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I too expected more. One key difference now is that she is with girls who are less easily directed. Last year when B2 opened generally she could control the girls to be interesting to RLC viewers.

She also may have realised there is no or little benefit to her for putting in more effort.


I signed out last night about 00:30 LT. I'm guessing by  the lack of comments after then nothing of great interest happened.

As I post this B1 seems empty. Did the guy leave with his case?

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What the hell was Lola thinking when she orchestrated that fiasco last night by bringing an obviously gay guy to B1?

If he was supposed to be some kind of going away present for Violetta, Lola either didn't know or she didn't care that the guy is just a little light in the loafers. He couldn't have cared less ,although he laughed a lot, when Lola and  Polya stripped down to their panties. Violetta finally had enough and went to her room to chat on her phone. Gina also lost interest and went to talk with Violetta.

Today, B1 is as quiet as a morgue.....because it's dead.

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On 2017-6-6 at 8:19 PM, TBird97 said:

¿Qué demonios estaba pensando cuando Lola orquestado ese fiasco anoche por la interposición de un chico gay, obviamente, a B1?

Si se suponía que debía ser una especie de regalo de despedida de Violetta, Lola, o bien no lo sabía o no le importaba que el hombre es sólo un poco de luz en los mocasines. No podía haber llevado a menos, a pesar de que se rió mucho, cuando Lola y Polya despojados de sus bragas. Violetta finalmente tuvo suficiente y se fue a su habitación para charlar en su teléfono. Gina también perdió interés y fue a hablar con Violetta.

Hoy en día, B1 es tan silencioso como un depósito de cadáveres ..... porque está muerto.

Lola is showing us that she has gotten out of the way. Last year, she was very involved, and both the atmosphere and the parties were quite distracting. But this year. Everything seems to go in another direction.
In my opinion, it is Polya, who was already known last year for his frequent disappearances, as this year is happening, so I'm not surprised. What happens that last year, Polya disappeared alone, for her business, and this year, she has partner with Gina.
That made, among other things, that the absence of Polya, last year, went almost unnoticed, while this year, makes the house quite disappointing.
So, Polya has become the girl getter for the parties of boys outside the house.
Now jump on my neck, but you just have to look at the late night yesterday, what happened throughout the afternoon. You can observe them in the images themselves.
So, although disappointed that Lola, did not have the protagonism of last year, I want to break a spear for her, in that aspect.
RLC, as far as the houses of Barcelona, is in its lower hours, we do not lead to delusions. Girls are missing, others are still in the house, when there is no reason for it.
But that's not new. Something like that, it was predictable, when they had to resort to bringing the girls of last year, without there being a renewal of new girls.

Lola, you did something beautiful for us last year. I only hope that you make the best decisions for you, and that your visit is as limited as possible, so that in our memory the most positive of you is, and not this attempt to reflate something that perhaps can no longer be refloated.

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Most girls who disappoint by doing nothing are nice to look at.

What Lola has to offer is leadership.

Polya responds to leadership.   

Gina needs leadership - she has become boring.

B1 is becoming terminally dull.    Come on Lola - break out the party spirit, ignore the whingeing salvation army naysayers and get FUN back.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 16/6/2017 at 3:30 PM, iloner said:

La mayoría de las chicas que decepcionan por no hacer nada son agradables a la vista.

Lola lo que tiene que ofrecer es el liderazgo.

Polya responde al liderazgo.   

Gina necesita liderazgo - se ha convertido en aburrido.

B1 está convirtiendo terminal aburrido. Vamos Lola - romper el espíritu de partido, ignorar los detractores del ejército de salvación whingeing entretenimiento y la espalda.

That will not happen, because RLC is not the same. Although we see the same windows, even furniture, that have brought girls who have already passed the cameras on previous occasions, but this does not look like what we have already seen.
That makes me think, that the RLC business plan, if that has changed.
The girls can be the same, but what RLC asks them or what offers them, has nothing to do with last year.
Unfortunately, last year, for the month of October, some of us said that it was a risky step that RLC gave, with the big holidays, and unfortunately we are not mistaken, tried to change the course bringing home girls from sexcam, to That they show what they did in a sexcam, without wanting to become a sexcam, but that did not work either.
After that, they brought back girls, cheer them up, since they had previously done it, but as it turned out, it was not much better.
RLC lost subscribers, month to month ... then, they found other departures.
Let the girls go out night after night.

As someone said, "if you come to make money, nobody in their right mind, spends on nonsense."

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So now Lola has been installed at B2, which begs the question........why?  She's doing the same thing at B2 that she did at B1, namely nothing.....zilch..........nada... Walking around in her underwear or topless is mundane to those of us who have been around for the past two years.

If she's supposed to be in a leadership role, it certainly doesn't show.

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10 hours ago, TBird97 said:

So now Lola has been installed at B2, which begs the question........why?  She's doing the same thing at B2 that she did at B1, namely nothing.....zilch..........nada... Walking around in her underwear or topless is mundane to those of us who have been around for the past two years.

If she's supposed to be in a leadership role, it certainly doesn't show.

She only has a little over 3 weeks left and she'll be gone.

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I was hoping that Lola, who struck me as being in control of these girls in B1 and B2 would have done more to bring more energy to both apartments.  It seems that her "Lola and Anna" has turned B2 into a funeral home, I can't and don't understand why these two are there.  Nicole started out giving the viewers much more.  Sofie is trying.....I like her for that.8)

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