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Everything posted by Pleasant

  1. I think there would have to be significant shift in the situation, probably quite a bit of advertising goes on in regards to money coming in. It's bad enough the hero worship of the apartments left here on rlfc, but it's nothing compared to some of the unadulterated love for them over on the other forum. There maybe a lot that have deserted, but the ones left are still as besotted as ever, so if they keep that core fan base, then i guess things will continue as they are, at least for the forseeable future. At the moment, they probably don't see any reason to change things.
  2. Can i just jump in here. I used the term 'Models' in regards to the women on cam sarcastically, hence the use of quotes. I didn't use it first, far from it, and how come the term 'Cam Model' is the general term for the likes of chaturbate etc? Even the latest voyeur site is listing 'Cam Model Experience' as part of their recruitment campaign. I was led to believe that this word was just the general term for women who are featured on this kind of site, having seen it used many, many times - Hey, they wouldn't dare use the word 'Actress' would they. I totally agree with everyone who say they are not models. Of course they're not. Couldn't care less personally, but why is the term used by even the sites themselves.
  3. Ok. Models is the wrong word to use. Just that i've seen it used in this instance so often and the term 'Cam Models' is indeed used for this type of thing. I'm not using it from now on.
  4. To me, it's simple. A mature couple wouldn't be too keen on taking orders on how to behave, doing certain things at certain times. I doubt also many people in their 40s would consider being on cam as a career, or at least as a launchpad for their careers as 'Models' - Which is what all this lot do. And anyone mature would see through it all, they wouldn't be as niave or desperate. I also think the bosses aren't interested either in anyone mature. It would have happened by now. All of this lot are from their agencies, i highly doubt they have 40-somethings on the books.
  5. It seems that the comfort and the pandering to of the tenants is the number one priority - More important than what they do on screen, how the site runs and of course those who pay to watch. As long as those in the apts are getting what they want, that's the important thing. They are being over pampered. It's like they work for the tenants, rather than the other way around.
  6. ....But the most watched and frothed over. Speaks volumes doesn't it. The equivalent of a manufactured boy/girl band always being at number one in the charts. Dire.
  7. When the chat mostly revolves around how 'incredible' the barcas and masha are, it is any wonder why so few use it.
  8. Well, a lot feel the site is indeed pasta sell by date! I'll get my coat.
  9. "Cam Model Experience" - There it is, in a nutshell. Finally. Sure some will say
  10. I'm sure that mad, staring eyes, endless trips to off camera areas, and vacant expressions are all down to Hay Fever or a cheese allergy, that's all.
  11. It does look like the days of actual 'Voyeur' sites is now dead, taken over by mfc-style cam sites. From a business point of view, you can see why, easier money, better viewing figures, more advertising etc. Anyone who now enters an apartment is there for one reason only. But for bosses to then still pass the sites off as something different from mfc etc is a big fat joke - The only difference from those sites is that you get to see them sleep and eat. Whoopee!
  12. Hey, the way anything can and does happen in that place, i wouldn't be at all surprised if Sasha and Dasha move back in with her!
  13. Watching Carina and Sabrina scream bloody murder at each other wasn't nice or entertaining, but it was real. Gathering couples and singles together - All who already have dubious history regarding their on screen behavior anyway - And putting them all in one apartment for (what they hope will be) deliberate cam shows certainly isn't. But apparently that is what some want. But thankfully a lot of us don't fall for watching fake people in a fake environment. It's time the bosses realize this. I said this months ago - If they are insisting this is the future of the site, then stop pretending and just find a large house like the Barcas and move all of JD, ES and Masha in it together, so they can all screw each other in one extended relationship. Just get it over and done with.
  14. It's lazy business acumen. Finding new people takes time and effort, and if they don't work out, they would have to do it all over again. Keeping a small tried and tested group together means much less work involved, and those people will be aware that they might find themselves thrown out, if they don't behave the way their bosses want. Hence the over reliance of the same faces month after month, because they finally found people who are willing to put on regular shows. They know they are doing what is asked from them, and also know that there 'Online Fame' could disappear overnight if they don't act. There is a saying in the advertising industry - "Contaminating The Brand" - Where the actions of a company, rather than attracting business, actually ends up turning people away. It seems that certain tenants are deemed so important to them that they will be kept on regardless of anything.
  15. Very true. I've seen comments were people have actually accepted it's fake or supposed couples are manufactured, but are still happy as long as they provide a regular 'Show'. And there's me thinking it was called Real Life Cam!
  16. Absolutely. They are now bending over backwards to help certain ones out - Hence them sending not one BUT TWO swinger couples to Masha so she gets the viewers in. Just like with Leora, they are crazily desperate to keep hold of her. How can this site get out of the doldrums by obsessing with the same few people year after year?
  17. Isn't it pathetic? rlc are basically rubbing everyone's noses in it - If any more proof was needed that they all know each other beforehand and have all been recruited from the same group. And if it's not that, then they must be pretending to be friends because they actually don't know each other but end up sleeping with each other on cam - There can't be any other options can there!! And yes, N&B and F'Him can't be far off. Total desperation from all concerned. Laughable even. This is now a cam show, nothing more, nothing less. And to think that there are still some who get excited and think it's all real! It's just one big middle finger to the whole concept. No wonder VH is wiping the floor with them.
  18. Without her daily cam show, she does literally nothing. But clearly someone at rlc considers her as indispensable to the company.
  19. Totally agree with the above posts. Where RLC got it wrong right from the start - Although, as said, it took a while to latch on to it - Was calling the whole thing 'Real'. We know now that anyone in there has been actively encouraged to perform, and therefore, the 'Real' part goes out of the window. For me this seemed to happen around the end of 2016/Start of 2017, suddenly at the Barcas and M&S, things seemed to be happening with sharp regularity (Especially the sudden presence of a long line of 'Guests') RLC is a business, so will do the things to make the money. There seems to be little doubt that certain people did indeed act on behalf of the company, eg Bogdan, Nora, maybe even Illona too. You only needed to look at what happened in N&B's place - F'Him auditioning month after month and finally getting his place back. Kai doing the same and getting given a regular spot. And then there is the laughable 'Reality' of the grotesque lives of MSD, J&D and E&S - Tenants who, incredibly, all have 'Good Friends' who just happen to be swingers, willing to have sex on camera in front of the whole world with their hosts, whether it's the man, the woman or both. I mean, all the f**king time????!!!! But they work for RLC, so will do the things to make them all money. It's true that the Barcas is so obviously there to simply promote these girls in whatever their careers are, and the sheer amount that has been and gone suggest some kind of deal with an agency who provides them. And the more they poured in, the more fake it got, to the point where if one of them didn't act, they'd be classed as boring and should be kicked out. And again, isn't it an extraordinary coincidence that so many of these 'Real' women are happy to sleep with other housemates - Some have shared baths before they've even unpacked!! But look at the chatroom to see how much they love and rely on these shows. That's what keeps the shows going. And RLC is a business, so will do the things to make the money. It's funny but since the purge, 2 of those i considered 'Real' have completely turned my thoughts the other way. I was a big fan of N&K, but seeing them go onto the cam sites with such speed (Literally days later) showed them in a different light. So maybe they always saw rlc in the same way as mfc. As for Leora - Take away her daily show and what's left? Zero. At least before she had someone to talk to! If her place isn't like a mfc room, waiting around for show time, then i don't know what is!! She and Masha must be that vital to the company. I've said it before, but at least VH doesn't hide behind ambiguity - They say "Ok, we know what you want, so here it is!". But rlc still persist with "Honestly, it's all real". Really? Yes, RLC is a business, so will do the things to make the money. And this is why it will continue like this.
  20. You know, wouldn't it be a major surprise to see D&J move into the apartment? You can see something like this coming a mile off, to present the same scenario as before - They move in, threesomes a plenty etc, etc. It happened once, so you wouldn't be shocked for it to happen again. And if not them, as you say, E&S would be on the next flight there if it's offered, Masha isn't fussy - As long as she gets watched. I bet the lack of public attention/adulation is eating away at some of them.
  21. Once again, the forum(s) tell me what's happening in the gutters, sorry apartments, so i don't have to go and look myself! That's the beauty of it, "I wouldn't go in there if i were you"! So Masha and her lackeys are just as pathetic, staged and desperate for attention as ever. Good to know. The ship is sinking fast, and the lifeboats are ignored.
  22. Probably already in the diary, with travel sorted out for them - 'Coz i'm reeeeally sure that D&J paid out their own pockets to travel all the way over there.....
  23. Thanks (genuinely) for the warning, i know not to have my weekly look at the sinking ship! Not if this shit is still the game. See, this is why i gave up on it all. Nothing. Will. Ever. Change.
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