two new guys come in and Demid goes to bed after being introduced.
    Dasha took a shower and changed from her classic shorts to a fresh pair of shorts with no panties. While the new guest wait, she puts on her coat and invites the two new guys to the patio. The are out there for almost half and hour. They return without speaking while Dasha goes to the bathroom without closing the door and brushes her teeth.
    When she returns from the bathroom, they say good bye to one guy and he leaves while the new guy beds down on the sofa for the night.
    As they come back from the patio, the new guy appears to be watching a replay of something on his phone while Dasha is watching something on her phone at the same time.
    The new guy has disabled the infrared camera in the hallway and in the bathroom at Dasha's
    Although Demid and the new guy seemed to be meeting for the first time, the new guy immediately took charge of the kitchen and started preparing something to eat without asking and went to get his own bed linen for the sofa without any assistance or involvement from Dasha. When he said good by to the other male guest, he seemed to be in the role of the host rather than as a guest. Looks like Demid is being cuckolded again?"
    A great piece of observation by Philo, I think you would agree. But I have noticed similar events by others in the Chatbox that never get written up, but why not write it up in the Fan Pages so we can all be informed & be made aware of such stuff? Thereby we can all keep an eye out for any further events,intrigue,shenanigans or fall-out etc? We can then add to that fan page with our thoughts & observations and so it goes,and so it goes,and so it goes.......
  18. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Bobbil in Write it up!   
    I'm a bit busy with stuff at the moment, so I try drop in to see what is going on.......if anything.
    If you take a look down the Fan Page index you will notice that there is very little activity on most of the pages with a few exceptions. ( I have moaned about this before)
    Meanwhile in the Chatbox the conversations go on, but if you miss that conversation you end up not knowing the details and being 'out of the loop'. Then you have to ask someone what happened etc, people have start relaying the details, raking over coals etc...which is fine most people are accommodating and will assist. But it can be a ball-ache at times.
    For instance; tonight I dropped in and noticed a great piece of chat from our esteemed friend Philo about Dasha. It went like this;
    "Some apartments have learned how to fly under the radar. Dasha and Demid for example, attract little attention because they don't present a lot of nudity and sex but there seems to be more going on there than most for the observant voyeur. Dasha's latest male visitor has learned how to turn off the lights and to disengage the infra red cameras.
    I just watched a shift change at Dasha's.
    Male guests and Dasha have been going back and fourth to the patio all afternoon. They leave and two new guys come in and Demid goes to bed after being introduced.
    Dasha took a shower and changed from her classic shorts to a fresh pair of shorts with no panties. While the new guest wait, she puts on her coat and invites the two new guys to the patio. The are out there for almost half and hour. They return without speaking while Dasha goes to the bathroom without closing the door and brushes her teeth.
    When she returns from the bathroom, they say good bye to one guy and he leaves while the new guy beds down on the sofa for the night.
    As they come back from the patio, the new guy appears to be watching a replay of something on his phone while Dasha is watching something on her phone at the same time.
    The new guy has disabled the infrared camera in the hallway and in the bathroom at Dasha's
    Although Demid and the new guy seemed to be meeting for the first time, the new guy immediately took charge of the kitchen and started preparing something to eat without asking and went to get his own bed linen for the sofa without any assistance or involvement from Dasha. When he said good by to the other male guest, he seemed to be in the role of the host rather than as a guest. Looks like Demid is being cuckolded again?"
    A great piece of observation by Philo, I think you would agree. But I have noticed similar events by others in the Chatbox that never get written up, but why not write it up in the Fan Pages so we can all be informed & be made aware of such stuff? Thereby we can all keep an eye out for any further events,intrigue,shenanigans or fall-out etc? We can then add to that fan page with our thoughts & observations and so it goes,and so it goes,and so it goes.......
  19. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
  20. Like
    Plank got a reaction from StnCld316 in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Yesterday, Masha cleaning the apartment in a 'naughty maid' outfit. It works for me!
    Yesterday's pics and the one from today, also prove the cat is still there, it has not gone back with Dasha or disappeared & is very much alive, & all is well in Casa Masha.



  21. Like
    Plank got a reaction from cyberleader in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Yesterday, Masha cleaning the apartment in a 'naughty maid' outfit. It works for me!
    Yesterday's pics and the one from today, also prove the cat is still there, it has not gone back with Dasha or disappeared & is very much alive, & all is well in Casa Masha.



  22. Like
    Plank got a reaction from robuk in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Yesterday, Masha cleaning the apartment in a 'naughty maid' outfit. It works for me!
    Yesterday's pics and the one from today, also prove the cat is still there, it has not gone back with Dasha or disappeared & is very much alive, & all is well in Casa Masha.



  23. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in Voyeur Villa   
  24. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in Voyeur Villa   
    such a cute girl inna is.

  25. Like
    Plank reacted to cyberleader in Voyeur Villa   
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