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    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to Rob1 in I bid you adieu (for now at least)   
    I understand why you have left and why many members have left that being said we are going to miss you Cowart you was a great friend to talk to on the chatbox.
    Please try to stick around on the forums like i do it is good to have you around.
    Bye Bye Cowart
  2. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to texl01 in I bid you adieu (for now at least)   
    Thank you Art for you Post to us. I have enjoyed your Chats, Input, Perspectives and Humour. I have enjoyed meeting you.
    I will not go on as we have already chatted about your decision.  You will be missed , but as you said the PM option is always there, even for just a  Hallo.
    Kind regards  texl01
  3. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to Capeguy in I bid you adieu (for now at least)   
    I will give you credit and agree with you. I found a few of the other apts to be okay but most are sort of 'blah! The recent trends in B1/B2 lack credibility. Were the sexual escapades of girl/girl 'natural' it might be a different story. Some of the tenants they have brought in makes one question the RLC interview process, if one exists; or is the fact you are breathing good enough. 
    I had posted a while ago I found the only way I could protest some of RLC's policies would be to do exactly what @CowArt is doing. My subscription expires the end of October and I do not intend to renew as well. 
    I have one suggestion for us all: write to RLC at their support email address and tell them you are cancelling and not renewing AND WHY! We found with this drug thing the other day that we can get their attention, especially of we do so in numbers AND their best interest is at the heart of the matter. If enough of us do this we might be able to sway them. I have already begun my email to them and will let it simmer for a while so I make sure to not forget any of what I say and fine tune the wording. I also intend to include things I think they do correctly, which at the moment is not too much. Even so, they have the biggest niche in a very small market so they feel safe and secure with their market position. I intend to point out that cannot last if you just go along without improvements.
    You got balls Cow. I hope we will keep in touch through PM.
    Take care. Hope we can all be back here together some day; it is a blast at times, and not because of the site; because of the chat. 
  4. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to temp01 in I bid you adieu (for now at least)   
    I do see a hint that you may stay around these forums even if from the shadows.  You'll be missed by many.
  5. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to CowArt in I bid you adieu (for now at least)   
    Made up my mind, I'm done with RLC, at least for now.
    A bit of history first. I stumbled upon the RLC-website completely by accident and clicked around the free cams for a couple of days until I saw topless Irma give topless Ilona a massage in the living room of B1, that of course being the only B at the time. Ilona moved to the couch, on her back, and was joined by topless Anna, they had their boobs rubbed simultaneously by Irma. That's when I decided I had to get in on this thing and see what went on in the other rooms. Never did care for any of the other apartments, apart from B2 after that opened, and I doubt I ever will. Saw a bunch of girls move through the apartments: Ilona, Irma, Anna, Layla, Danaya, Adele, Aida, Vika, Rita, Elisa, Irma again, Ilona again, Polya, Lola, Amy, Megan, Stella, Anna again, Rebecca, Belle, Carolina, Rebecca again, Milena, Lima, Jasmin. Some were fun, some a bit less.
    Most enjoyable times I found Ilona, MacBook Pro and Danaya, when it was just the tree of them, and later Irma, Ilona and Polya. Worst time up till a month ago was three weeks with Vika and her Bearded Wonderstone, but looking back, compared to what I see now, that was just an hilarious intermezzo.
    Exactly one month ago today, RLC took a turn for the worse, at least for me they did. I'm not gonna spell it out here, enough has been said about that in the various topics spread out across the forums. RLC has always been a bit up and down, but for me the downs are getting the upper hand. If this is the direction RLC wants to go with their business, they have every right to do so, it's their business after all, but it's not to my taste. Every time I log on to RLC I feel I am witnessing a different trainwreck in progress.
    I find it harder and harder to stay predominantly positive in my posts and comments. My mom always taught me, and still reminds me of that sometimes, "when you can't think of anything nice to say...". I have not always agreed with mom in the past, but growing older I learned that moms are very often right, if not always. Another thing she taught me is not to waste too much of your time on negativity. A couple of years ago, I came very close to finding out in person that things can be over before you know it.
    I pondered on the whole RLC thing for a while, hoping things would change more to my liking, but so far I don't see any of that. So I made up my mind, I can find better things to fill my spare time with then the negativity RLC is giving me now, I'm gonna quit RLC. My subscription runs out in a couple of days and I will not renew.
    As much as I have grown to like a lot of you fellow RLCF-members, I even consider some of you friends, as far as that is possible with people you have never met in person, I will also stop participating in the chat and the forums for a while. I do intend to keep peeking in on the gallery and the forums to see if maybe the time is right to rejoin. With some of you I have ongoing conversations via PM and I would very much like to keep those going, to the rest of you, this is goodbye, at least for now.
  6. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to texl01 in Do you think RLC prices are fair?   
    Hi fellas, just a little clarification :  RLCF and RLC are separate sites.  We were informed by an Admin. staffer the sites are not related. They are separate entities.
    As far as RLCF Gallery goes, every Video and Picture posted there, the Member is in breach of RLC  policies (agreed upon when joining RLC by member) and is copy right protected. Posting from that site can lead to being banned from RLC.  
    Images, Vid.& Pics from RLC site appear on some Porn Sites. These are uploaded by Third Party Hosting Services . Once RLC see these Images and/or Videos on Third Party Hosts they Order a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act ) Take Down Order of the content. This order must be complied with and Take Down usually occurs in 3 to 5 minutes.
    RLCF has it's own Servers for storing content, and it appears RLC have at times been lenient with our Gallery Posts. 
    Edited by texl01 
  7. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to gilbert in Fan Page Stella   
    All that banging then RLC gets rid of her. Maybe lots of sex is not a good thing. Stella you were exciting, unpredictable
    and the true star of RLC. In the end you were the main attraction. I never seen so much sex on RLC. You can not be
    replaced. It was addictive to watch you. I hope to see you again on RLC
  8. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to carl the prophet in Fan Page Carolina   
    You missed the bit where lola took Caroline and dildo out on hthe terrace and brought her to orgasm , all we could hear was the sound of her moans an climazing . Very annoying ,
  9. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to Harry1949 in Fan Page Carolina   
    delta 10 I think option 3, is the one.  I think that Lola said, fuck it - I'm outta a here in a week and I'm going to have some fun that I want.  the earlier talking with Stella was very touching and clearly Stella revealed something to Lola, but I don't speak the language.  Belle is a puppy.  Wants to fuck with the big girls but doesn't know how to work her way in other than be pleasing.  Will be interesting to see who becomes the top girl once Lola leaves.  Stella is sr by residence but it also looks like Lima and Milena may be competing for being top dog.
  10. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to Admin in Membership Policy Change   
    I am working on this. Ideally users will be presented with a notice as soon as they register. 
  11. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to iloner in Balcony Camera Required in Lola,Carolina and Stella Apartment   
    A large mirror on the wall behind the settee might allow us to see the balcony, and also what they see when they dance to their reflections in the glass doors,
    And all without adding to the number of cameras which RLC considers sufficient.
  12. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to Capeguy in Balcony Camera Required in Lola,Carolina and Stella Apartment   
    I saw those Euros on Carolina's bed. Not sure the exact color (us USA folks do not know them on sight) but it looked like a sizable pile.
  13. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to carl the prophet in Balcony Camera Required in Lola,Carolina and Stella Apartment   
    There looks to be money in the blue bag next her hand bag
  14. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to iloner in Balcony Camera Required in Lola,Carolina and Stella Apartment   
    Hi Carl,
    She counted them out from her handbag  - well over 500 Euros - then left them on the bed next to her handbag for ten minutes, then had them in her hand and went out onto the balcony.
    There is a photo of a wad of notes from yesterday - taken by one of the French guys.   I guess these are the same notes now being used to pay a bill, or an agents fee, or buy ...............   Who knows, but I guess she gave them to Milena.
  15. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to carl the prophet in Balcony Camera Required in Lola,Carolina and Stella Apartment   
    Darn I must be going blind, I didn't see any notes 
  16. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to iloner in Balcony Camera Required in Lola,Carolina and Stella Apartment   
    Balcony camera yes please.
    As well as Caro's orgasm which was heard but not seen, annoying to miss it when you're waited up half the night, Caro just joined Stella and Milena on the balcony with a fistful of 50 Euro notes!
  17. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in Balcony Camera Required in Lola,Carolina and Stella Apartment   
    After watching Lola,Carolina and Stella apartment it's becoming clear we need an Balcony Camera in this apartment. We often miss out on interaction with the girls. We have an balcony camera in Belle, Miliena and Lima's apartment and that works well when they go outside to talk and smoke. Often Lola, Carolina and Stella are all outside and we see nothing. I'm interested in your thoughts if needed or not.
  18. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to carl the prophet in Balcony Camera Required in Lola,Carolina and Stella Apartment   
    I agree we have missed out on a lot of action last night as there was not a camera out on the balcony, I wiold say half the night ?day was spent on the balcony and lola vibrated caroline to orgasm out there and we could hear but not see .
  19. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to Booffer69 in Fan Page Carolina   
    Eye candy is what it is all about.... Don't care if they muff dive or not...ok ok maybe I do, lol... But I'm not here for that....
    Just Sayin...
  20. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi got a reaction from Booffer69 in Fan Page Carolina   
    Agreed but she is good eye candy indeed.
  21. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to iloner in Fan Page Carolina   
    There was both spoken and unspoken tenderness between Anna and Carolina, which was lovely to see.
    You seem to suggest that this was prevented from physical sexual expression by diktat from RLC  enforced by Lola. Various times long-standing members have hinted they feel RLC has given instruction to the girls not to go for all-out sex with each other. I don't know what evidence they had for this, but as you point out above the only girls who broke this taboo  (if there is such a taboo)  have now left.
    Last night Milena made overtures to Bell that should have resulted in sex, so I guess she is not being prevented by any such taboo. Let's hope she succeeds.
    So I don't buy into the RLC has been stopping the sex theory. But perhaps this is my ignorance.
    As for the controversy about escort or not: what little evidence there is is easily controverted. For example, fanrlc's comments on cc were quickly rubbished by several people saying he is unreliable.
    Whatever words we use to describe the way some or all of these girls make a living, they are all using their sexuality and looks to get us to pay money. I see nothing wrong with this. The gradations that society imposes that might go hostess, callgirl, stripper, escort, prostitute; rather like those immature people who call girls slags,  we are describing behaviour in ways that expose our prejudices rather than attempt accurately to  describe how people are.
    As you say there is no evidence. But we are all entitled to draw conclusions from behaviour. There seemed no other way to account for Adele than she was earning money by pleasing men in clubs or hotels.
     Anna, and now by example Carolina,  may be doing so too.    Again, no direct evidence: but how else to account for the money, behaviour with hairy man, and lack of sexual need in the house.
     But what's the problem? 
  22. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to RUBBERMAN in Fan Page Carolina   
    First of all, there were a lot of sexual expression between these two if one would have paid attention, but because Madam Lola would not let them engage in these sexual things "I truly believe" that kept them to a minimum of what they could do.  I think that if Anna would have not went down on her bearded friend she would have been here today, "remember when Madam Lola kept trying to stop her from having sex with this guy over and over, and they finally went into another room and tried again, and she Madam Lola got feed of with it an let them go on.  "Yes we said Madam Lola was cock blocking, but I think she was also doing her job"  before then the two girls went down on each other "there also gone"  I don't think there actions was not part of the script, but hot in the ass Anna took it a bit to far with the blow job.  Did Carolina and Anna ever have sex off cam? "I feel they did, and I could be wrong.  When we use this word "EVIDENCE" and "PROOF"  no one knows what goes on out side of these apartment walls unless they are there with these people,  no one knows what goes on out side of some of these patio's or balconies until they put cams out there,  Out side of those apartments and these balconies are the best places for most of the people to hid and do there thing, and the sad part of it is "we as paying customer can't do nothing about it but "assume," and thats what most of us are guilty of "when we can't see what we want, we think of shit that may be"  I am as guilty of it as the next person.  Carolina my not masturbate for us, but I believe she is doing it some where,  Anna might have taken what little sweetness Carolina had with her.  Carolina looks nice, but not that nice for me to wait hour after hour for her to do any masturbation sets.  "I'd rather watch Lev play on his I-pad, and he is boring.  Some say these girls are part of an escort service and there is so little evidence "there are not evidence" unless these ladies bring these johns home and we see them get paid "nothing"  if they are doing it out side of the apartments we still don't know unless we see it.  "my thoughts only"
  23. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to Landais in Fan Page Carolina   
    Lol, they can explore this idea in depth ^^
  24. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to Rob1 in Fan Page Carolina   
    I am a bit afraid for Carolina , I don't think she knows what she is getting herself into she mite end up getting raped by the lesbians lol
  25. Like
    Aussie_oi_oi_oi reacted to Rob1 in Leora Fan Page (2015 - 2016)   
    Leora should of been born a dude since she likes wanking she does it everyday like all dudes do
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