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    I see that RLCF continues to grow with new members every day and as of Nov. 14, 2016 we are at 20,993 total members. How many of these members have actually logged in over the past 6 months, 1 year or 2 years? How many are still here since inception or when RLCF first started? How many members only log in to check things without chatting or making posts? What countries have the most RLCF members? What members are from a certain country such as Australia, Holland, Canada (the current search option method is an effort and probably most are not aware of it - kinda hidden inside)? How many actual female members are there (I guess the profile is not reliable as being male/female or other)? What languages do members speak (ie English only, French and English, Spanish, Russian, etc)?
         Sure would be nice if the TOTAL MEMBERS of RLCF was a bit more detailed with some stats or additional info about the members, in general (nothing too personal unless volunteered). RLC has some very boring moments and there are great members here on RLCF so this may increase chatting, posting or Personal Messages (PM's) to each other. RLCF ADMIN should try to find ways to enable more interaction between members (or sometimes referred to as a family) when RLC slows down. If there are some additional group headings for members then it might entice some to chat with others. Perhaps expand the TOTAL MEMBERS with sub groups that list members that choose to provide more relevant info about themselves or topics.
         An example would be Favorite or Followed Apartments, Languages Spoken, Age Range of the Member, Specific Voyeur Teases (bikinis, nipple slip, shower, jeans, panty hose, naked housework, feet, hair pussy, etc), Type of Women Liked (redhead, big boobs, big ass, sultry lips, brown eyed girls, BBW, mature, etc), Countries You Would Like to Visit or Have Been To, and more. If you click on France it would list all the RLCF members from France (just something more specific and easily seen). Admin can pull info from each members profile and place them in appropriate Headings - very simple.
        I just think that the TOTAL MEMBERS number is somewhat irrelevant and should be changed or upgraded to a more useable feature in terms of common subjects or data. The individual member profile is limited and specific to that person and need to look at each member. Need something better that we can highlight the large RLCF family of members for some commonality. This would be a quick go to or click on heading that will give you more info related to members or certain topics. Kinda like the search button related to RLC and RLCF. I am sure others would like to see this site improved without getting personal (individual choice to add more info).
         Only my opinion but I think RLCF should improve or update the TOTAL MEMBERS into a more user-friendly feature and help this site expand and grow beyond just a number but sort of open it up a bit more to see more things related to members individually or as a specific group. It is all doable but is ADMIN willing to change for the better?   Question to ADMIN - what is your long term goal for this site? Trying to help with some suggestions.
  2. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to iloner in Fan Page Belle   
    If there was any chance that Belle might throw herself on Jasmin (both at this moment on their respective settees) I would stay to watch.
    Or a possibility that Mel might appear through Lara's open door and start kissing her tits (I'm sure she wants to).
    But there is none.
    I love this site when it works for us.    At the moment it doesn't.
    So I am off too - to watch some porn.
  3. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Landais in Fan Page Belle   
    This is the point : Bring back some action !
    For the moment the only thing I can say about Barçà's apart is : this is so boring.
    The result is I come less and less on RLC site and here to speak and share !
  4. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Heywood Jablowmie in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Masha is so comfortable parading around naked which I love and she seems so confident about herself. She is one of the best, if not the best that RLC has as a real life tenant.  Sasha has a right to show off his "mass weapon of destruction". I always say "if you got it - flaunt it or show it" Masha has a big cavity to fill. Too bad RLC doesn't use the Masha and Sasha apartment as a template/model for other apartments because they are excellent to watch in their daily routines. Great clip of the couple Heywood Jablowmie - appreciate it.
  5. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from texl01 in Sneaky Kitty And Dead Dick Smith   
    Can't figure out RLC !!! Either they allow the constant fighting because they think subscribers keep asking for "REAL LIFE" action OR the owners/managers (or whatever you call them) condone bad behavior and they are getting their rocks off themselves by watching the domestic violence (or is it tough love?). The good, bad and ugly all in one apartment. No RLC consultants available or under maintenance time out for corrective actions? Is RLC really this pathetic? I think so.
  6. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in Sneaky Kitty And Dead Dick Smith   
    Can't figure out RLC !!! Either they allow the constant fighting because they think subscribers keep asking for "REAL LIFE" action OR the owners/managers (or whatever you call them) condone bad behavior and they are getting their rocks off themselves by watching the domestic violence (or is it tough love?). The good, bad and ugly all in one apartment. No RLC consultants available or under maintenance time out for corrective actions? Is RLC really this pathetic? I think so.
  7. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Col1948 in Sneaky Kitty And Dead Dick Smith   
    You would think Kitty would be aware of Zoya and Nelly's small titties and they are well liked. She might be self-conscious about her tits being too small but hiding them is doing a disservice to herself and us. Kitty, show them puppies more often so that you will gradually get comfortable and give us the viewing pleasure to appreciate them (a lot of guys and girls do like small boobies). By the way, nice butt.
  8. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to bedhead in Sneaky Kitty And Dead Dick Smith   
    This is the first time I have ever seen a capture of one of the guys jerking off. come to think about it, I have never seen any of the guys doing it live either. wonder why that is....shit we all do it, all the time
  9. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from StnCld316 in Sneaky Kitty And Dead Dick Smith   
    You would think Kitty would be aware of Zoya and Nelly's small titties and they are well liked. She might be self-conscious about her tits being too small but hiding them is doing a disservice to herself and us. Kitty, show them puppies more often so that you will gradually get comfortable and give us the viewing pleasure to appreciate them (a lot of guys and girls do like small boobies). By the way, nice butt.
  10. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in Sneaky Kitty And Dead Dick Smith   
    You would think Kitty would be aware of Zoya and Nelly's small titties and they are well liked. She might be self-conscious about her tits being too small but hiding them is doing a disservice to herself and us. Kitty, show them puppies more often so that you will gradually get comfortable and give us the viewing pleasure to appreciate them (a lot of guys and girls do like small boobies). By the way, nice butt.
  11. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from CowArt in Sneaky Kitty And Dead Dick Smith   
    You would think Kitty would be aware of Zoya and Nelly's small titties and they are well liked. She might be self-conscious about her tits being too small but hiding them is doing a disservice to herself and us. Kitty, show them puppies more often so that you will gradually get comfortable and give us the viewing pleasure to appreciate them (a lot of guys and girls do like small boobies). By the way, nice butt.
  12. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to texl01 in Zoya Fan Page   
    Lev is too lazy to get up and go to bed, like he should.  He might be worried the 'Gamer Goblin' will steal his stuff if he leaves the room. lol
  13. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to toolmaker123 in Leora Fan Page (2015 - 2016)   
    You ain't foolin nobody; you ain't doin stretches; you'se doin pull-sies, until the chicken pukes.
  14. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Oxideland in Desiree and Raul Fan Page   
    I saw this too but only a few minutes of it. To me, she looked quite sexy. She seems quite focused while doing the movements and she seems to really love dancing. These dance exercises must help tone her legs which are firm and shapely. High heels work well for her as they highlight her physique. Love this girl.
  15. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Viking in Upgrades over the next few days   
    ADMIN - can you make a change to the LOAD MORE button? When scrolling backwards in time - if a new current message in the chat is posted the scroll reverts back to the current time or jumps ahead and I have to restart or keep clicking the LOAD MORE button. THIS IS A ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS!!!. Obviously whoever programmed this option never used this before to be aware of the flaws in accessing prior chats over the day (ADMIN, I know it is not you because this came as a "prepackage" included in the forum upgrade). Once the LOAD MORE is clicked - it should prevent further new chat messages posted until done reading the old chats. Then a CANCEL button would restart the new added chats. SIMPLE ENOUGH. I worked with IT before and made suggestions for possible inclusion to a program and most of the time they were able to figure out a way to accommodate the needed changes for improving operator convenience. If IT knows their stuff they can fix things to improve accessibility or for troubleshooting purposes or for better monitoring of processes (I previously worked in industry with computer controlled processes mill wide and most IT people would try to help). Please consider this - THANKS.
  16. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Col1948 in Boring apartments   
    Yes, seeing women dress in a very sexy teasing way is awesome. How about full body fishnet or lycra/spandex? Full nudity is great but also the type of clothes that gets your imagination triggered to the point of wondering what she looks like undressed. Nipple flash, see through outfit, low neckline top showing cleavage, bikinis, crotchless panties, etc. When will an apartment of girls do a fashion show by trying on different clothes for us to see them in different outfits. More or less - haha.
  17. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Rotciv in Desiree and Raul Fan Page   
    I was lucky today to catch Desiree dancing in only panties to I believe Latin music. It was nice to see her doing sexy dance moves and even singing along AND smiling away. She appeared really happy and full of energy. She got dressed and for a few minutes she cleaned the floor with a swifter while skipping, dancing and singing along to the upbeat music. This was such a beautiful site to see. Hope to see her dance more because she got it going (you can see how she gets right into it and it is her happy time).
        Now perhaps Raul needs some advice - when you have sex with Desiree to satisfy your own needs - put some Latin music on and there is a good chance that Desiree will enjoy the sex more than she appears to. The music might get Desiree's juices flowing for her to also have an orgasmic finish besides just Raul. Desiree continues to amaze me.
  18. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Col1948 in Boring apartments   
    I agree Doug, there are some nice matures out there as you say, now we are on the subject I would like to see stockings too, some nice lingerie as well lol.
  19. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Col1948 in Boring apartments   
    That is what I want to see - LOL. Actually not THAT extreme but there are some very beautiful shapely mature women out there - give them a chance. These young kids are disappointing - most of the time. Can RLC find better young girls? - not likely.
  20. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Col1948 in Boring apartments   
    Agree with your comments Col1948. I am all for mature women too and been asking for them. Women in their 40's to 60's works for me since I find older women are not childish and behave more normal to what is pleasing to watch. Actually, horny mature women turn me on. Rarely have an issue with the female tenants. The lazy ass males that we keep mentioning takes away from the women because then I question their choice in men or are they lacking self esteem and/or confidence in themselves (or doing they really think these guys are "the dream"?). FFS!!! As far as an ideal mature couple - Elisa and Fima are close to being that and they act way better than the "kids" or "youngens".
  21. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from delta10 in Upgrades over the next few days   
    ADMIN - can you make a change to the LOAD MORE button? When scrolling backwards in time - if a new current message in the chat is posted the scroll reverts back to the current time or jumps ahead and I have to restart or keep clicking the LOAD MORE button. THIS IS A ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS!!!. Obviously whoever programmed this option never used this before to be aware of the flaws in accessing prior chats over the day (ADMIN, I know it is not you because this came as a "prepackage" included in the forum upgrade). Once the LOAD MORE is clicked - it should prevent further new chat messages posted until done reading the old chats. Then a CANCEL button would restart the new added chats. SIMPLE ENOUGH. I worked with IT before and made suggestions for possible inclusion to a program and most of the time they were able to figure out a way to accommodate the needed changes for improving operator convenience. If IT knows their stuff they can fix things to improve accessibility or for troubleshooting purposes or for better monitoring of processes (I previously worked in industry with computer controlled processes mill wide and most IT people would try to help). Please consider this - THANKS.
  22. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Col1948 in Boring apartments   
    I skip a few apartments when I log on, some I don't like the tenants and some like above a just boring.  I like Maya she has a great body except for that hideous tattoo but like already mentioned you can more or less tell before you even go there what is happening, I think Maya has talent with her model making I will give her credit for that but Stepan is a total bore.
    I agree with Toolmaker about Leora, she does have a nice body but I've read where people say she forgets the cameras are there but I think she is fully aware of them all the time, look at her walk, the way she tilts her head etc, the again her partner Pick and Flick is a total waste.
    I personally don't like women with tattoos but it seems it is a requirement now to have a few to be a tenant, I used to be a paying member but stopped because I only visit a few apartments, I would also like and this is my personal choice by the way to see a mature couple mainly a woman of course.  Yes it's nice to see the young girls but I'm now old enough to be their father or grandad so a nice mature lady please.
    Zoya is nice and she too has talent with her paintings, a lovely slim body but again her partner Lev is another boring man, if you visit there it will be empty or Lev will be on the couch on his iPad or playing his soccer game or watching TV.
  23. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Oxideland in Desiree and Raul Fan Page   
    Desiree continues as my top pick for RLC. She is one fit chick! She holds nothing back. Months on and she has not changed her style. She lets it all hang out!
  24. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Oxideland in Desiree and Raul Fan Page   
    I was lucky today to catch Desiree dancing in only panties to I believe Latin music. It was nice to see her doing sexy dance moves and even singing along AND smiling away. She appeared really happy and full of energy. She got dressed and for a few minutes she cleaned the floor with a swifter while skipping, dancing and singing along to the upbeat music. This was such a beautiful site to see. Hope to see her dance more because she got it going (you can see how she gets right into it and it is her happy time).
        Now perhaps Raul needs some advice - when you have sex with Desiree to satisfy your own needs - put some Latin music on and there is a good chance that Desiree will enjoy the sex more than she appears to. The music might get Desiree's juices flowing for her to also have an orgasmic finish besides just Raul. Desiree continues to amaze me.
  25. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Oxideland in Desiree and Raul Fan Page   
    Today I saw Desiree getting ready for a similar type nap. Just prior to laying in this position with her gorgeous solid ass in view of the cam she slid her panties more into the crack of her ass - basically gave herself a wedgie. Doubt many girls like wedgies or volunteer to do this and matter of fact most of the time I see girls pulling the panties out of their ass crack because it is uncomfortable (but personally I enjoy the full view - more skin and butt showing the better). Anyways, my question - is Desiree doing this intentionally knowing that RLC viewers like her butt and does this for our treat? Usually she covers up completely with the blanket. I am thinking that she accesses RLCF and reads our comments and purposely performs for the "Desiree lovers" or maybe just for me, in particular (just kidding - wishful thinking).
        So Desiree if you are indeed reading these posts then, in time, can you sleep in this position totally naked with your ass cheeks spread further apart to expose your butthole - please and thank you in advance. Sorry but I think I have Desiree addiction because when I get a chance to catch her home - I am so fixated that I can't turn away from the screen. Desiree is one of only a few shining stars for RLC (not shy about nudity, not scripted, sexually active and quite a reliable and constant cock tease).
       Personally, I wonder - do many RLC female viewers also find Desiree stunning, beautiful and a pussy tease for them? Not sure if Desiree would be interested in other women but sure would be great to imagine.
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