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    dougiestyle4u reacted to Spoonie123 in IMPORTANT NOTICE .PLEASE READ   
    I have been away from the site for a couple months and not that I am back I am at least glad I became a member of RLCF when I did but I don't think that I could ever bring myself to become a paying member of RLC.  Not much happens that makes it worth it and even if it did most of it happens well after I have logged off.  That is why I kind of depended on RLCF to catch me up on what I missed.  Now it just really sucks.
  2. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to texl01 in IS RLC A PORN SITE OR NOT?   
    If anyone thinks RLC is a Porn site then surely it MUST be classified as Soft Core.  We spy on the Tenants in all of their daily activities and one must expect to see some sexual activity. Consummation of a marriage or relationship for that matter, does not end there, as some people enjoy sex after this deed is done. A voyuer must accept , they will be subject to Daily occurrences of living and this may involve intimacy, together or alone. Just take Masha for example - is she one to "PLAY" for the cams in an orchestrated script. I think not. 
  3. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to PoeBoy in IS RLC A PORN SITE OR NOT?   
    I chose "unsure" because the idea that it is a porn site where sex is prevalent is probably the primary lure, but there really isn't that much actual sex happening.  I don't consider seeing naked women porn or sex.  That's just nudity.
  4. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Dazzan in IS RLC A PORN SITE OR NOT?   
    I chose no...
    it is a site to watch people living their lives 24/7... this comes from their website:
    RealLifeCam is a unique website where you have the chance to observe the private life of other people in live round-the-clock.

    That said.. they have to the usc 18 ratings because of the nudity and shagging... which are just an added bonus and are not guaranteed 
  5. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Plank in IS RLC A PORN SITE OR NOT?   
    I have voted for unsure because it seems to me that especially the Barca apartments are slipping into V V territory.
    Pre-planned,staged,scripted call it what you will,but you only have to see how many members of this site turn up when one of the Massage parties gets going.
    This feeding frenzy will be noted by the powers that be, and obviously RLC are there to make money & we all know that 'sex sells'.
    I have a problem with the sleazy,sordid 'faux-hoe' nature of the Barca girls.
    If you want to be a cam girl you don't need to do it here on the back of paying customers who have already subsidized the apartment you live in.
    Also if you want to play at being an escort,do it for real,you could make a damn sight more money than whatever RLC are paying you.
    I am concerned that these girls are dipping their toes in a deep ocean & one day a shark is going to rip off their legs.
    As for rewarding Efim & Anabel for their performances at N & B's,like other members I also have a problem with that.
    Clearly RLC have sent out a memo to the tenants to encourage 'sexy behaviours' to increase viewer numbers.
    It seems to me that the newer tenants,Kitty & Smith or Julia & Eric feel the pressure of having to perform,instead of being allowed to settle in and see what develops,which for me is far more interesting.                                  The 'thrill of the chase' and all that.
    It also seems like some of the long standing 'normal' tenants feel obliged to perform or else.
    I also have a problem with the draconian nature of RLC towards our site (& the other place) for posting pics or vids,yeah I know it's their copyright etc,but everyone knows if you Search online for long enough you can find what you are looking for.
    So it seems strange that they are not happy about a 'fan' site posting pics & promoting their site. I would have offered an olive branch, 'if you are a member of RLCF you get a discount',business is business after all.
    However,the subscription is a lot of money,and if RLC is turning into 'just another porn site' they need to be very careful that they don't price themselves out of the game.
  6. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in IS RLC A PORN SITE OR NOT?   
    I voted YES and my reasons why
    - it appears that RLC management/owners remove tenants if they are non-performers or hide any sexual activity
    - some tenants intentionally perform sex directly and as close to the cam as possible and more specifically FOR the viewers
    - both Barca 1 and Barca 2 have the appearance of being persuaded to perform for the viewers (for example - things picked up when Nora and Irma stepped in or when Lola got the ball rolling)
    - the noticeable increase in sex when a male is staying overnight at Barca 1 and Barca 2 (all hell breaks loose and I suspect RLC and others influence this)
    -the woman abuser fuckin' Efim got an apartment I believe because viewers liked and demanded that he should have an apartment himself (sex performer overrides a woman abuser)
    - the chatbox and forums over the past 8 to 9 months leans towards wanting lots of sex in the apartments and anger when nothing or little happens. I believe RLC is trying to create a happy balance but sex and money talks so they tend to listen without admitting it. Way more sex on RLC today than 1, 2, 3 or 4 years ago. Sure there are more apartments but now the sex is in your face and is expected by RLC and viewers.
    - I get the impression that when RLC subscriptions drop off or are stagnant then miraculously there is an increase in apartment sex for a while (this is to entice the viewers to subscribe or re-subscribe)
    - when the script or similar type girl-events become predictable and done intentionally to tease viewers (candles, massages, baths/showers or supposed group lez fest) this can be seen as soft porn or more depending on how it progresses.
         Basically, everything combined has convinced me that RLC is a porn site (not the usual type that we are accustomed to watch) but more or less a voyeur type porn site.
  7. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Dazzan in IS RLC A PORN SITE OR NOT?   
    I voted YES and my reasons why
    - it appears that RLC management/owners remove tenants if they are non-performers or hide any sexual activity
    - some tenants intentionally perform sex directly and as close to the cam as possible and more specifically FOR the viewers
    - both Barca 1 and Barca 2 have the appearance of being persuaded to perform for the viewers (for example - things picked up when Nora and Irma stepped in or when Lola got the ball rolling)
    - the noticeable increase in sex when a male is staying overnight at Barca 1 and Barca 2 (all hell breaks loose and I suspect RLC and others influence this)
    -the woman abuser fuckin' Efim got an apartment I believe because viewers liked and demanded that he should have an apartment himself (sex performer overrides a woman abuser)
    - the chatbox and forums over the past 8 to 9 months leans towards wanting lots of sex in the apartments and anger when nothing or little happens. I believe RLC is trying to create a happy balance but sex and money talks so they tend to listen without admitting it. Way more sex on RLC today than 1, 2, 3 or 4 years ago. Sure there are more apartments but now the sex is in your face and is expected by RLC and viewers.
    - I get the impression that when RLC subscriptions drop off or are stagnant then miraculously there is an increase in apartment sex for a while (this is to entice the viewers to subscribe or re-subscribe)
    - when the script or similar type girl-events become predictable and done intentionally to tease viewers (candles, massages, baths/showers or supposed group lez fest) this can be seen as soft porn or more depending on how it progresses.
         Basically, everything combined has convinced me that RLC is a porn site (not the usual type that we are accustomed to watch) but more or less a voyeur type porn site.
  8. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to iloner in IS RLC A PORN SITE OR NOT?   
    I voted yes.   Nudity and sex are why we pay to join.
    Nothing wrong with RLC being a porn site - oh, except for the disapproval of society in private while mostly consuming porn in private.   
    Lets get rid of the hypocrisy.    Ancient societies accepted sex as life.    Religion is what fucked it up, and lets hope that irrationality is dying off.
  9. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Rob1 in IS RLC A PORN SITE OR NOT?   
    Like i said before RLC is turning into a porn site with all the fake lesbian teasing that is going on and all the camming which they are doing for attention , this site is slowly turning into VV and we don't want that to happen all this happening is enough to put you off the site i signed up for voyeur not porn.
    So for now i vote unsure but it is very slowly turning into a porn site.
    If you go to the old school topic you can see by my comments i am much more in love with the old school then the new school that's for sure.
  10. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in IMPORTANT NOTICE .PLEASE READ   
    Exactly - pretty much says it all - basically has slowed down to a crawl over the last 8 to 9 months.
  11. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Plank in Old School.   
    Barca 1, Then & Now.

  12. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Scotsman84 in Does anyone else find it arousing when ....... ?   
    Need I say more..

  13. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Plank in Desiree and Raul Fan Page   
    Desiree accidentally takes the radiator for walk instead of the dog.
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  14. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Dazzan in Fan Page for Julia and Eric   
    I think she has some uncontrollable fingers that happened to find or sense a nearby pussy and liked what it found as the lengthy time fingering eliminates any chance of just an itch. Could be that her fingers have a hidden talent and might substitute for an unwanted cock in the near future.
  15. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Dazzan in Fan Page for Julia and Eric   
    Just witnessed her doing this....
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  16. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Dazzan in Fan Page for Julia and Eric   
    Hmmm have been giving Julia's mood swings over the last couple of days some thought... and here's a wild stab in the dark, which is what Eric will probably get from her if he continues to grope her at every given opportunity...
    I wonder if there is some sort of condition... that effect's women only.... that happens every 4 weeks/ 28 days... that can cause them to be happy one minute... then red mist, stab you in the face and lick the blood from the knife angry the next... where they do not  want to be touched... where they just want to be left alone to cry... and perhaps this mystery condition may last... oh and I don't know... could last for for 7 days or so. And then let's amplify her emotions by shoving her in a house with full camera coverage and a boyfriend that just wants to fuck...
    Give the poor girl a chance, she may be "on"... (or of course she could be a drug-crazed, bi-polar serial killer!), let's give her a chance.
    (Image Content No Longer Available)
  17. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Plank in Fan Page for Julia and Eric   
    Exclusive report from our correspondent Plank who is embedded with the apartment.
    Earlier there were unsubstantiated reports that Julia seemed to be in a, 'good mood'.
    I can now confirm that this was not an isolated incident, nor was it an attack of gas due to an excess of noodle soup.
    Her often pensive expression turned from ,nonplussed, to coy, to a grin and then into a shocking full blown smile.
    We will keep you updated as this story develops.
    (Image Content No Longer Available)
  18. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Heywood Jablowmie in Voyeur Villa   
    Here's My (Our) girl on Voyeur Villa (cont'd)

    she's sure does like to air that baby out!
  19. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Heywood Jablowmie in Voyeur Villa   
    Here's My (Our) girl on Voyuer Villa

  20. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Scotsman84 in Zoya Fan Page   
    As I watch Lev's mannerisms (or in his case, boyerisms) - I strongly suspect that Mr. Game Boy is saying to himself inside his hollow fuckin' head "Zoya, will you shut the fuck up - can't you see I am fucking busy here!!!"
  21. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Scotsman84 in Old School.   
    For the Alma Fans.

  22. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to PeterGrey in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    I'm not sure I get these ppl at Amy & Alya.
    They start out slow and work towards something, then suddenly it's over and they do something else.
    Like today - both girls were topless,  the blonde girl was blindfolded and tied to the sofa, and they poured hot wax on her body, kissing her all over. Dude found the vibrator and placed it on her panties, she was wiggling and moaning. Suddenly it was over. The other girl put clothes back on, and they untied the blonde girl. She stayed topless and they danced for a while.
    Now clothes are back on and they are doing karaoke.

  23. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from texl01 in Fan Page Carina & Sabrina   
    This logo for the Big Boy Restaurant reminds me of Sabrina (aka ELVIS). HAHA - busting a gut laughing - oops pissed myself - just kidding - but funny as hell. What do you think?

  24. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Heywood Jablowmie in Voyeur Villa   
    Some of Iris in Tver House. I don't see much of her in free cam, in fact haven't seen much of them at all since these gifs.

  25. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Scotsman84 in RLC Overwiev: How many cameras?   
    They should just tell you where they are.. don't need the fucking address ffs.. lol
    Not Like we are going to go and track them down..
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