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King Hamlet

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    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
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    King Hamlet reacted to cyberleader in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
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    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
  4. Like
    King Hamlet reacted to Max 2017 in Does anyone work??   
    Forget the tenants. Have noticed watching the different sites a lot of their friends/randoms they have don't seem to work either.
    What's the world coming to?
  5. Like
    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in Masha's Boob Job   
    If She is happy that's the main thing.

  6. Like
    King Hamlet reacted to Plank in Masha's Boob Job   
    Let me tell you a story, are you sitting comfortably ? Then I shall begin.
    Once upon a time I met a gorgeous girl. She is lovely,very good looking, a raven haired beauty.Fantastic figure,legs to die for, just one problem she didn't have boobs.
    Well she did, but they were very small. This had caused her problems ever since puberty, the folk around her reassured her that her boobs would fill out, 'it was only a matter of time'. they said, but the boobs never did.
    She was teased at school by girls & boys, she was called names such as 'tiny-tits','bee strings', 'fried eggs' & other insults were hurled her way.But she is made of stronger stuff than that, and she would often make jokes about her small boobies, such as, 'when I lay down my tits disappear'.
    But in reality it was an issue for her, it did affect her confidence,she said that she 'didn't feel like a real woman'. That she was envious of her friends who had a cleavage. That clothes never fitted her properly, and she was sick of having to wear a padded bra or the dreaded 'chicken fillets'.
    So she got a bank loan & went an had a procedure. She ended up with a beautiful pair of breasts that were just perfect for her figure, I know because she showed them to me!  (No I don't have any pictures, you sick bunch of muthaf.....)
    The impact this made on her self esteem & confidence was incredible. She could also walk down the road and stop traffic. And in the end she married a prince and lived happily ever after.
    I tell you that tale because I believe this is exactly what Masha has been thinking, probably for many years. There have been numerous comments about her skinny, bean pole physique. But if you really look at her you'd notice that, she isn't a bean pole,she just had tiny tits that were out of scale with her body.
    I think this is why she has had the boob job. Not, as some have suggested, that she is doing it for Sasha or TK's benefit, or anything relating to either of them. She has done this for her.
    Yet the facile comments continue in the Chatbox, and to be honest, some of these comments are becoming tedious!
    Yesterday Masha was trying on underwear. A comment came up that she was, 'getting ready for TK's next visit'. Obviously the member that posted that immature comment, had not appreciated that Masha has gone up a bra size or two, and that some of her underwear & clothes will not fit, or will fit differently.
    Same goes for the comments today, whilst Masha was giving Sasha a BJ in the bathroom, 'she is practicing on Sasha for TK's next visit'. Pathetic !
    This member I am quoting is obsessed with TK and is compelled to have swipe at Masha & Sasha every time he is in the chatbox. I for one am sick of this nonsense!
    The member responsible needs to consider his behaviour & maybe give his head a wobble, because something is clearly out of whack!
  7. Like
    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
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    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
  9. Haha
    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
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    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
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    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
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    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
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    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in Women & Cars.   
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    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in Women & Cars.   
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    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in Women & Cars.   
  16. Like
    King Hamlet reacted to RUBBERMAN in The Chat Room!! #1   
    Why is it so hard to get into the chat room?
    1. Is it because there are some who thinks they own the site and chat room?
    2. Is it because some have there own rules that they want you to go by or else?
    3. Is it because some don't want you saying nothing negative about one or two of girls "that they my be in love with and they have in they mind they might just meet one day?" and they some how took them time to fine out their hole back ground "and they think they know them personally even what they think and do and what kind of family they came from?
    4. Is it because some are groups that if your not apart of they just won't talk to you?
    5. is it because you have to lose your thoughts and opinion when you sign in "Ha Ha Ha"...that's funny.
    When I first join this site "being a retired vet and love to talk to people anyway" I couldn't wait to sign on and talk to other members daily, talk about the apartments, the people, weather it was men or women, members would tell a few jokes and have fun. Now signing in is like taking a bar exam, your your dammed if you say the wrong thing "what is the wrong thing? You might lose a good friend, most of the time you don't even know who to trust, after going threw the questions 1 threw 5.  Its to many chiefs in the chat room now and not enough real members.
    What is the purpose of having a chat room if you can't express yourself? 
  17. Like
    King Hamlet reacted to Max 2017 in The Chat Room!! #1   
    Some do think they own the Chatbox.
    As a forum you should be able to give your opinion.
    Sometimes you do get ignored if your not part of the group.
  18. Like
    King Hamlet reacted to dougiestyle4u in The Chat Room!! #1   
    Hey RUBBERMAN, tell us how you really feel - LOL. You said it pretty much in a nutshell and I totally agree with you. Every time I think about jumping into the chatbox to give it another chance I quickly back away when I figure that I would just step into some verbal diarrhea - eewwww. It amazes me how much shit gets tossed around even by some chatters that I thought were better than this.
    Honestly, I think these chatters should stick to porn because it is more real life than what RLC has become. Also these chatters want or should I say demand that the females (Barca or KKKKK or Vacation Station or whatever fake apartment) perform sex acts. These chatters have spent at least 1 and 1/2 years being RLC voyeurs and basically controlling the RLCF chatbox and what have they got from it? They are not voyeurs spending time just watching and enjoying the scenery but instead they are stalkers giving the play-by-play of the girls' every moves, anticipated next moves and info about their personal lives. The chatters talk about every little miniscule detail, suspicions or an Instagram (is that like a telegram? FFS - lol) message by the girl to them personally or to a friend of a friend's friend. 
    For me, the chatbox is as boring as RLC. I might catch something good the odd time on RLC but I don't care if I miss anything (ESPECIALLY an under the cover masturbation whereby a chatter swears he seen the blanket move - WHOOP THE FUCKIN' DOO). 
    Who the fuck, in their right mind, will want to participate in the chatbox when you know where it leads to - lots of talk for nothing. The old chatbox was so much fun, interesting chatters and topics and had way more members logged in to participate than what we have now.
    Some if not most chatters should take a pause for the cause or at least take a step back from participating in the chatbox and instead take a few days by following the chat to see how predictable and fucked up the chatbox has become.
    For me, with respect to all these voyeur sites and even porn - a pretty girl lights up my eyes. Watching her do whatever is a privilege, treat and a total joy. That's it, that's all. Don't care about her personal life or if she is a porn star or whatever - she still gets my respect because she is a person. The key word in all this - VOYEUR. The chatbox is beyond voyeurism. 
  19. Like
    King Hamlet reacted to PoeBoy in The Chat Room!! #1   
    The people dominating the chatbox are annoying as fuck.  Seems to me it should be shut down for a while (weeks, months?) to give that herd incentive to move along.
  20. Like
    King Hamlet reacted to Max 2017 in The Chat Room!! #1   
    Should be shut down for some of the stuff mentioned. Way to much information sometimes.
  21. Like
    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in The Chat Room!! #1   
    Think most know my opinion on this. LOL
  22. Like
    King Hamlet reacted to ed2 in Empty Chatbox.   
    Please join in then, I joined one year ago, so maybe no veteran, but I too think it was much livelier then!
    I completely agree that it is too much B1&B2, it seems certan members only watch them. Also, a few only talks about Leora. I think if there were more people on board, we'd get more subjects too. I'd love to discuss other topics, I also very much enjoy the discussions that are not about RLC at all, on the chat.
  23. Like
    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in Adults Only.   
  24. Like
    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in Adults Only.   
  25. Like
    King Hamlet reacted to Scotsman84 in Adults Only.   
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