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Posts posted by Booffer69

  1. 14 hours ago, Chucky said:

    Nita is not to blame like some of you seem to think for Leona lack of masturbating, anyone with half a brain knows you don't have them share a room.

    Some of you need to act your age and not your shoe size. 

    YUP, I agree......She seemed to have a good bate last night in the tub didn't she......lol....

    And the little one was in the next room and even walked in on her......

    They had a little laugh and Leona finished...

    Nothing wrong here keep movin ......lol

    Just Sayin.....  :):P:)


  2. On 10/7/2017 at 12:46 AM, RUBBERMAN said:

    Well that turned out to be scripted and FAKE!!!!  I guess they well have the cat perform some kind of sex act next...lol8)

    Considering she walked out of the bath last night nude and both Masha and Sasha standing there.....

    She didn't look like she was to shy in front of them both...

    The way Sasha looks at her isn't in a sexual manner what so ever.....

    Masha may want her, but he sure don't look like he does.........lol

    Guess he likes them a tad skinnier...... 

    Just Sayin.........lol



  3. Seems to be a trend now.......

    Both apartments seem to be wanting to piss viewers off, Be gone you old tenants.....

    Enuff is Enuff.... one comes back to piss off one tenant, and the other comes back trying to pimp out the girls........

    I'd rather see them have a BF show up once in a blue moon then seeing them fuck strangers everynight.....

    Are they trying to make these girls catch a sexual disease or something....

    Just Venting...lol

    (like that'll matter)

  4. Guess she needed time to find her own place.......takes a while sometimes to find a good apartment......

    From what EVERYONE is saying that she has no home to go back too, she needed somewhere to stay till then....... lol 



  5. 6 hours ago, mikeusa said:

    there to much drama between renata and tereza  

    YUP , and Tourette’s Syndrome is the one who started it all by judging Renata... And unfortunately the other 2 slobs followed her suite and now Renata has been alienated... Don't blame her at all for leaving everyday now....why should she stay there and have to fake liking them.... Just Sayin... :):P:)


  6. If B1 and B2 were taken out of the picture.....What would people have to complain about then........lol

    Those apartments are there to satisfy the customers who like watching young ladies at play.......

    (When their around that is...lol)

    The other apartments are there as real life couples to live in... and yes real life can get a little boring to watch after a while...

    But you do have to remember that you are watching the same couples that stay there for as long as they want to...(not for as long as they make you happy,)

    For all you foggies out there that have been or still are in a long lasting marriage or relationship, you all know that it's not all roses 24/7 365 days a yr..

    The ones that do entertain us often are couples that enjoy their sexual partners more then the other couples that are just normal...

    And yes there are some there just for the $$$$$$$$... it's pretty obvious....

    You all say your Voyeurs, So when your watching someone in public or threw a window for example....

    Do you tell them what you want to see them do...or shut up and hide so you can watch........lol

    RLC started this site as a voyeur site to watch real couples in real life situations...

    Some mind you are a tad weirder then others, but all the same real couples...


    To many people with to many different likes and dislikes in this world that not everything that goes on in those apartments will be everyone's cup of tea...

    And yes when shit goes down in the apartments like what happened last night in KKK's Apart. and in the B's apart.'s a while back is completely out of their control and thankfully someone was watching it to shut the cams down in time so they don't get shut down for illegal drugs being in their apartments...

    OK...I'm gunna shut up now so others can make their comments on this matter.....

    So Have fun just watching what you get....

    Cause it might not be around in the future if shit keeps happening and to much complaint keep flowing in.... 

    Just Sayin... :)

  7. 1 minute ago, Harry1949 said:

    I agree.  She never bores me.  I simply think her heart in no longer in it

    True that.... I'm sure she'll be very happy getting back to her real life after being there that long... I luv vacations, but you can only go for so long before you start longing for home..... :)

  8. 23 hours ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    My suggestion would be too get rid of Paul, Lev and Stepan and put Leora, Zoya and Maya in one shared apartment or house and allow male and female guests for all their sexual pleasures. Actually I wouldn't mind seeing Leora, Zoya and Maya in a lesbian threesome in the free cams with absolutely no covers. Now that would boost RLC subscriptions in a big way. 

    Well , you know what they say.... If your going to dream, DREAM BIG........lol... :P:):P


  9. 19 hours ago, PatriciaB said:

    She seems to have a really nice rapport with this new guy. They behave as though they've known each other a long time. They seemed to genuinely enjoy each other's company and have fun with each other. It was nice to see.

    Her and Stephan had great rapport with each other when they first moved in also...

    Lasted for about 2 yrs then someone in that relationship became a lazy ass.....lol....

    Not mentioning any names of course, but the lack of his presence pretty much tells the story...

    Just Sayin.... :):P:)


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