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Posts posted by StnCld316

  1. 9 minutes ago, Plank said:

    There is definitely a cultural difference between what is the 'norm' for our eastern European cousins to us lot in the decadent filthy west.
    In no way would you, or should you get away with this sort of behaviour.
    The same goes for all this pseudo S & M stuff, the really hard slapping of arses & choking women for me is a massive turn off.
    Candy & Dean have always had a volatile relationship. At one point Dean was living at A & A's old place after Candy threw him out.
    He tried to start a new relationship with a girl called Ashley who has to go down as one of the most boring people ever to appear on VH after Rapunzel.
    God knows why they got back together because clearly they despise each other.

    Looks like another one for the Archive.

    They are back Online again.

  2. 26 minutes ago, Plank said:

    I was literally just writing that this apartment needs to be taken down,before someone gets seriously hurt and boosh it is gone!
    Ever since the little blonde pocket rocket turned up at their apartment the atmosphere has become toxic.
    What looked to be heading towards a threesome the other day turned to rat-shit very quickly.Dean & the blonde started making out & Candy took exception to it, & words were exchanged.
    Candy was ranting at Dean, he was playing with a lighter trying to ignore her.
    She grabs the lighter,he resists and kicks out at her. He caught her under her jaw.Accidental or not, it doesn't matter.
    Over the last few days things seemed to have settled down. Wrong.
    Tonight I witnessed a very argumentative Candy constantly picking at Dean,the blonde trying to be peacemaker.
    Blonde goes to bed in the LR, Candy gets the bed & Dean has set up some cushions on the floor in the corner of the BR.
    Candy is still going at Dean, he is trying to watch his phone. Candy continues to provoke him he ignores her.
    She then kicks out at him towards the side of the head,he doesn't respond.


    She then rants & rages & decides that he doesn't deserve a pillow or a sheet, and kicks out at him again.

    Looking for something else to rage at, it's the fires turn. She kicks out at the fire in some way of switching it off.

    Dean loses it smacks her hard around the back of the head then grabs her hair & throws her to the floor.


    As much as I was a fan of Dean & Candy from their days at A & A's old place this sort of shit can not be tollerated.

    They have not only let themselves down, but they have really screwed over Anna & Alex who got them the place.

    Good riddance! >:D

    It seems the Apartment is off the Apartment Index.  Candy & Dean are finished by the looks of it.

  3. 1 hour ago, RUBBERMAN said:

    No harm to your question or comment, but a lot of these couples are like that, most of the men don't cum inside their ladies..."it could be because they are showing us the viewers that they did orgasm."  then I could be wrong too.  Kitty also may not be on the pill. "remember there are not any couples with kids at RLC" and she my be trying to prevent this from happening.8)

    There's only one girl on RLC that has gotten pregnant and that was Lora.  Someone posted awhile back that Alina was but it wasn't for certain.  I think Alina & Anton left so they could start a Family. Dayana was already Pregnant before she came back for her last tour of RLC.

  4. 1 hour ago, Sam Cuddly said:

    With the number of apartments (realms) getting bigger and the list getting longer it is now necessary to scroll the entire page down to get to the realms lower in the list, such as Misty. I was thinking (I do that sometimes) and I realized it would help for the list to be scrollable. So I researched that and discovered it is easy. Someone might suggest that to Voyeur House TV management but I hear they don't listen. So you can make the modification yourself using a browser extension. It works for me in Firefox and it should work in Chrome and Edge but I have not tested them yet.

    Begin by creating a folder someplace for the extension. Call it whatever you want but VHTVscrollrealms is a good choice. Then use a text editor (Notepad or whatever) to create two files with the following names:

    • manifest.json
    • VHTVscrollrealms.css

    The contents of manifest.json are:

      "name": "Voyeur House TV Scrollable Realms",
      "description": "Changes the list of realms on the left to be scrollable",
      "version": "1.0alpha1",
      "manifest_version": 2,
      "author": "Visitor VoyeurHouse",
      "permissions": [
      "applications": {
        "gecko": {
          "id": "[email protected]"
      "content_scripts": [
          "matches": [
          "css": [

    The contents of VHTVscrollrealms.css are:

    .vue-render {
        overflow-y: auto;
    	height: 600px;

    The manifest says that the extension applies only to voyeur-house.tv. The extension consists entirely of the contents of VHTVscrollrealms.css. That file injects a little CSS that makes the relevant portion of the page limited to 600 pixels in height and makes it automatically scrollable.

    To install the extension type "about:Debugging" into the address bar and go there. In the upper-right there should be a "Load Temporary Add-on" button. Click it then browse to where you put the files and select the manifest.json file. You will need to load it each time you start Firefox; the extension will not be automatically reloaded. I think that is all you need to do but there might be an option somewhere that I have forgotten about. If you are able to get it working then you can at least try using the capability to scroll that list.

    It is possible to get the extension to load permanently but it requires doing something such as submitting the extension to the store.

    Contact VHTV Support and make the suggestion to them.  They always say they want Customer Feedback.

  5. 2 hours ago, RUBBERMAN said:

    I am assuming that their pet is a rabbit, after watching Julia and Eric for a few hours, I notice that she or he can call the rabbit and it well come running out of know were...lol  I have never seen that before with a rabbit.  Julia is starting to step up her game some what, and thats good for them, I really didn't think that they was going to last this long.8)

    Now that she has stepped up her game with the Pink Vibrator she's getting a few more viewers.  Wonder why she held off for so long.

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