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  1. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from cyberleader in Shana & Mikl   
    I said a few months ago on another forum that this would happen with Marcia and Miki but I got ignorant comments from others. Miki and Henry are two selfish pigs and disregard the feelings of their partner. Surprised that Mira is still with the constant nose pickin' booger man. Both couples are very sexual but when one partner outdoes the other partner every fucking day then something not good will come of it. Both Miki and Henry will have their claws on their next target to add to their conquest. Surprised that Aids or other STD's haven't reared it's ugly head upon all the VHTV participants no matter how careful they might be. Sooner or later, bound to happen based on the numbers of sexual activities with multiple fuckers.
  2. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from cyberleader in Shana & Mikl   
    I mostly favor couples or the occasional threesome or even a single girl or sexually active lesbians. Some say a few realms are the swinger type lifestyle or gangbangs or group orgies or whatever else. My beef or complaint about VHTV is that it is mostly porn style activities and fuck anybody or anything with no regards to their supposed partner. For appearances sake, to me, most realms trivialize nudity and sex or flaunt sex (asshole and pussy positioned two feet from the cam, wham bam thank you mam with no emotions or all boys and girls are personal sex toys to show off to the viewers). Miki and Henry are dirty pigs but most, if not all, receptive pussies are dirty pigs too. When you think a couple or female participant is more normal and great viewing then in a short time they go off the rail and end up like the rest - dirty fuckers who play around with others and switch partners, realms or have hissy fits (including violence) and subject to relocations to other realms. My recommendation, don't follow any realms because they are generally short lived.
  3. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from cyberleader in Jirina   
    Marcia is a strange girl. She moves away from Miki but still participating in fuck fests. I guess she likes the attention without having to keep an eye on Miki. She is stuck in the VHTV trap.
  4. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from eyenthesky in The Chat Room!! #2   
    At least all the bickering back and forth allowed xcamfan to have a good amount of participation by members. All the back and forth diatribe (meaning - a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something) can be like the Russia/Ukraine war. No one wins. Obviously no chance of a ceasefire between waring parties.
    I do not for a moment believe the badmouthing about the chat room has caused members to bail and jump ship to CC. I went to CC and the VHTV Forum since xcamfan has less participants of late. Even CC has fewer participants compared to the good old days. Also, I have to say, the VHTV Forum has less participants (mostly the same diehards) than when I first signed on to them. Many factors that contribute to less participants - RLC sucks, RLC tenants are brutal or lazy returnees, too many forum no-it-alls that are quick to put down your comment, VHTV is too much porn style, VHTV has revolving-door tenants/realms, cam show girls as participants and too much over analyzing of tenants. Both RLC and VHTV have lost ground over the last few years because of their lower quality (VHTV has been hurt more lately because of the Russia/Ukraine war). Their internet traffic has decreased significantly.
    I joined this site as a voyeur and made posts as a voyeur. Yes, I was critical of boring or repetitive actions by some tenants and when RLC is brutal. I have bitched the same about VHTV. What I do see on all these similar sites - commenters in the Chat Room and forum of xcamfan, forum commenters on camcaps and the forum commenters on VHTV is that all the talk is about each tenant's/participant's personal space. To me, being a voyeur is enjoying the visual experience or sight. All the posters, commenters or talkers on all three sites get deeply involved in what the tenant does within the apartment/house AND away from the voyeur cams. It is so bad that the VHTV forum members want cams everywhere so there is no privacy or small area to hide from the cams. I guess the VHTV participants have to be under the microscopic eye since the members pay a subscriptions to see everything and anything - sheeeesh!!!
    Do tenants/participants/guests wear microphones so you hear what they are talking about or monitoring devices so you know where they went or do they have to explain to you what they do 24/7?? These are voyeur cam sites for you to see and watch their actions within the walls of their place of employment (they get paid and/or rent paid and perhaps bonuses by paid subscriptions to the voyeur cam sites). You are entitled to view their movements within the view of the cams. THAT'S IT, THAT'S ALL.
    I will continue to post comments on all forum sites but avoid the Chat Room, avoid stupid talk in the camcaps forums and pick and choose what to post in the VHTV Forum. Needless to say, I have backed away from most conversations since I don't like all the trivial, childish, immature, overbearing comments and never ever can understand why members want to know all the personal stuff about a tenant.
    When I see a picture - that is what I see. Nothing more. I do not try to CSI it.
    When I watch a movie - that is what I see. Nothing more. Beginning, middle, ending.
    When I read a poem in my school days - that was a nice poem with good words. My English teacher wanted me to read between the lines and try to explain what the author was really saying and what was the imagery and symbols. Whatever, WTF!!! It is just fucking words dammit - lol.
    When I see a nice looking girl pass by me or when I talk to a delicious female - it is visual. The only thing going through my mind is - mmmmm, yum yum.
    So, I will stick to what works for me - being a visual voyeur. Anything more is just shit talk. Subscribers come across as if they own the girl's/tenant's actions 24/7 whether in front of the cams or away from the cams. That is what has ruined all three of these forum sites, in my honest fucking opinion. Ever wonder why there are very few, if any, females that continue to participate in these forums? Anything to do with rude perverts saying too much? My guess.
  5. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Vaz in The Chat Room!! #2   
    At least all the bickering back and forth allowed xcamfan to have a good amount of participation by members. All the back and forth diatribe (meaning - a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something) can be like the Russia/Ukraine war. No one wins. Obviously no chance of a ceasefire between waring parties.
    I do not for a moment believe the badmouthing about the chat room has caused members to bail and jump ship to CC. I went to CC and the VHTV Forum since xcamfan has less participants of late. Even CC has fewer participants compared to the good old days. Also, I have to say, the VHTV Forum has less participants (mostly the same diehards) than when I first signed on to them. Many factors that contribute to less participants - RLC sucks, RLC tenants are brutal or lazy returnees, too many forum no-it-alls that are quick to put down your comment, VHTV is too much porn style, VHTV has revolving-door tenants/realms, cam show girls as participants and too much over analyzing of tenants. Both RLC and VHTV have lost ground over the last few years because of their lower quality (VHTV has been hurt more lately because of the Russia/Ukraine war). Their internet traffic has decreased significantly.
    I joined this site as a voyeur and made posts as a voyeur. Yes, I was critical of boring or repetitive actions by some tenants and when RLC is brutal. I have bitched the same about VHTV. What I do see on all these similar sites - commenters in the Chat Room and forum of xcamfan, forum commenters on camcaps and the forum commenters on VHTV is that all the talk is about each tenant's/participant's personal space. To me, being a voyeur is enjoying the visual experience or sight. All the posters, commenters or talkers on all three sites get deeply involved in what the tenant does within the apartment/house AND away from the voyeur cams. It is so bad that the VHTV forum members want cams everywhere so there is no privacy or small area to hide from the cams. I guess the VHTV participants have to be under the microscopic eye since the members pay a subscriptions to see everything and anything - sheeeesh!!!
    Do tenants/participants/guests wear microphones so you hear what they are talking about or monitoring devices so you know where they went or do they have to explain to you what they do 24/7?? These are voyeur cam sites for you to see and watch their actions within the walls of their place of employment (they get paid and/or rent paid and perhaps bonuses by paid subscriptions to the voyeur cam sites). You are entitled to view their movements within the view of the cams. THAT'S IT, THAT'S ALL.
    I will continue to post comments on all forum sites but avoid the Chat Room, avoid stupid talk in the camcaps forums and pick and choose what to post in the VHTV Forum. Needless to say, I have backed away from most conversations since I don't like all the trivial, childish, immature, overbearing comments and never ever can understand why members want to know all the personal stuff about a tenant.
    When I see a picture - that is what I see. Nothing more. I do not try to CSI it.
    When I watch a movie - that is what I see. Nothing more. Beginning, middle, ending.
    When I read a poem in my school days - that was a nice poem with good words. My English teacher wanted me to read between the lines and try to explain what the author was really saying and what was the imagery and symbols. Whatever, WTF!!! It is just fucking words dammit - lol.
    When I see a nice looking girl pass by me or when I talk to a delicious female - it is visual. The only thing going through my mind is - mmmmm, yum yum.
    So, I will stick to what works for me - being a visual voyeur. Anything more is just shit talk. Subscribers come across as if they own the girl's/tenant's actions 24/7 whether in front of the cams or away from the cams. That is what has ruined all three of these forum sites, in my honest fucking opinion. Ever wonder why there are very few, if any, females that continue to participate in these forums? Anything to do with rude perverts saying too much? My guess.
  6. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Dave 77 in The Chat Room!! #2   
    At least all the bickering back and forth allowed xcamfan to have a good amount of participation by members. All the back and forth diatribe (meaning - a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something) can be like the Russia/Ukraine war. No one wins. Obviously no chance of a ceasefire between waring parties.
    I do not for a moment believe the badmouthing about the chat room has caused members to bail and jump ship to CC. I went to CC and the VHTV Forum since xcamfan has less participants of late. Even CC has fewer participants compared to the good old days. Also, I have to say, the VHTV Forum has less participants (mostly the same diehards) than when I first signed on to them. Many factors that contribute to less participants - RLC sucks, RLC tenants are brutal or lazy returnees, too many forum no-it-alls that are quick to put down your comment, VHTV is too much porn style, VHTV has revolving-door tenants/realms, cam show girls as participants and too much over analyzing of tenants. Both RLC and VHTV have lost ground over the last few years because of their lower quality (VHTV has been hurt more lately because of the Russia/Ukraine war). Their internet traffic has decreased significantly.
    I joined this site as a voyeur and made posts as a voyeur. Yes, I was critical of boring or repetitive actions by some tenants and when RLC is brutal. I have bitched the same about VHTV. What I do see on all these similar sites - commenters in the Chat Room and forum of xcamfan, forum commenters on camcaps and the forum commenters on VHTV is that all the talk is about each tenant's/participant's personal space. To me, being a voyeur is enjoying the visual experience or sight. All the posters, commenters or talkers on all three sites get deeply involved in what the tenant does within the apartment/house AND away from the voyeur cams. It is so bad that the VHTV forum members want cams everywhere so there is no privacy or small area to hide from the cams. I guess the VHTV participants have to be under the microscopic eye since the members pay a subscriptions to see everything and anything - sheeeesh!!!
    Do tenants/participants/guests wear microphones so you hear what they are talking about or monitoring devices so you know where they went or do they have to explain to you what they do 24/7?? These are voyeur cam sites for you to see and watch their actions within the walls of their place of employment (they get paid and/or rent paid and perhaps bonuses by paid subscriptions to the voyeur cam sites). You are entitled to view their movements within the view of the cams. THAT'S IT, THAT'S ALL.
    I will continue to post comments on all forum sites but avoid the Chat Room, avoid stupid talk in the camcaps forums and pick and choose what to post in the VHTV Forum. Needless to say, I have backed away from most conversations since I don't like all the trivial, childish, immature, overbearing comments and never ever can understand why members want to know all the personal stuff about a tenant.
    When I see a picture - that is what I see. Nothing more. I do not try to CSI it.
    When I watch a movie - that is what I see. Nothing more. Beginning, middle, ending.
    When I read a poem in my school days - that was a nice poem with good words. My English teacher wanted me to read between the lines and try to explain what the author was really saying and what was the imagery and symbols. Whatever, WTF!!! It is just fucking words dammit - lol.
    When I see a nice looking girl pass by me or when I talk to a delicious female - it is visual. The only thing going through my mind is - mmmmm, yum yum.
    So, I will stick to what works for me - being a visual voyeur. Anything more is just shit talk. Subscribers come across as if they own the girl's/tenant's actions 24/7 whether in front of the cams or away from the cams. That is what has ruined all three of these forum sites, in my honest fucking opinion. Ever wonder why there are very few, if any, females that continue to participate in these forums? Anything to do with rude perverts saying too much? My guess.
  7. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from TooLongOfAName in The Chat Room!! #2   
    At least all the bickering back and forth allowed xcamfan to have a good amount of participation by members. All the back and forth diatribe (meaning - a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something) can be like the Russia/Ukraine war. No one wins. Obviously no chance of a ceasefire between waring parties.
    I do not for a moment believe the badmouthing about the chat room has caused members to bail and jump ship to CC. I went to CC and the VHTV Forum since xcamfan has less participants of late. Even CC has fewer participants compared to the good old days. Also, I have to say, the VHTV Forum has less participants (mostly the same diehards) than when I first signed on to them. Many factors that contribute to less participants - RLC sucks, RLC tenants are brutal or lazy returnees, too many forum no-it-alls that are quick to put down your comment, VHTV is too much porn style, VHTV has revolving-door tenants/realms, cam show girls as participants and too much over analyzing of tenants. Both RLC and VHTV have lost ground over the last few years because of their lower quality (VHTV has been hurt more lately because of the Russia/Ukraine war). Their internet traffic has decreased significantly.
    I joined this site as a voyeur and made posts as a voyeur. Yes, I was critical of boring or repetitive actions by some tenants and when RLC is brutal. I have bitched the same about VHTV. What I do see on all these similar sites - commenters in the Chat Room and forum of xcamfan, forum commenters on camcaps and the forum commenters on VHTV is that all the talk is about each tenant's/participant's personal space. To me, being a voyeur is enjoying the visual experience or sight. All the posters, commenters or talkers on all three sites get deeply involved in what the tenant does within the apartment/house AND away from the voyeur cams. It is so bad that the VHTV forum members want cams everywhere so there is no privacy or small area to hide from the cams. I guess the VHTV participants have to be under the microscopic eye since the members pay a subscriptions to see everything and anything - sheeeesh!!!
    Do tenants/participants/guests wear microphones so you hear what they are talking about or monitoring devices so you know where they went or do they have to explain to you what they do 24/7?? These are voyeur cam sites for you to see and watch their actions within the walls of their place of employment (they get paid and/or rent paid and perhaps bonuses by paid subscriptions to the voyeur cam sites). You are entitled to view their movements within the view of the cams. THAT'S IT, THAT'S ALL.
    I will continue to post comments on all forum sites but avoid the Chat Room, avoid stupid talk in the camcaps forums and pick and choose what to post in the VHTV Forum. Needless to say, I have backed away from most conversations since I don't like all the trivial, childish, immature, overbearing comments and never ever can understand why members want to know all the personal stuff about a tenant.
    When I see a picture - that is what I see. Nothing more. I do not try to CSI it.
    When I watch a movie - that is what I see. Nothing more. Beginning, middle, ending.
    When I read a poem in my school days - that was a nice poem with good words. My English teacher wanted me to read between the lines and try to explain what the author was really saying and what was the imagery and symbols. Whatever, WTF!!! It is just fucking words dammit - lol.
    When I see a nice looking girl pass by me or when I talk to a delicious female - it is visual. The only thing going through my mind is - mmmmm, yum yum.
    So, I will stick to what works for me - being a visual voyeur. Anything more is just shit talk. Subscribers come across as if they own the girl's/tenant's actions 24/7 whether in front of the cams or away from the cams. That is what has ruined all three of these forum sites, in my honest fucking opinion. Ever wonder why there are very few, if any, females that continue to participate in these forums? Anything to do with rude perverts saying too much? My guess.
  8. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in Fan Page Leora #2   
    Compared to most RLC girls, Leora is major eye candy. She has been on RLC for many years but still got it.
  9. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to RUBBERMAN in Fan Page Leora #2   
    I watched Leora clean house today, and she was looking real hot in those shots today...."her ass was eating those shots up every step of the way." LOL
  10. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in Shana & Mikl   
    I mostly favor couples or the occasional threesome or even a single girl or sexually active lesbians. Some say a few realms are the swinger type lifestyle or gangbangs or group orgies or whatever else. My beef or complaint about VHTV is that it is mostly porn style activities and fuck anybody or anything with no regards to their supposed partner. For appearances sake, to me, most realms trivialize nudity and sex or flaunt sex (asshole and pussy positioned two feet from the cam, wham bam thank you mam with no emotions or all boys and girls are personal sex toys to show off to the viewers). Miki and Henry are dirty pigs but most, if not all, receptive pussies are dirty pigs too. When you think a couple or female participant is more normal and great viewing then in a short time they go off the rail and end up like the rest - dirty fuckers who play around with others and switch partners, realms or have hissy fits (including violence) and subject to relocations to other realms. My recommendation, don't follow any realms because they are generally short lived.
  11. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Plank in Shana & Mikl   
    This has been on the cards for a while,obvious for everyone to see. So it surprised me,(I don't know why,) to see Mikl screwing Viva before the dust had settled from Marcia moving out.
    Shana didn't look too pleased.but you make your bed...etc
  12. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Plank in Shana & Mikl   
    I said a few months ago on another forum that this would happen with Marcia and Miki but I got ignorant comments from others. Miki and Henry are two selfish pigs and disregard the feelings of their partner. Surprised that Mira is still with the constant nose pickin' booger man. Both couples are very sexual but when one partner outdoes the other partner every fucking day then something not good will come of it. Both Miki and Henry will have their claws on their next target to add to their conquest. Surprised that Aids or other STD's haven't reared it's ugly head upon all the VHTV participants no matter how careful they might be. Sooner or later, bound to happen based on the numbers of sexual activities with multiple fuckers.
  13. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in Jirina   
    Marcia is a strange girl. She moves away from Miki but still participating in fuck fests. I guess she likes the attention without having to keep an eye on Miki. She is stuck in the VHTV trap.
  14. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from StnCld316 in Jirina   
    Marcia is a strange girl. She moves away from Miki but still participating in fuck fests. I guess she likes the attention without having to keep an eye on Miki. She is stuck in the VHTV trap.
  15. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from StnCld316 in Shana & Mikl   
    I said a few months ago on another forum that this would happen with Marcia and Miki but I got ignorant comments from others. Miki and Henry are two selfish pigs and disregard the feelings of their partner. Surprised that Mira is still with the constant nose pickin' booger man. Both couples are very sexual but when one partner outdoes the other partner every fucking day then something not good will come of it. Both Miki and Henry will have their claws on their next target to add to their conquest. Surprised that Aids or other STD's haven't reared it's ugly head upon all the VHTV participants no matter how careful they might be. Sooner or later, bound to happen based on the numbers of sexual activities with multiple fuckers.
  16. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Scorpio 2.2 in WHERE DID ALL THE DIEHARD CHATTERS GO??   
    Not many talking about RLC on xcamfan or camcaps so the free advertising has come to a halt. We warned them. Can't beat free advertising if you have a decent product. The product alone can sell itself but word of mouth magnifies the benefits. SIMPLE.
  17. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Scorpio 2.2 in VHTV General Chat Part #3   
    Just had a look through. And nothing has changed. Still the same staged, over the top wannabe porn stars. 🤣
  18. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Scorpio 2.2 in RLC - WHY DO WE BOTHER   
    Lost interest in RLC and even VHTV. Rarely anyone home at camarads. Looking at cam girl sites and porn so I get what I want.
  19. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in RLC - WHY DO WE BOTHER   
    Lost interest in RLC and even VHTV. Rarely anyone home at camarads. Looking at cam girl sites and porn so I get what I want.
  20. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from clouds in Mira & Henry #1   
  21. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from clouds in Mira & Henry #1   
  22. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to RUBBERMAN in RLC - WHY DO WE BOTHER   
    Some of us "and my self included well bitch and whine about some of the things that goes on for months days and even years but well continue to re-subscribe over and over again instead of just moving on and it comes down to one big word "obsessed" and for some of us this site is like a drug.   One of the old saying about things are "if you don't like what you see, get the hell on or just move on."...lol...not going to happen...."totally obsessed."...and unless your new here, that goes for you too!!LOL

  23. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from mikeusa in RLC - WHY DO WE BOTHER   
    RLC's past history keeps subscribers glued for the next turnaround - wait for it, wait for it, wait for it 
  24. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in RLC - WHY DO WE BOTHER   
    RLC's past history keeps subscribers glued for the next turnaround - wait for it, wait for it, wait for it 
  25. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to cyberleader in Mira & Henry #2   
    this is how it done,a shining example
    New video.mp4
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