Time to remove Camarads website from xcamfan and also lock access to camarads topics. Anything to do with either camarads website or topics are of absolutely no benefit to xcamfan but really detracts and discourages members from looking at or participating on this site. It is if xcamfan is now a collection of garbage and not worth following.
WOW!!! - Currently ten (10) active apartments but only one (1) apartment offering free cams. Shut'er down. This voyeur cam site is poorly run and the comments here are no better but don't blame the members for badmouthing camarads. Anyone can own a business but not everyone can manage and maintain a viable business. Camarads owners and managers fail at being competent enough to keep this site alive and interesting enough to follow. Just terrible!!!
Wouldn't doubt that the girl in white hadn't broke her nose by doing the face plant. Looks like she got knocked out or totally passed out. If she was on VHTV she would be ready for sex by the guys.
I only post in a few forum topics but I currently have eight (8) members on my ignore list. The shit they post gets my goat so now I find reading comments is more peaceful. Occasionally I hit the "read the post" option button to see what they are saying but I don't get drawn in to their stupidity. It just makes me post less comments now. Since not many participating members here at xcamfan I don't see any sense in posting pics anymore. My comments have been sparse. At least with camcaps you can have some conversation with a few regular members. Not really anybody to talk with in the forums here (other than the echo of your own voice - lol).
Due to the very few that do participate here almost daily at xcamfan (maybe 5 to 10 members) I am surprised that nothing has been done to improve this site. I spend most of my time and post comments at camcaps. There are idiot members there too but I now make use of the "IGNORE" option list of those members. Basically this site is at a stalemate - with a bare minimum amount of users. Any new members don't participate but just gawk or be a voyeur to the Chat Room and the forum topics.
A dying site. Fucking idiots posting constant negative posts about camarads now makes it unbearable to even bother checking things out here. Chat Room sucks and this forum is a total mess.
They fucked up camcaps with all the crap posting about camarads to the point of crashing and shutting camcaps down frequently. Camarads topic at camcaps is closed for comments now so the one member in particular has bombarded xcamfan with all the same useless crap. Admin needs to screen members better or have a system to red flag abusive spammers of repetitive shit talk and force the ban hammer.