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    Harry1949 reacted to StnCld316 in Open letter to the lady members   
    If someone does that in PM there is a Report Post Option to use in  the top Right Corner of each Post.
  2. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to Danny in Code of Conduct while here in the forum   
    Most of the time it's just speculation and some members try to assert their authority ~ Sad how some new members feel they have to have the same opinions and say exactly the same thing as the popular ones do just to fit in.
  3. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to Plank in Code of Conduct while here in the forum   
    Absolutely agree, however this forum is peppered with posts about the Chatbox, have a look around. It's an issue that never seems to get resolved.
    The rules of the Chat were always flexible and worked on a principle of common courtesy, such as saying Hello when you enter so that folks know that you are there, likewise when you leave.
    Also about the use of language etc. What would be acceptable in a social setting, not would be acceptable with your mates in a bar or sports club or the factory floor.
    The same goes for racism,bigotry,homophobia etc, because someone might find it offensive.
    The Chat always revolved around whatever was an ongoing hot topic,so if you wanted to start chatting about your new car or the weather or whatever, whilst something was ongoing, that was frowned upon,obviously.
    However when things were dead we would chat about anything under the sun,help each other out with stuff,and most importantly have a laugh with our forum mates.
    It was always inclusive,there were no cliques,everyone was welcomed and Newbies were given help & advice.
    The problem I have with the Chat at the moment is that it centers around a few rlc apartments only,that is fine if there is something going on.
    But I do have an issue with folks with an agenda, or in some cases obsession, trying to score points.
    Their pursuit of their theory about something seems to override everyone else,and there is no point in trying to offer a different perspective.
    In their view they have a superior intellect to you, and you are a moron.
    What I am getting at is this, if you have a theory about,for instance, a cuckold relationship that you see at Masha,Sash & Dash,then ok.
    Write it up and post it on their fan page so that a discussion can be had there, where others can read it and maybe learn something, and even comment about it, and get involved.
    Someone once said, "Opinions are like assholes.Everyone has got one." I will defend the right for members to voice their opinion on this forum.
    But for god sake stop taking over the chat about your pet subject,move it to a fan page.
    There are others on this forum that like the communal aspect of the chat, but can't get a word in sideways because three or four people are obsessing about the Barca girls.
    It is up to us members to do something about this issue. Or we could just let it fester like it has done before.
  4. Like
    Harry1949 got a reaction from 𝐹𝑜𝓍𝓎 in Dick & Jane Banter.   
    Can't wait til Sally finds Dick!
  5. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to 𝐹𝑜𝓍𝓎 in Fan Page for Jane & Dick   
    Ha, ha! You're just a couple years ahead of me. Never was much into big boobs but I did get my first kiss in a coat closet in first grade. Unforgettable! Ever since that moment, "I bow down and pray to every woman I see." 
  6. Haha
    Harry1949 got a reaction from Pleasant in Fan Page for Jane & Dick   
    Pleasant, I think you have hit the proverbial 'nail on the head'! LOL Love it.  FoxyLoxy please do, a delightful reminder of how I learned to read back in 1954.  And I was such a precoious lad that in Grade 2 in Toronto I had a Ms Coleman as my teacher and I noticed even then that she had the biggest set of tits I had ever seen on a woman.  After that I was lost! LOL  Now at 68 my journey continues.
  7. Haha
    Harry1949 got a reaction from 𝐹𝑜𝓍𝓎 in Fan Page for Jane & Dick   
    Pleasant, I think you have hit the proverbial 'nail on the head'! LOL Love it.  FoxyLoxy please do, a delightful reminder of how I learned to read back in 1954.  And I was such a precoious lad that in Grade 2 in Toronto I had a Ms Coleman as my teacher and I noticed even then that she had the biggest set of tits I had ever seen on a woman.  After that I was lost! LOL  Now at 68 my journey continues.
  8. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to Pleasant in Dick & Jane Banter.   
    This looks like behind the scenes at MSD 
    M - "This is the scenario they want us to do tomorrow night?"
    D - "SHHH! Not too loud - You'll give the game away!"
  9. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to 𝐹𝑜𝓍𝓎 in Dick & Jane Banter.   
  10. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to zzakary in Fan Page Kitty & Smith   
    Kitty Relax...  
    (Image Content No Longer Available)
  11. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to zzakary in Fan Page for Chloe & Tyler   
    Chloé Massage Time... 

  12. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to Marga in Adriana Fan Page   
    How sad are some of my favorites ..
    It's been a long time they've lived there, maybe it's good that they walk in another direction but together ... always together
    good luck and strength 
  13. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to Scotsman84 in Adriana Fan Page   

  14. Like
    Harry1949 got a reaction from Scotsman84 in Open letter to the lady members   
    Shadow V, you are absolutely correct.  I am trying to vary my comments to include other apts. 
  15. Like
    Harry1949 got a reaction from Scotsman84 in Adriana Fan Page   
    Well I am going to miss them. Daniel was strange but Adrianna was lovely to look at and she gave her all to make her guy happy. Bye bye. Best of fortune.
  16. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to zzakary in Fan Page for Jane & Dick   
    The Sofa's Baptism...   

  17. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to Marga in Open letter to the lady members   
    if I can join the conversation of you .. I would say something
    I think it is a mistake to censor or ban comment, everyone has the right to express themselves and say their opinions as they perceive reality ...
    I really feel that my comment hurt ... I just wanted to be realistic, here someone asked the question why women do not participate in the chat and I wanted to help that change by giving my point of view
    If you want women to participate in the chat maybe making some slight changes they will be encouraged or if you do not want this then continue the same ... I just wanted to put some light in the conversation, my own light
    in terms of references to my person ... so ... so .. I am open to learn from my mistakes and change to improve as a person and friend 
    the debate is good, and I apologize that my words bare an uncomfortable truth
  18. Like
    Harry1949 got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in Fan Page for Jane & Dick   
    Maybe RLC will call Maya's guy, when they get a name posted, Jugghead! LOL
  19. Like
    Harry1949 got a reaction from 𝐹𝑜𝓍𝓎 in Fan Page for Jane & Dick   
    Maybe RLC will call Maya's guy, when they get a name posted, Jugghead! LOL
  20. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to Scotsman84 in Dick & Jane Banter.   
  21. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to Capeguy in Fan Page for Jane & Dick   
    I knew that but figured some day we might get a real one. 
  22. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to zzakary in Fan Page Eva and Sam   

  23. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to zzakary in Fan Page Eva and Sam   

  24. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to Capeguy in Fan Page for Jane & Dick   
    We might actually see a Betty and Barney plus a Wilma and Fred; maybe even a Jane and George for the Jetsons.
  25. Like
    Harry1949 reacted to Marga in Open letter to the lady members   
    like evening and late night ..
    for many reasons many women`s are not in the chat or when they see the emanation of the chat they move away ..They will not return
    - Abusive and obscene language of some habitual chatters about the barca girls, or continuous comments about their lives maybe bored some women`s and they choose not to participate in the chat
    - When a woman jump in the chat some chatters start sexual or uncomfortable comments  to see the reaction of the woman chatter, or questions about the private life of this woman, about personal tastes etc ..in particular several chatters continuous comments despising women`s for some kind of hatred that they carry inside surely for bad experiences of the past .. it is easy to recognize them when I jump to the chat he starts these comments, other women`s got tired and did not return
    - private messages ... obscene and bordering on harassment ... and very obsessive when they do not find an answer
    - continued sexist comments about women`s, about the body or attitudes of women`s..etc etc
    I see rlc and I see it with different eyes..I see beyond the bodies and the sex, I am interested in the personal routine of the tenants and the way they have to fit their lives in this project .. their sexual life is a great complement to enjoy the rlc experience, the true voyeur enjoys all the moments that couples offer and not only the sexual ones
    men`s and women`s are neither better nor worse, they are different with many things in common
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