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Posts posted by Rhodie

  1. 5 minutes ago, RUBBERMAN said:

    My comments was never meant to be harmful...just voicing my thoughts on your comments that's all.  I hope these young ladies don't continue to push members away from each other as some are doing..."we can't be with them, we can't talk to them...and we dam sure can't and won't sleep with them.   I am not here to promote...I am here to view and express what I saw, seen and liked.....and dis-like if need be.  Again I was nothing trying to discredit you and your opinion and thoughts.8)

    No offence taken, hope you feel the same. I am sure we will continue to disagree on many things, shit happens. Nothing wrong with a bit of a debate. That's what this forum is here for. I would sleep with some of them but, if they slept with me, then they would be worthy of no respect!

  2. My comment was in relation to what Iloner said, hence the quote.

    5 hours ago, iloner said:

    I keep the view that these girls deserve our respect and thanks for what they do.

    At no point have I tried to tell you or anybody else what to say. I agree with you. Everybody has, not only the right to an opinion, but to voice that opinion. That is what I did, I voiced my opinion. You clearly disagree with that opinion which is fine, you usually do.  If we all thought the same, life and this forum would be very boring! The fact that we disagree doesn't make my opinions less valid than yours or, your opinions less valid that mine. I enjoy the diversity of thoughts on this forum and hope it continues whether I agree with them or not!

  3. 3 hours ago, iloner said:

    I keep the view that these girls deserve our respect and thanks for what they do.

    I completely agree. If what the people on RLC do is so reprehensible that they are undeserving of basic human respect, what does that make us, the people who watch, encourage and, by paying to do so, ultimately facilitate these sordid actions? If they "do nothing" they're called boring, useless and many call for them to be dumped from the project. If they do get sexual,  they're called prostitutes and sluts. They are unworthy of being treated with a modicum of respect. I wonder how many of us would still be watching if they were chaste, pillars of morality?  Not many! 

  4. Cheers Kenny and Kim. Have a safe trip home. I will miss them as, for once, B3 became interesting and they were a big part of that.  I didn't think Kenny was bad. He stood up against the previous guy when he got out of hand and never overstepped the line with Amanda, although the temptation must have been great! He seems to become a bit overbearing when pissed, but, I like problem guests when it's not me who has to deal with them. That being said, I never saw him get excessively inappropriate, he's just a bit rough around the edges?. Kim was fun. A lovely lady. I hope we will see them again.

  5. Chat is what it is. Some like it, some don't. On the few occasions I went on it, I was warmly welcomed and, although my opinions differed from most, there was no animosity. For many chatters, it's a chance to have a bit of fun and discuss the events of the day. Chat differs from the forum in that, the forum asks that you keep comments positive. There is no such stipulation on chat. Criticism is fine but, don't make it personal. Yes, they're all being paid etc but, they're also human beings. Based on my limited experience, chat can be fun. It would be a lot more fun if more people participated.

  6. 1 minute ago, StnCld316 said:

    There is a Feature on the Chat called Ignore.  If you add a Member to the Ignore List while in Chat you'll never see another Chat Message from that Member. So if they try to respond to you, you'll never see it.

    Thanks. Everybody has their own opinions and I like to see those those opinions, whether I agree or not. It's just the bullshitters I dislike. You can't beat them by burying your head in the sand. While I have your attention, thanks for all you efforts on RLCF. If I ever bump into you, the beers are on me! 

  7. 7 hours ago, Scorpio 22 said:

    What's everyone's opinion on the chat and why don't you get involved? 

    I'll kick it off! I think most on chat are good people who are there to have some fun and discuss what's going on, all with the best intentions. Yes, most of the conversation is about the Barca places but, according to the thumbs, that's where most of the interest lies. As such, it's only natural that they're the most talked about. My problem with chat is that some people use it to wage their personal vendettas against some participants they don't like. Yes, we get it, you don't like X. You don't have to repeat it every 5 minutes of the 16 hours a day you're on FLCF. You also shouldn't make shit up about them just to suit  your own personal narrative! In my case, I called out a constant chat member on his behaviour toward somebody. I used his "name." I felt he was getting too personal and he was making things up in order to cast a certain lady in a bad light . Now I don't go an chat to avoid the consequences.   

  8. On 11/1/2018 at 6:28 AM, RUBBERMAN said:

    A few days ago Eric and Julia's apartment was down for maintenance almost a whole day...."what ever the case after they came back they seemed to be closer and more open to the cams"...it could be that RLC may have talked to the both of them about their short feud.  I did notice earlier around 3:30 am their time that Julia seemed to be either drunk or on some kind of unknown substance....she wasn't her self and lay naked in the guess room on the bed while Eric played on the desk top computer...."Seems every time she got up she did want sex from Eric, but he kept brushing her off and wouldn't give in....they finally went to bed.  I have seen her this way before, and Eric doing the same.  What ever happen a few days ago hopefully we the viewers may start to see more from the both of them.

    They seemed ok quite quickly after the incident and were watching TV together later on. Perhaps Eric is used to "it" whatever "it" may be? Perhaps it was something bad or, he's reaching the end of his patience. His behaviour was quite out of character. Whatever it was, it looks to be sorted, for now, but with Julia, you never know? I still like her though.

  9. 9 minutes ago, WhySoSerious? said:

    Julia especially looked like she was looking at the cam. So many blame Eric but time after time he would try and get things going to no avail, Julia for some reason or another has no interest in sex now.

    It used to make me feel so uncomfortable. You're watching me,  guess what, I'm watching you! I knew that wasn't the case but it was still uncomfortable. I think that's why I hate people being so critical of the people on RLC. Yes, they sign up for it, yes they get paid but it can't be easy knowing your every move is being watched, analysed and critiqued. As for Julia and Eric, I think Julia is a wild child and Eric tries to reign her in. They have been together a long time, Eric must love her to put up with all her shit. Julia is beautiful but, I don't think I would have Eric's patience?

  10. 17 minutes ago, WhySoSerious? said:

    Sounds like the most excitement that has happened in this apartment. Sexual frustration is never good in a relationship. 

    Something has happened there. I joined RLC after watching them on free cams and they were insatiable. Couldn't keep their hand off each other. It was a bit freaky as the sofa was in a different place and the cam was above the tv. When they watched tv, it seemed they were watching you. Now, I just go onto them to see that picture on cam 1. It is a good picture! Pity about the rest. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, WhySoSerious? said:

    Agree most wouldn't get it up and even if they did would shoot their load straight away. 

    Been there, done that, and all without a critical audience and a camera pointed up my arse seeing what I had for lunch. Most of us on RLC are here for the women, the men are extras, but, they don't deserve the abuse they get.  Take men out of RLC and we're stuck with the fake lesbian shit.

  12. 16 minutes ago, WhySoSerious? said:

    Never watched T&W so didn't know that. Some take longer than others and agree some are very critical especially of the men. Love to see how they would do in same situation. 

    I have a feeling most would make Smithy look like a porn star, if they could get it up! It would be fun if RLC created an apartment for all these RLCF Casanovas who are so critical. Go ahead, show everyone how it's done!

  13. 2 minutes ago, WhySoSerious? said:

    Welcome and take your time and enjoy. Not everyone has fucked on cam before they move in. 

    It can't be easy knowing you will be performing to an audience, especially one which is often very critical of the men's performances. Like they've never pulled the trigger  a bit quicker than they'd hoped! Ulyana banged her boyfriend on cam at T&W. I'm not sure if it was Marat? She is used to the cams so perhaps it's him that has a bit of stage fright. But, mission accomplished, you have a place so there's no rush. Please U&M, just bear in mind my replay expires in 10 days and you're in an inconvenient time zone.

  14. On 10/21/2018 at 12:39 PM, Johnny said:

    For me doing nothing is just laying around looking at phones day after day and not doing anything productive with their lives.

    In that case, all some do is nothing and sleep! I my day, a nuclear war was was considered to be the apocalypse. Today, the apocalypse would be network failure.

  15. 59 minutes ago, Rudi said:

    If people are paying they have every right to criticize and complain especially about sex and masturbating under covers. Also certain tenants that do nothing should be removed. 

    To an extent, I agree, but, RLC can't be everything to everybody. You're right about the undercover stuff. If participants are not comfortable doing these things, then they shouldn't be there. I can think of a few, Emily! As for tenants who do nothing being be removed, again I agree but, what is nothing? I assume you mean they don't have sex or bate on a daily basis. In real life, who does? RLC  has the statistics about viewing figures. As a business, are they going to keep paying for places nobody watches? Of the 24 apartments, I probably watch 7 or, if Kitty is going mental, 8. As voyeurs, the good things in life are worth waiting for. I can see Linda and Tibor fucking everyday, it gets boring. Sam fingering Angie today, nice!  I have no problem with people complaining, after all, RLC isn't cheap, but, let's just keep things in perspective. 

  16. 9 hours ago, Scorpio 22 said:

    If Amina was male and acting like this would be completely different story. She acts like a sleazeball and obviously has no respect for herself or others. 

    I regret, I have to disagree. Firstly, I don't understand your distinction about male or female? I apologise if I've misunderstood you. but, it seems like you're saying it's OK for a man to play around but not a woman? Secondly, what is she doing wrong? I like Ami, and my impression, maybe mistaken, is she likes Barcelona and RLC is a way of being there? I think she reads the chat so has gained an impression from there about what "we" want/expect and is doing her best to live up to those expectations. Personally, I couldn't give a shit about who she does or doesn't fuck or whether it's staged or not. I just like seeing Ami. 

  17. We are a varied bunch from all over the world. We all have our preferences, likes and dislikes. It's impossible to cater to everybody. If you just want to see some rug munching (bearing in mind, there aren't too many with rugs on RLC), there are plenty of sites to see that. What makes RLC different from porn sites is, we get to see the people 24/7. Surprise, surprise, ladies are not the raging nymphomaniacs pornos would have us believe. Anybody who's married or has been in a relationship longer than 2 weeks will already know that. Most of us don't understand a word the participants say, but, by watching, we get to know the participants, a bit. As such, when they have sex, it's kind of like seeing the hot girl in the office getting laid. You know you stand no chance but, hey, at least you can watch. The logistics of the Barca apartments can't be easy. Trying to predict the right mix of ladies, months in advance, impossible. RLC is not perfect but, it is what it is. Nobody is forcing you to subscribe. 

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