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    daver1956 reacted to Plank in How To Lose Your Members In 10 Days   
    Pushing the envelope slightly, but hey ho!?
    6,Create a scenario of a 'Love Triangle' (or menage a trois for our european viewers)
    Put together a gorgeous young woman with a fat, lazy slob & watch the punters go nuts!
    Then bring in another attractive woman and be obscure as to her identity or why she is even there! Let the punters speculate for hours as to her identity, is she a sister to one of them, is she the slob's wife?
    This woman will never be naked & will even shower fully clothed!
    7,When this 'Love Triangle' (menage a trois) becomes tedious, throw some casual domestic violence into the mix. The punter's will click on the apartment to bear witness to the events, or for some sort of sadistic voyeuristic, car-crash type thing. (weirdo's), however this will drive the viewing figures through the roof! Also when the punter's voice their concerns via email, ignore those emails, they will discuss that at length as well! A win/win.
    8,Encourage the tenants only to show nudity &/or sexual content on paid cams only! Do not do jack schnitt on free cams! If nudity or sex should happen on free-cams, switch the cams between day/night vision continuously , it will drive the freeloading scum nuts! Keep prices unrealistic high, so it appears that something special is going on and you are a lesser person & really missing out if you don't join.
    Also punish anyone, anywhere that dares to post one of our images, even though it might encourage new members!
    9,Tenants will be encouraged to argue, fall out, scream, shout & to throw their Teddy's out of their cot's every now & then! A 'storming out' or 'stomping-off' would be good, stay away for a few days, then return & immediately have 'make-up sex'! These 'fall out's will be on a strict rota system as C & M have used up this years allocation already!
    10, Pet's. all apartments must have pets, (not fish) not only is it something to watch when nothing else is happening, but it will also trigger the motion sensors which will fool the punters into thinking that something is going on. The punters will then cycle through all the apartments in case they are missing something. This again, will drive up the viewing figures!
    Add some Pet abuse into the mix every so often. Abandon a kitten for a few days, spank the mutt or throw a cat out of the window etc. This will also wind up the punters, and of course ,do not answer any emails of concern. (as above) They will discuss it more & check on the pet's well being, therefore another win/win!
  2. Like
    daver1956 reacted to ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ in How To Lose Your Members In 10 Days   
    @toolmaker123(senior mod) that would be Paul can I have some Leora no you can't Leora do you want some Paul no I don't Paul can I rub you Leora no I do find by myself  the dog licking it's puddy thinking these two here are totally phucked in the head
  3. Like
    daver1956 reacted to Oli496 in How To Lose Your Members In 10 Days   
    Genius, m8 this is legen....wait for it........dary, barney out!
  4. Like
    daver1956 reacted to toolmaker123 in How To Lose Your Members In 10 Days   
    SHIT, I thought this was a post about losing your 3rd leg MEMBER; Kinda the Lorena thing. FUCKED ME UP....
  5. Like
    daver1956 reacted to ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ in How To Lose Your Members In 10 Days   
    Ok so I stole the title from the movie. So here's how you do it First. add an apt call it Lera and Alex now most member thinks this is a couple apt But HaHaHaHa the jokes on them because little do they know these two are brother and sister and if not at most friends this apt will stay empty most of the time. Second. now this is a good one bring back the girl apt  add one very tall girl with an hair trigger when she rubs one out. Now add an escort who spends more time gone than actually in the apt. Next add a very young and at best cute young lady that does what young ladies do dances around nude and stay glue to phone or laptop. Ok now we're cooking with Crisco. Third. Add a new apt but with a twist WAIT FOR IT Yes make this one premium and in the process add blur to the thumbs. fourth.  for some odd reason mostly all your tenants went from sex in the open to sex under cover. ok people i'm running out of chit help me out here someone do five  Ok I got five have cams mysteriously shut down as soon as couple go to bed. Ok who got 6
  6. Like
    daver1956 reacted to MEE4YOUU in Voyeur in you   
    When I was young, I had the chance to watch my neighbors' house where I cold see the girls in the living room and bedroom only. I could watch them changing their clothes before and after schools / work and after shower.. In addition, I had the chance to see some intimate moments when their old brother had sex with is wife.. When I recall this now, I find it very similar to what I watch now on RLC ... 
  7. Like
    daver1956 reacted to supriyadesai1 in Voyeur in you   
    Dear peanut,
    You may be absolutely right...I have just made my observations based on the pics available in the forum. Like you said u have been watching for 3 years straight..and ur surely the better judge of things..I may probably end up losing intrest much sooner..but I'm still hopeful of things improving along as we go along...I'm just looking at proably from the most basic aspect of it..like a girl is being filmed in her most private of moments...that is what excites me the most..Im just hoping that keeps me glued to this site for a whiLe..mean while will most Def check out the other site as well..
  8. Like
    daver1956 reacted to Windu in How did you find RealLifeCam?   
    I had gotten a free membership to a live cam site with a subscription to another site. One with the peepshow type cams that only let you watch for a few minutes and then wanted a payment to continue. I started searching for other cam sites and came across RLC. I watched the free cams for about a week and got hooked on Leora, Maya, and Adriana. After watching them in panties or less whenever they passed through a free area, I had to see what was going on in the bedrooms too, so I signed up. A few weeks after that I found this site and joined it as well soon after.
         RLC is unique from the other cam sites I saw while searching. It's not guaranteed that the residents are going to have sex or do anything else of that nature. The anticipation of whether or not they are going to is addicting though. As is wondering if they will do something more kinky, like Maya getting a finger in her ass during sex or Diana in the kitchen in a schoolgirl outfit bent over the table. For me, the anticipation adds some excitement to watching.
         Of course there are the duds that frustrate everyone with hours of watching and nothing to show for it. But the good residents still out number the poor ones I think.
         The fact that we can watch the people do whatever they are doing at any time is sometimes boring, sometimes interesting, and others humorous as well. Ex: A month or so ago, I watched Stepan trying to cut a sign he had made with a small, thin wheeled rotary tool. He broke at least 5 or 6 wheels doing it. Each time he would look at the broken pieces, then at the tool, and then at the sign like he couldn't understand what was happening. Maya was sitting behind him with a, "This is going to end badly" look on her face and finally made him put on safety glasses.  I was laughing my ass off for about 20 minutes watching him.
  9. Like
    daver1956 reacted to lbooghy32 in How did you find RealLifeCam?   
    Well I was on a voyeur site looking threw some videos and I hit a page and RLC popped up seeing real people and them just chilling I thought I hacked into somebodys apartment was scared for a moment...First person I saw was a young lady by the name of Isabel, she was chilling eating what I believe was popcorn and fell in love with her instantly, she was beautiful so I was hooked. It took a few months to sign up and become a member but I'm glad I did...
  10. Like
    daver1956 reacted to MEE4YOUU in How did you find RealLifeCam?   
    Popped up while watching x-hamster.. I used to close immediately and never took care of it as I thought it wass something like a spamming page.. Later, I started to watch the free cameras.. 
  11. Like
    daver1956 reacted to hollywoodmogul21 in How did you find RealLifeCam?   
    It was December of 2013 and I was on xhamster, searching my usual amateur, homemade, and voyeur videos when I came across a video that was awesome. I didn't know then, but later I would learn that that video was Leora & Paul. And, whenever someone posts a good vid, I usually look at their profile and check what other vids they have posted. So, I did and saw a vid of Alma & Stefan. Then, I started reading the comments that were posted for the vids, and one person posted that the vid had come from reallifecam. 
    Within minutes, I was on RLC viewing free cams and had found our old message board reallifecamfan. Sadly, it took me a little more than two months to become a paying member, but RLC must have taken my email seriously when I sent them the total amount of potential profit they would be missing from me. The reason I could not become a paying member was because of the financial institution they used which was only SegPay at the time. SegPay was red flagged by my bank, and both of my credit cards wouldn't work. So, I asked RLC to contact me if they ever used any other financial institutions like CCBill or Verotel. Thankfully, they did. And, as of February of 2014, I have been a paying member.
  12. Like
    daver1956 reacted to supriyadesai1 in Voyeur in you   
    Hey im a newbie at this site..I have recently started following the forum In detail..and I hope I can contribute in a better manner..I'm hoping to become a premium member as well of rlc in the coming days.
    My agenda of creating this post was to discuss if anybody enjoyed the voyeuristic point of view of the whole thing..yup naked girls are the best..But does anybody enjoy the shower portion, the undressing part after they come from work, so on and so forth..
  13. Like
    daver1956 reacted to MEE4YOUU in Voyeur in you   
    Following these people is so interesting including everything in their everyday life.. You may not find a big difference between tenants' lives especially those who just stay at home doing nothing but eating, fucking, showering, watching TV, playing on their smart phones and of course shitting lol
  14. Like
    daver1956 reacted to supriyadesai1 in Voyeur in you   
    Ur absolutely right..But still the genealogy idea of watching a girl take a shower or touching herself or getting ready for work basically for me is absolutely exciting...I hope to enjoy as much as all you folks...and hoping few of my fetish comes true as well
  15. Like
    daver1956 reacted to jspgolf in Question about posting pics   
    Hello Everyone,
        This may be a dumb question, but in my mind, hte only dumb question is the one not asked!!  When I'm on Shoutbox or in an individual thread, I don't have the ability to post a pic after my comment.  The menu options don't allow me to insert a pic.  Is that a rights thing?  Browser thing? Or just a process I missing?
        I'm using a Windows 10 machine with Chrome as my primary browser.  I do have IE and Firefox installed if I need to use either of them instead.
        Any assistance would be GREATLY Appreciated!!
    PS...I also read somewhere that I should change my nic on here b4 posting caps?  The ID I use here is the same as my ID on RLC.  I think I also read that those 5 numbers/letters on the lower left side should also be wiped out before posting.  Can someone confirm?
    Thanks again!!
  16. Like
    daver1956 reacted to Dazzan in Helpful Words, Terms and Phrases   
    Blanketing aka Blobbing
    A Blanketing, usually occurs when (a somewhat shy) Demid, has retrieved the white, green, grey and black patterned blanket from the cupboard and is using it to attempt to conceal the hard fucking that he is meting out on Dasha. A Blanketing may also be referred to as a blobbing if it is successful, in that when Dasha and Demid are completely obscured by said blanket, when they writhe under the covers, it is akin to watching the "Blob" lollop and shudder along the pavement in the 50's (or was it 60's) horror film "The Blob" .
    Usage in the shout box - "Hey! quick, Demid is Blanketing Dasha in the Lounge"
    NOTE: There is never usually any hurry to report this in the shout box as these blanketings carry on for at least an hour and and everyone has usually noticed what is going on by then, not that there is anything to see anyway, unless the blanketing is unsuccessful.
  17. Like
    daver1956 reacted to Dazzan in Helpful Words, Terms and Phrases   
    Here is a classic example of Leoraing... note she is draped over him face near his cock, whilst wearing tiny panties and a crop top... and he is Pauling... picking his nose... I rest my case.

  18. Like
    daver1956 reacted to Dazzan in Helpful Words, Terms and Phrases   
    Hi there.. this is a joke post... not to be taken too seriously.
  19. Like
    daver1956 reacted to Dazzan in Helpful Words, Terms and Phrases   
    Pauling taken to a new level.. picking his nose and her ass at the same time

  20. Like
    daver1956 reacted to toolmaker123 in Helpful Words, Terms and Phrases   
    I have to agree; this is very entertaining. 
     THESE are the kinds of posts many would look for here.
      Besides just the posting nudies photos and videos, this type of post makes coming here more than fun. IT is something to look forward to; KINDA like the old funnies in the newspapers used to be.
      KEEP IT UP, Dazzan
  21. Like
    daver1956 reacted to Dazzan in Helpful Words, Terms and Phrases   
    Alex, Alexing, Alexed (aka Sheldoning).
    To Alex (also known as Sheldoning, due  to his uncanny likeness (from a distance, in night vision) to Dr Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory), is a term used to describe the act of sitting at the kitchen counter all day, surfing the web on a laptop, and doing fuck all else to entertain the RLC subscribers. A proper, nay a perfect Alex is achieved by covertly wanking whilst sitting at the counter whilst secretly surfing this very forum for the purpose of watching and downloading the naked pictures, minge selfies and masturbating videos of his flat mate Lera, ... who is actually his sister.
    Usage in the shout box - "Hey! quick, check out Ale.." 
    NOTE: Before you finish the sentence, you realise that no-one will give a shit, you will be alienated and ostracized by the other forum members and probably be banned for life for wasting peoples time... so instead you delete the post, close your laptop and thank god you stopped yourself just in time. 
  22. Like
    daver1956 reacted to Dazzan in Pauls Hairy Nutsack   
    Having just been outed by Peanut in the shout box... I need to ask a favour... does anyone have any pictures of Pauls Hairy Nutsack?
    Its not for me you understand... erm... its for a friend 
  23. Like
    daver1956 reacted to Dazzan in Helpful Words, Terms and Phrases   
    Since discovering this site 2 weeks ago, I have been giving some serious thought on making a valuable contribution to it, creating a legacy if you will,  leaving my mark here for perpetuity and have concluded that starting a thread and introducing some helpful words and phrases, for the blogger in a hurry, is probably the way to go.
    For me there is nothing more frustrating than for Leora to be blowing Paul, only to realise that no one has commented in the shout box, you then rush to the shout box to comment that "Leora's blowing Paul in which ever room it is", only for him to have blown his load of man fat over his own belly, before you've finished typing "Leora's blowi".... you get my point, what I propose to do introduce words terms and phrases and their respective definitions, which can be used so you can both draw attention to what is going on and get back to the action ASAP.
    (If nothing else I hope you find it funny as fuck and can add your own words with definitions).
    Leora (Leoraing, Leorad)
    To Leora, is to walk around your apartment in a state of undress, wearing at most a skimpy top and a pair of tiny panties or at least... nothing at all. The purpose of which is to elicit some form of reaction from an unwilling or uninterested sexual partner, who would rather solder, surf the web, or pick his various orifices rather than pay you any attention. A full on Leoraing, will additionally involve the wiggling of her ass or brushing of her breasts on him or even her covertly masturbating/ touching herself until he notices, when she will stop and carry on as though nothing has happened.
    Usage in the shout box - "Hey! quick, Paul's getting Leora'd"
    NOTE: as this happens so frequently no one will actually give a shit, and everyone will carry on chatting as though nothing has happened.
    It should be noted that a Leoraing can have 2 possible outcomes... To be "Paul'd" or a "sympathy nosh".
    Paul (Pauling, Pauled)
    To Paul, is to exert an almost superhuman amount of will power, in ignoring and thus overcoming and successfully rebuffing a Leoraing. This is achieved through concentrating heavily on either web surfing, soldering, or orifice picking, trying ignore the pert young breasts with erect nipples or toned ass bouncing only inches from your nose. The reason for a Pauling, is that "fucking" is not a possible outcome of a Leoraing, in that any attempt to return the sexual advances will be met with a barrage of rebuffs and you having to wank yourself off into the bath (or was that Mario) to relieve the sexual tension. If a Pauling is completed successfully, she will bugger off, leave you alone and go and frig herself silly in another room. 
    Usage in the shout box - "Hey! quick, Leora just got Pauled".
    NOTE: See note above, no one will give a shit as this happens daily.
    Sympathy Nosh
    A Sympathy Nosh, is the only other outcome of a Leoraing and occurs on very rare occasions (only 5% of Leoraings result in a sympathy nosh) and refers to when a Leoraing is taken too far, she herself gets really horny and requires some form of sexual release. In these rare circumstances a sympathy nosh is offered and a blow job is given as a means of hardening his cock, to a non-flaccid state, in order that he may fuck her silly. Alas the sympathy nosh is not without its pitfalls and a tiny percentage (say 1%) result in a fucking, the other 99% result in him blowing his load prematurely in her mouth or more often, over his own belly; leaving her in a state of sexual tension and her frigging herself off in another room..
    Usage in the shout box - "Hey! quick, Paul's getting a sympathy nosh"..
    NOTE: In practice Paul has already blown his load by the time you've typed "Hey! quick, Pau..." in practice it is better to either type "sympathy nosh" (everyone will now know what this means) or ignore it as no-one really gives a shit.
    I am working on some more and will upload in due course.
  24. Like
    daver1956 reacted to wgigi in @hotwal thread for asking questions re:gallery   
    Me, well, I just can't watch anything that shows a black box with a pointer in it.  Click on that and I get a black picture with a bar running in the middle but still no play.  Granted, I am computer stupid but is there a magic button that I could be trained to use ?
  25. Like
    daver1956 reacted to Bosentan in Are They Leaving?   
    In one of the "purported" ads, published by RLC on Craigslist, tenants were required to give notice at least one day in advance before the arrival of a minor--below 18 years of age--guest.
    I want to think that this is the case with C&S. They have a minor guest and RLC has cut off feed for compliance with legal norms.
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