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    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Booffer69 in So Do You Think This Is Over   
    I really don't think its over, I think this may go on as long as there are a big amount of  viewers,  I did not see the first night and a few minutes of the 3rd, but I did see the second night witch I made my biggest comments on, being  as honest as I can I felt bad for my comments "not saying that I did not like some of the things that was going on" but I truly felt that there was drugs going on that night, weather some of you said "there were no proof of any drugs"  Well that word "can you prove this or did you see that" sometimes I think I am talking to a few cops or Detectives in the discussion room, weather some one has proof or not thats their opinion, why spoil their fantasy because you don't have one.  Yes this girls may have label themselfs but I am sure they knew what they were signing on too.  I just wish I couldn't feel the drug part of it, "I wasn't born yesterday, and I have been around a lot of things in my life" I just feel drugs was a big part of all of this.  I am hoping know one gets hurt in the up coming nights of their fun before all this starts getting boring.  My lesson for the year is "be careful what you ask for" you just might get it,  I got it, liked some of it, but hated as lot of it.
  2. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Boofer69 in WOW HELL YEAH THE BEST   
    From what I seen, They were in there no longer then a minute or so each time..... Most parties I've been too... 1 of 2 things would happen when a guy and girl would hit the can together......lol... So who knows...my observations think otherwise but hey..... I could be wrong also.... Money does travel a long way and booze will make you do dumb ass things....... Watching them play cards now is making me laugh my ass off....Anna covering up after taking off her bra.....shit from what you all said you seen, she had his dick in her mouth.......lol
  3. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Boofer69 in WOW HELL YEAH THE BEST   
    Your right like I said also...no evidence cause of the room they used....But what other reasoning then that for him and one of the female guest use the washroom together..... 5 bottles of wine and a bottle of what ever else they found... and they would have energy to kill once out of that room..... Explain to me what they could of possibly of been doing in that room...  
  4. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to iloner in WOW HELL YEAH THE BEST   
    It is human sometimes to take one view and sometimes another.      Or to hold contradictory views at the same time.   Issues are many-sided.     Few things cause more contradictions in us than sex.
    RLC new owners have pushed change and that is always unsettling.    They have given us what we want - more explicit sex.    But perhaps what we meant was - more explicit sex for the girls we like; rather than more meaningless mechanical sex shows (like Voyeur Villa).
    Perhaps they are after a wider market - expanding the viewership of hard-core voyeurs of the pretty staid apartments where often paint dries into the much larger general porn market.    RLC has a still unique offering for that market, and one I find compelling:   It is happening right now.
    Because we know it is live (whether scripted in part or not) RLC has an immediacy that cannot be offered by porn sites where we know the girl 'who has never tried it with another girl before' is being filmed by a camera crew, and the outcome is certain and we can fast-forward to the good bits.    
     RLC offers uncertainty, a great aphrodisiac.    I too was nervous when Megan and Rebecca first nervously went off together to Megan's room (before barricading the door), Megan faffing about with her phone and Rebecca showing a jittery mix of anxiety and desire as new lovers do.   Would Megan back out, or someone interrupt?    For both girls the tension of what they were about to do was real and palpable.   Then unfolded a drama of touching beauty and sexual desire more real and involving than any porn I have ever seen.
    And it is ongoing.    They slept last night together, Megan peacefully, Becca rather fitfully, as though she was reliving the taste and smell of the fabulous tight pussy and luscious tits lying inches from her.  
    What will tonight bring?   I'm hooked, aren't you?    We don't need to be ashamed, any more than the performers.
  5. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Capeguy in WOW HELL YEAH THE BEST   
    Okay all. I posted 2 days ago on another forum that I was not happy for what we did when we all thought Wed. night was drug fueled, yet watched anyway. I agree with most of what was said. A little disappointed SZ felt the need to swear at us in all caps but that is not huge in the big scheme of things.
    I am about to play Devil's Advocate here, sort of like in a debate where you MUST take the opposite position and try to make a compelling argument AGAINST the topic being discussed. I have been a member since Feb 2016 and I have tried to read a lot of the Forum posts over that time to get a feel for what has gone on before I joined and since. There is a lot out there so it is just about impossible to get to it all. I have also tried to be a chat participant and respect what others say (for the most part, some really piss me off) and I have probably ruffled a few feathers from time-to-time. I like to think I am reasonably level headed and consistent in my opinions. 
    Here goes.
    No one has ever objected to sex on RLC: not lesbian sex with Kira and Nina, possibly because they are married; not when they had a 3-some, which caused a lot of legal issues; not with Carina and Sabrina having sex with a strap-on and really rough sex; no one objected to SugarBonnie doing her sex shows, which were pretty explicit, from her tiny bedroom at C&S; Leora masturbating was fine and members could not get too much of that; we enjoy picking on Paul, even with his personal hygiene issues and really, really, really wanted him to be a real man and do Leora more often; Nelly and Bogdan could always make sure they were positioned properly to display there sexual activity, which they obviously planned carefully, and everyone said that was awesome; Nelly would masturbate while watching porn and with a good view and that was fabulous; Adriana could masturbate in her bed and we thought that was great because Daniel is just not man enough, yet he was the only one I know of who had anal sex with his partner and the write-ups on that were that is was just spectacular; it is fine when Stesha and Marco have sex, probably the most normal sex on the site, except for putting a condom on 3/4 of the way through, and we all love them; there was a lot of outrage at the way some of the Stesha and Marco guests treated their women and the parties but that was written off because after all, they are Russian men and that is just how they behave so the social outrage just falls by the road; Maya and Stepan are probably about as 'normal' as you get and probably mirror most of our lives, meaning they are boring and everyone mentions that but it is fine when they have their monthly sex, especially when Maya puts on her cat ears; we are all outraged that Lev has committed domestic abuse on Zoya several times and yet is still on the site, yet everyone comments on how awesome her masturbation scenes are even though she may be suffering from the pain of his abuse; Desiree and Raul appear to be pretty normal, it appears Raul actually works leaving Desiree alone during the day, and I have not seen anyone object to her masturbating using 3 dildos to keep her sex drive satisfied, and there have been lots of comments on her weight and a lot of those are, frankly, pretty offensive; no one seems to object to Masha and Sasha having sex at the turn of a hat, in point of fact if they go for a while without doing it we wonder where they are getting it outside of their place; speculation on Marsha and Sasha and the Italian have run rampant yet the one constant in chat is wanting to see Sasha do her when Masha is not there, not too kinky there folks; not a real fan of Vanessa and Thomas but when they would always cover up during sex everyone complains how dare they; when Vanessa (or  Thomas') parents were house sitting most were entertained by their sexual prowess for an old, fat couple but I have seen no complaints about that; even when Kamila's mother was in the apartment and masturbated in the tub, which I happened to catch for a minute and still cannot purge from memory, while Kami and Kristy were away was greeted with open enthusiasm that the old lady could still get it on; Suzan and Hector lead as boring a life as can be imagined and the biggest complaint is they do not have enough sex, and tongues were really flying when Suzan was doing it with one of the idiots who stayed with them for a while, but no real social indignation; the primary musings on Kami and Kristy was for them to give in to their sexual desires and do it with each other, when clearly they are not lesbians, even though Kami planted a big kiss on her once late one night, and Kami's new boyfriend has certainly proven she is heterosexual while Kristy is proving she is obviously heterosexual, although her choice in men leaves something to be desired; and finally there is the Dasha and Demid, the true soap opera apartment, which has fueled more speculation than the others combined and yet the primary complaint is Demid controlling Dasha too much and members want to old wilder Dasha back when she would masturbate more on camera with her PC; everyone bitches that Barcelona was too boring, just a bunch or women laying around in their lingerie and being on their phones all day, no girl-on-girl sex, and thank god that some of them would finally masturbate on cam; when Barca2 was put in place and we had 2 really young girls who looked fresh off the farm what did everyone want, for Megan and Amy to hook up and have lesbian sex!
    Also, I forgot the most important example: EFIM, who gets some of the best reviews for his sexual performances by newbies and old school members alike. He is reviled because of the way he has treated his women, whipping Diana and trying the same on his current girl. Yet when he shows up to visit Nelly and Bogdan the crowds go wild because they know he will fuck his girl regardless of whether it is 4 a.m. and he goes for a long time. Again, domestic violence does not count where performance matters.
    As for RLC: everyone complains they provide boring apartments with too little action; poor choices in tenants; not enough sex for the money they charge; not enough free cams so non-members cannot see all the action, how dare they restrict that free access or tighten it up; if they would not provide this then someone else should take over, which apparently was done in July and give us what we want and are paying all this money for. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID!
    If what happened had been introduced over the span of 1-2 months: Megan and Becca, Lola dildoing Polya in the tub; Belle having a romp with Anna or one of the other girls; no one would have been offended, there would have been an outpouring of applause for all the actions and RLC would have been praised for their choices. People would have been clamoring for videos of the action, just as they are for the party action.
    So what this says to me is we are all hypocrites of the worst kind who are willing to demand activities over and over and over; yet get all righteous when our demands are met. How did we justify what happened; it must have been drugs because otherwise we cannot accept that many watched what happened and liked it; until the next day when we felt bad because we need to soothe our souls and are not willing to admit that we liked it. And as I write this Lev is fucking Zoya on the couch, and you know what; I enjoyed watching the little I saw and I would bet so did a lot of others! And the chat pretty much suggests viewers who saw it think Lev should do her more often or this post ' Hi all. Perhaps the beginning for Z&L'. So much for domestic violence and other social concerns. I guess we need a bigger soap box on which to stand the next time we are feeling indignant with ourselves.
    So there you go, the completely opposite point of view using nothing but facts. I used to enjoy doing this when dissecting project designs at work because it forces one to look at issues from multiple perspectives and make others reconsider if their initial analysis was correct or find points which were overlooked. 
    So now everyone can go and attack what I said and I truly believe the outcry will be HUGE. 
  6. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to iloner in DONE   
    Hi Capeguy,
    Interesting post.   My twopennorth:
    We are animals.   We shouldn't expect too much of ourselves, and let others be, as long as no harm takes place.   Behaviour castigated in one generation becomes accepted the next.   People are often very quick to censure - and I condemn them for it! - but slower to praise, especially when the issues are complex.
    re cleaning up - my guess is the RLC  business required them to keep a schedule for our benefit.   The priority was to please the viewers and make a sea-change to the new owner RLC standards.   Frankly I love it.   And those pictures of a trashed apartment told a story that might well attract new subscribers.   I won't feel sorry for Polly either because she's in a place with an obligation to entertain the viewer but works a second job outside.
    Agree with you about Lola, and about Rebecca's wish to please her.   But we can forgive a general who's planned such a great turnaround at the Barca aptmts.    This morning Lola sat with Megan and Becca and read out a text to them they were all pretty pleased with - don't speak Russian but my guess was it was from top management saying Brilliant Job, have lunch on me (Lola would take that literally).   Seems to me she has earned the affection of Megan and Rebecca in a short time, and Anna and Belle and Stella all seem to love her.   .   Amy left I guess because objectives were set - active management by Lola - and she recognised she wanted out.   Personally I find Lola not attractive, but I approve of the successful way she has managed to  change things
    I'm pretty sure RLC monitors what goes out.   When the child appeared last week, and when Kami's Dad went to the loo on screen, UM happened pretty quick so someone was watching at the office, and when that shit Lev attacked Zoya the police were there within 10 minutes (I was watching).   
    Just my view, and my brain is tired from two nights with little sleep.   Tomorrow I might think something completely different.   
    What further surprises are coming?
  7. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Harry1949 in DONE   
  8. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Capeguy in DONE   
    I will agree with all that was said about the party, just about every fantasy most of us ever had probably came true. On the flip side there were some things that were not really good.
    * I think the overall chat from the beginning when everyone wanted to get rid of the guy, to the stage where he was drugging everyone, and then to the stage where everyone wanted to be sure it had all been recorded and was the best thing ever does not reflect well on us, myself included. If we really thought they were drugged the enthusiasm we showed is nothing of which we should be proud. I certainly enjoyed the action as did everyone else but I thought about before I went to bed around midnight and did not like myself for enjoying it, possibly at the expense of those women's feelings if they had indeed been drugged. Sort of like watching someone get sexually abused at a college party and everyone stands around and watches; although I have no idea what we could have done to stop the action regardless. 
    * The fact they never went back to Barca1 on Wednesday to clean up after the party, which Polya did on Thursday by herself, does not reflect well on the Barca 2 women or Anna and Stella. It does not really matter if they were tired from being up so late; they were just as responsible to get it done. I thought when they all left Thursday afternoon that was where they were going but apparently not.
    * I was a real fan of Lola, even with looks that some describe in not too glowing terms. She really let me down last night. I will grant you she was pretty well toasted but she ended up sticking herself into a significant number of situations which disrupted what others were doing, apparently just to be part of everything; really poor form. And when things were winding down and lots of people ended up in Lola's tub, the one person who got left out was Rebecca, who created the situation in the first place expecting to be in there with Lola; who now only had eyes for Anna in Megan's room with the guy. Lots went in the tub after that and you could tell Rebecca was really disappointed and I think she really wanted to make something happen with Lola.
    * I am disappointed in RLC; not for what happened but for their shortsightedness in providing a way to contact them in an emergency, which this probably was not. If someone got hurt badly in an apartment, as when Lola fell getting out of the tub because she was drunk, and was alone there is no way for that person to get help. RLC needs to provide such a facility; it would be a real tragedy for someone to not get aid if many viewers see the situation and are helpless  to get aid.
  9. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Dundas in Fan Page Anezka and Karel   
    Just learned that A&K have left RLC and I'm very glad for Anezka: the traumatized beautiful young woman is no longer haunted by camara's.
    I wish her well, but even without camara's it won't be easy.    
  10. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to philo in Fan Page Carina & Sabrina   
    The only thing that could make this apartment interesting again for me is for Sabrina and the new guy to have sex on camera. Then the dynamics of that with Carina would play out with a lot of viewer attention. I don't know if that decision of what to do with the guy is up to Sabrina or RLC but it's clear that she already has an off camera relationship with him.
  11. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from ptcruiser in Fan Page Carina & Sabrina   
    Yes its seems that Sugarbonnie is moving out,  I don't know if that might be good on Carina "aka Elvis" and Sabrina, seeing that Sugarbonnie did have a lot of eyes on that apartment for awhile.  Of course Sabrina has always been jealous of Sugarbonnie being in the spot light that she wants had.  Sabrina can be a bitch when she wants to be "hope you are reading this because its true", when Sabrina doesn't have her way she fights with everyone in the house even with Elvis. With Sugarbonnie leaving I see this apartment going even farther down hill, being screwed on cam by her lover "Elvis" is not the pretties site to watch.  Sugarbonnie has had her share in men in her bed for the last 6 months but she did keep us watching, even with her own web site she kept us watching, and Sabrina couldn't stand it.  Now lets see how Sabrina is going to make up for her lost.  Sabrina could make a come back if she got rid of some of the rump roast around her ass.  Sugarbonnie don't for get your cat.
  12. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to stevec in Fan Page Carina & Sabrina   
    Is sugarbonnie moving out? It looks like she has been cleaning her room and gathering up her stuff for the last few days. I don't have access to her bedroom cam so I can't really tell. I did see her grab some tupperware and mugs and pans from the kitchen and take them back to her room though. She has hardly been there since their last argument.
  13. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to iloner in Homophobia is alive and well   
    I did try to watch this apartment.    Stesha is lovely to look at and at least one of the guests - the thin one with the annoyingly bully boy bf.
    So many rooms, so many people - and so little happens.   So I don't bother much now, unless Stesha is going to bate.
    If the apartment isn't watched much I don't think its homophobia.   Its that it is dull.
  14. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from tim stoakes in Why do we watch RLC?   
    We watch RLC because where true voyeurs, we like sneaking and peeking in peoples rooms and bathrooms, we like watching people have sex and masturbate, we like it when someone walks around the house or apartment half naked.  We like trying for figure out people while their living there life.  After seeing these things we tend to get mad when they don't show us these things we want, and thats when the kid who wants another piece of candy comes out of us because we can't all ways have what we want.  Where all a bunsh of pervs.  Those who disagree for what I just said are full of it....lol
  15. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from DIRTYHARRY in Fan Page Lola   
    Lola, Megan, Rebecca, Anna, and Belle are having fun tonight.  Lola seems to be having the most fun and I am hoping she can lure these girls into some kind of kinky action.  Anna can't seem to stay home and thats alright too, Anna looks very sexy tonight so does Megan. Its a nice party going on.
  16. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to kelv32 in Fan Page Stella   
    I'd rather see a girl suck on them and everything else. 
  17. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to toolmaker123 in Fan Page Rebecca   
    It just appears to me, that RealLifeCam.com brings some of the most starving tenants on.
    They eat like there is no tomorrow.   And when they leave, they've put on tonnages.  
     Sabrina was so fuckin hot when she came into the project and she turned into 2 ton Tillie.  I have a hard time watching her anymore.
    The girls in Barca eat fruits and veges like they are a rarity in Russia. My guess; very expensive and/or hard to come by.  
             Putin, put some food out. Your pretty girls are starving.
  18. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Moose8973 in Vanessa & Thomas (Fan Page)   
    Your right, to "me" it seems that Thomas still haven't gotten use to the cams, and if he and Vanessa are having sex he stops leaving her unsatisfied.  These two have been here for awhile now, "I believe for them its just free living" as long as they are getting away with it I think they well continue to keep doing what they do "NOTHING"
  19. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from toolmaker123 in Fan Page Rebecca   
    Your right, she does like to eat thats for sure. I think we well see more of that then any thing else.
  20. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Moose8973 in Vanessa & Thomas (Fan Page)   
    Why is it that their house guest have more sex than they do
  21. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Blobke22 in Fan Page Anezka and Karel   
    be carefull there is a virus on the loose when trying to enter this apartment.
  22. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to 1mikeej in Fan Page for Stesha and Marco   
    dear diary, I sit here surrounded by my bf and his friends who mainly smoke pot together in their underwear. I think I would have more fun watching syrup drip off a counter top.
  23. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to eyenthesky in What is the set up in this apartment?   
    To see her naj=ked more often, you need to get rid of all the freeloading friends that sit around in their underwear smoking the hookah all day and night.  I still wonder why RLC tolerates the extra bodies in the apartments that do nothing to add to the experience.
  24. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from bedhead in Why do we watch RLC?   
    We watch RLC because where true voyeurs, we like sneaking and peeking in peoples rooms and bathrooms, we like watching people have sex and masturbate, we like it when someone walks around the house or apartment half naked.  We like trying for figure out people while their living there life.  After seeing these things we tend to get mad when they don't show us these things we want, and thats when the kid who wants another piece of candy comes out of us because we can't all ways have what we want.  Where all a bunsh of pervs.  Those who disagree for what I just said are full of it....lol
  25. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to StnCld316 in Fan Page Carina & Sabrina   
    She has to have hair there so the crabs can Bungee Jump.
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