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Posts posted by Plank

  1. Great post.
    I skirted by the conversation you referred to,and I too was slightly worried by it.
    However at that moment I was in the middle of something else and could not log in and get involved.
    Later that night I saw the girls return to the apartment,both were in good spirits & judging from their nudity,there wasn't any bruises on either of them. ^-^  Which is good news.


    I agree that RLC & RLCF would be great source material for a Psychology/Behavioural degree.
    As someone who has been accused of being Sigmund Freud, I obviously can see the numerous Psychological components at work here on both sites.
    You have the Voyeurism aspects,why do folk watch this stuff & why do some members of RLCF not understand that RLC is not porn?
    All the Behavioural stuff,why do we invest time in these people,why do we give a damn about their safety etc.

    I see it as similar to Movie,TV or Pop Stars. How can these 'characters', who we will never know in real life, generate feelings of intrigue,love and lust. Which would lead into the feelings of attatchment & Loss when a favourite leaves and all the resentment, anger. rage and even hatred of some of the tenants.
    Powerful & Interesting stuff that would make a great thesis, probably a 'first'.

    If you don't write it, I will!
    Professor Plank. BSc (Voyeurism)........I like it ! ;D

  2. A message to Paul.




    .--. .- ..- .-..     .--. .- -.--     ... --- -- .     .- - - . -. - .. --- -.     - ---     -.-- --- ..- .-.     --. --- .-. --. . --- ..- ...     .-.. .- -.. -.--     ..-. .-. .. . -. -..     .- -. -..     --. . -     -.-- --- ..- .-.     ..-. .. -. --. . .-.     --- ..- -     --- ..-.     -.-- --- ..- .-.     -. --- ... . ·-·-·-     - .... .- -. -.-     -.-- --- ..- ·-·-·-



    Translation; Paul, pay some attention to your gorgeous lady friend and get your finger out of your nose. Thank you.



  3. It is a real shame that some folks have taken my post so seriously and so personally.
    My post was a purely hypothetical following my observations of the Shoutbox. I thought it was written with a certain amount of humour & pathos.
    We all have our favourite tenants,past & present, and I was not referring solely to fans of K & K, but to anyone who might take more than an 'interest' in one person, or group. or apartment.
    However seeing as someone has been made a comment in my direction,and eventhough I respect everyone's opinion,I feel it's only fair to give a response.

    And seeing as the subject of Sigmund Freud was raised. I wondered what would the 'father of psychoanalysis' have thought of that response to my post?

    Now I would have called it an 'admission of guilt'.Freud would have called it 'Projection'.


    And once again great thanks need to go to the font of all knowledge,Wikipedia.


    Psychological projection, also known as blame shifting, is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unpleasant impulses by denying their existence while attributing them to others.
    Sigmund Freud, Case Histories II (PFL 9) p. 132

    For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude.
    Projection (German: Projektion) was conceptualised by Freud in his letters to Wilhelm Fliess,and further refined by Karl Abraham and Anna Freud.
    Jean-Michel Quinodoz, Reading Freud (London 2005) p. 24

    Freud considered that in projection thoughts, motivations, desires, and feelings that cannot be accepted as one's own are dealt with by being placed in the outside world and attributed to someone else.
    Sigmund Freud,Case Studies II p. 210

    If anyone would like to read more of this sort of 'intellectual bullshit' you need to go here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection


  4. Tonight I have been watching the Shoutbox for around two hours.

    And in that two hours the sole topic of conversation has been Kami,her boyfriend,Kristy and very briefly others connected with Kami & Kristy.
    This has included folks doing research into those peoples personal lives,doing detective work just short of buying a deer-stalker hat,smoking a pipe & getting a bloodhound!
    So that started me thinking,which is never a good thing!


    Question, when does an interest in this site or a particular girl or couple go beyond a healthy interest/pastime, and slip into being unhealthy?


    Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition where a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive activity.OCD symptoms can range from mild to severe. Some people with OCD may spend an hour or so a day engaged in obsessive-compulsive thinking and behaviour, but for others the condition can completely take over their life.

    NHS UK Website.


    Ok, so that is probably not the correct terminology,OCD is a serious mental health issue,not to be taken lightly. There are far too many people these days that fire off glib comments like,"oh I'm so OCD", when they are not,

    they just like a tidy house. Or "I'm a bit manic today",no you're not,you probably had too much coffee!

    So I thought about it some more,because I had nothing better to do.

    Fixation was probably getting closer to it all,it certainly fits from a psychological perspective,but who the hell wants to read through a load of psychological theory,unless you have to!


    Then it hit me,Eureka ! RealLifeCam FAN.

    Fan = abbreviation of Fanatic, bingo!

    And thanks to the font of all knowledge, ;D Wiki, we have this> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fanaticism


    Fanaticism is a belief or behavior involving uncritical zeal or with an obsessive enthusiasm.
    Philosopher George Santayana defines fanaticism as;

    "redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim".
    Santayana, George (1905). Life of Reason: Reason in Common Sense. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons) 13

    The fanatic displays very strict standards and little tolerance for contrary ideas or opinions.
    In his book Crazy Talk, Stupid Talk, Neil Postman states that;
    "the key to all fanatical beliefs is that they are self-confirming....(some beliefs are) fanatical not because they are 'false', but because they are expressed in such a way that they can never be shown to be false."
    Postman, Neil (1976). "Fanaticism". Crazy Talk, Stupid Talk. pp. 104–112. ISBN 0-440-01554-5.

    The behavior of a fan with overwhelming enthusiasm for a given subject is differentiated from the behavior of a fanatic by the fanatic's violation of prevailing social norms.
    Though the fan's behavior may be judged as odd or eccentric, it does not violate such norms.
    Thorne, Scott; Bruner, Gordon C. (2006). "An exploratory investigation of the characteristics of consumer fanaticism". Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 9 (1): 51–72. doi:10.1108/13522750610640558. ISSN 1352-2752.
    A fanatic differs from a crank, in that a crank is defined as a person who holds a position or opinion which is so far from the norm as to appear ludicrous and/or probably wrong, such as a belief in a Flat Earth.
    In contrast, the subject of the fanatic's obsession may be "normal", such as an interest in religion or politics, except that the scale of the person's involvement, devotion, or obsession with the activity or cause is abnormal or disproportionate to the average.


    Some food for thought there then...............and here's Debbie with the weather & traffic news.

  5. I have noticed an emerging trend in the last week or so, and I want to raise it.
    The Shoutbox seems to be becoming the Personal Attack Box,and it has to stop now !
    It can not be healthy for any forum to descend into nastiness which is what is happening with certain members.

    Bitchy comments made about members behind their backs in the Shoutbox.

    Have we really sunk to this level?
    I'm not going to name & shame because I don't want to get drawn into their petty squables,

    but enough is enough!

    Agree to Disagree, and if that doesn't work take it to PM and get it resolved there,don't drag the rest of the Shoutbox or the forum's members down with your issue!
    If you can't be civil about it, either don't say anything,sit on your hands,take a break for a minute or log out & give it a rest for a while.
    For god sake there are far more important things to get wound up about.

    Watch the News sometime you will see what I mean!

  6. First of all,it is HONOUR,one day you American upstarts will learn how to spell!


    Joke aside I agree with what Toolmaker has said, we are not here to judge.

    We all have different tastes,for instance.Some love Leora, others can't abide her. Others loved K & K,others thought they were playing us all. Some can't stand C&S,because of Elvis, but will watch N&K & dare to dream that i&D will go at it.


    Think about it for a minute, how much time do you spend looking at RLC? And how would you feel if someone looked at your viewing of RLC and said,"Voyeurism,that's sick, you're weird" Would you defend yourself? Could you, or should you have to justify your behaviour in viewing the site? Is it an illness? To some, yes probably!

    The same could be said for RLCF.

    Try explaining this site,"it's a site where fans of RLC can go and exchange their views about RLC, you can read forums & look at pics of the tenants. it's a bit like a Big Brother forum,but not shit!" And if you visit the site everyday,are you an interested active member or are you an addict. Or is that some form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

    It is not that long ago that homosexuality was viewed as a Mental Illness,you were a 'social or sexual deviant', therefore 'mad' and could be locked up in an old Asylum indefinitely or until you were 'cured' of your deviancy.


    As John Lennon said."What ever gets you through the night,it's alright,alright". 8)

  7. As 'DoILookFat.....' said, they go hand in hand, & we wouldn't be here without the other site.


    By the time I get here, early hours UK time, there is nothing happening on RLC. Which is why I have become an expert on the Apartment Cat's activities.

    I come to RLCF for updates & the gallery to see what I have missed. I also enjoy reading the posts, no matter whether I agree or disagree strongly with them, or how random they might be, and let's face I'm guilty of that offence!

    The Shoutbox is great. There have been so many genuine 'laugh out loud' moments in there with the late night crew, or 'Usual Suspects' as I call them, long may it continue!

  8. Due to the RLC membership being so expensive & from what I have read, there seems to be a lot of unhappy bunnies & numerous members stopping their subscriptions.
    Maybe RLC need to seriously look at reducing their prices to attract new, or retain, members.But that would leave a hole in their funds.
    So maybe they should allow sponsoring of the tenants.

    For example, I thought of Ilona & her laptop & thought what about individal sponsors?

    iLona uses Bloggs Co Computers,click on the link below to find out more!


    iLona loves her 'Naranja' oranges,buy them from your local independent traders & screw the greedy tax dodging corporate types!


    "Carla wears nothing but 'Nympho'.Eau de Parfum".


    D & D's Ghost Linen & Blankets for all you bedding needs. Hard wearing,non-chaffing and are great for making indoor tents!


    Smell like Hector,get in touch with your inner thug.'Smouldering Brute for Macho Men!'


    Paul uses 'Outta-Tune Guitar strings' gauranteed to sound like you are playing barbed wire!


    Tired of your drab hair, do you want a new look? Get a New Do with 'Technicolour Hairdye' suppliers to Blue,Nina & Masha!


    Do you suffer with blurred vision? 'Speccy4Eyes',as recommended by Katka & Lenka.


    Are you a fan of Harry Potter? Get your own invisibility cloak from Chloe & Joshua!


    Or what about general apartment sponsorship?


    "All the Pets in these apartments are happy & healthy thanks to Pillocks Pet Nosh" Recommended by Maya's moggies!


    "All the apartments are supplied with, 'Luxuro-Lube' for all your lubrication needs." Endorsed by C&S.


    G-spot furniture & Bathroom fittings will stand up to daily wear & tear and serious punishment!
    Tested & endorsed by by Nelly & Bogdan and Masha & Sasha,and all their Guests!


    Are you not resposible for your electricity bill & like to leave the lights on 24/7.
    If you have never heard of global warming then you need 'Stuff the Planet lightbulbs'!
    Gauranteed to melt glaciers,fuck the polar bears!


    Have you suffered a Sporting Injury? Grabham,Bythe,Pubes Lawyers.
    Litigate the shit out of who ever was responsible,and if that fails,send round your black belt boyfriend!


    Relationship difficulties? No subject is taboo.
    Mr.L said,"I am addicted to internet porn & old movies. Because of my problems I was not paying my beautiful partner enough attention,intellectually or sexually."
    Miss Z said," I don't know what the problem is,he doesn't want to have sex anymore?

    I mean look at me,you would, wouldn't ya!"
    'Love Triangle Counselling',for all your dysfunctional needs.


    Just a thought?

    I need my Meds!

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