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Posts posted by Plank

  1. I have voted for unsure because it seems to me that especially the Barca apartments are slipping into V V territory.
    Pre-planned,staged,scripted call it what you will,but you only have to see how many members of this site turn up when one of the Massage parties gets going.
    This feeding frenzy will be noted by the powers that be, and obviously RLC are there to make money & we all know that 'sex sells'.
    I have a problem with the sleazy,sordid 'faux-hoe' nature of the Barca girls.
    If you want to be a cam girl you don't need to do it here on the back of paying customers who have already subsidized the apartment you live in.
    Also if you want to play at being an escort,do it for real,you could make a damn sight more money than whatever RLC are paying you.
    I am concerned that these girls are dipping their toes in a deep ocean & one day a shark is going to rip off their legs.
    As for rewarding Efim & Anabel for their performances at N & B's,like other members I also have a problem with that.
    Clearly RLC have sent out a memo to the tenants to encourage 'sexy behaviours' to increase viewer numbers.
    It seems to me that the newer tenants,Kitty & Smith or Julia & Eric feel the pressure of having to perform,instead of being allowed to settle in and see what develops,which for me is far more interesting.                                  The 'thrill of the chase' and all that.
    It also seems like some of the long standing 'normal' tenants feel obliged to perform or else.
    I also have a problem with the draconian nature of RLC towards our site (& the other place) for posting pics or vids,yeah I know it's their copyright etc,but everyone knows if you Search online for long enough you can find what you are looking for.
    So it seems strange that they are not happy about a 'fan' site posting pics & promoting their site. I would have offered an olive branch, 'if you are a member of RLCF you get a discount',business is business after all.
    However,the subscription is a lot of money,and if RLC is turning into 'just another porn site' they need to be very careful that they don't price themselves out of the game.

  2. Exclusive report from our correspondent Plank who is embedded with the apartment.
    Earlier there were unsubstantiated reports that Julia seemed to be in a, 'good mood'.
    I can now confirm that this was not an isolated incident, nor was it an attack of gas due to an excess of noodle soup.
    Her often pensive expression turned from ,nonplussed, to coy, to a grin and then into a shocking full blown smile.
    We will keep you updated as this story develops.

    (Image Content No Longer Available)

  3. Top post Shaka!

    The Chatbox used to be great fun,I have had many laugh out loud moments in there. Unfortunately there are too many great members of this forum that don't go near the place anymore, because of scenario's like you highlighted above and to be honest it has become tiresome!

    I am all for people having an opinion and voicing it, but there is no point in challenging any of the ludicrous comments,because the conspiracy theorists do not want their comment questioned at all,ever!

    I have noticed that these theorists never post their views in any of the fan pages where a debate could occur. They always use the Chatbox, so their comments will disappear so they can recycle those comments again & again & again!

    For me some of the B1 & 2 activities have become downright 'seedy'. But if any member,viewer or subscriber is offended & outraged by the goings on in those apartments,don't watch them,don't click on them at all.because the more you do,the more rlc & the tenants will think that they are popular & doing a great job. From my point of view if I wanted to watch 'cam-girls' I would go to Chaturbate or MFC.


  4. Tonight Nicole is staying over at B2,maybe due to an earlier fall out in B1,just thought I would give you some info as to what I saw.
    Earlier this afternoon Jessica & Nicole were having fun together,all smiles doing an aerobic exercise session.
    After it was over Jess went to the bathroom,to freshen up. She came back downstairs and started doing some leg exercises.
    Nicole then went upstairs to freshen up,she came down and started shouting at Jess,I assume about the state of the bathroom?
    Jessica gave as good as she got & wasn't going to back down. Lima tried to calmly mediate the situation to no avail. Nicole carried on & on.
    She stomped off upstairs and there was a quiet exchange between Jess & Lima on the lines of, 'wtf,who rattled her cage?'
    Nicole got changed into casual-around the apartment wear,but still continued ranting although she seemed a little bit calmer.
    By this point Jess was ignoring her & Lima was trying to suppress her amusement whilst pretending to be looking at her laptop.
    I had to leave so I don't know if it all flared up again,that is all......& here's Debbie with the weather.

  5. I have posted this here because I can't put it in the Fan page because the post's are supposed to be of a positive nature.
    So you want us to remain positive about Efim. Good luck with that!
    Ok you could argue that he f***ed up, we are all human,and he deserves a second chance. Not in my book.
    RLC have turned a blind eye to his domestic violence, an assault on a woman.
    Let me give you a clue RLC because you are obviously hard of thinking. We like Anabel she is cute as..., but he is an asshole.
    It's not that long ago that his behaviour caused an ugly scene at N & B's with some of their guests, and they are his friends?
    We will be watching closely RLC, and god help you if anything untoward happens to that girl. <_<

  6. What about we write our own version of the traditional Yuletide song?

    This is off the top of my head so who knows where it will go?

    On the first day of Christmas RLC brought to me,
    A useless Kitty and Smith.

    Get the idea, join in or amend and let's see if we can't get a version that lyrically scans and all that! Go On then....think!

    12 different girls in Barca1
    11 different girls in Barca2
    10 apartments worth watching
    9 (nein) captures verbotten
    8 Effim so much
    7 apartments in standard
    6 of them are hopeless
    5 why do we watch this at all?
    4 some at Masha's
    3 some at Kira's
    2 babes called K & K
    1 And a useless Kitty & Smith






  7. Good idea mate. What about......

    Best Performers
    Worst Performers
    Most Missed (the re-turner prize?)
    Best New Tenant (s)
    Best (sexiest) dressed.
    Worst Dressed ( bag lady award)
    The Award for Outstanding Contribution to the world of Sleaze.

    May I suggest the vote might have to be done in a poll form or via PM's so that there is no underhand shenanigan's.

    And can we have an awards evening when we can all dress up,I've got this sexy sparkly dress that I have been saving for a special occasion.


  8. Other than the 'hot' topics we can view on the Home page, (I wish they would get rid of the t-shirt girl) I have just noticed a sad situation as far as this forum goes.
    A year or so ago ( for the benefit of anyone under 30, 'back in the day y'awll....innit? 8)) you had to go through all the fan pages one by one to catch up on what had been happening. Also you would have to read the various discussion threads so you could keep up to date. And the icing on the cake was the Gallery. (makes me moist just thinking of it ) >:D

    Today however a quick glance at the fan pages tells a different story.
    With the exception of the Barca apartments the only other ones that have been updated in the last 24 hours are Kitty & Smith, Dasha & Leora. And worst are Vanessa & Thomas on 20th November & Adrianna & Daniel on 21st November. C & S would also be in the list if it wasn't for Sugar Bonnie!
    This is a sad state of affairs and I'm trying to work out if it us members of this site who have become jaded, bored or just too lazy to post?
    Or maybe the RLC master plan of banning members for posting captures for infringing their copyright, that has been a retrograde step, in that it has turned people off of their site.
    I have noticed that, for me, there has been more fun to watch at Voyeur Villa recently, even-though it is obvious that their tenants are 'performers' and do.
    But the same could be said for a few of the recent tenants in the Barca apartments. Obvious Cam-girl activity whilst the RLC membership pays through the nose for the privilege.
    What with the rise of other sites such as V V, Voyeur House & even Periscope, et al, should they be be worried?
    Have the various carrots they have dangled, K & K, Van & Thomas & Barca 2 worked for you or not?

    C'mon folks lets get this place moving again, I see too many great members of this site sat on the sidelines without getting involved in the Chatbox or the Forums.

    Your choice at the end of the day but I think we would miss this place if it stopped?

  9. On 22/11/2016 at 2:54 AM, toolmaker123 said:

    Welcome to the jungle

     Be sure to read the topics in the forums (READ ME section) concerning posts, comments, behavior and access to the gallery.

     Enjoy your time with us, get to know us and we always welcome commentaries from members with ideas for making RealLifeCamFan.com even more interesting and fun.

       Please don't hesitate to report any problems to a Moderator through our Private Message System.

     We are always here to assist in any way we can;

                      as long as it's not financial...........


    Who are you, and what have you done with Toolmaker!?!? ;D

  10. I am not sure what to make of this latest saga?

    Anyone who is 'in the public eye' should know not to read anything written about them in the press,and definitely not on the internet. It is the road to madness! But if you will open yourself up to it via Twitter or a Reality TV Show or a Cam Site, then you know it's coming your way soon, and if you don't know that, then you are very naive or an idiot.

    Leora has never been camera shy despite members shouting, 'fake', 'staged', 'predictable' or even 'scripted'. I don't care, I know that I would much rather be watching a cutey like Leora 'doing her daily routine', than watching literally nothing going on at the other apartments.

    However, due to the recent unfriendly attitude of 'the powers that be', I think it's more likely that all the tenants have been advised not to be so public in their performances,make the punters pay for it.

    Not this one, it doesn't give value for money.

  11. I was wondering what the powers that be might say to the tenants if they are continuing their contracts or ending them.

    Dear, (insert name here)

    We are pleased to inform you that your contract with us has been extended.
    This is due to your viewing figures which have been through the roof. We have also been trolling the 'fan sites' and they love you.
    Your, (delete where applicable) Nudity, Killer body, Great Tits, Legs to die for, naked yoga, provocative dancing, sexual habits, kinky stuff & creative use of fruit & veg, have made you a internet sensation!
    However due to the above behaviour, our staff can no longer watch you as we are too busy searching the internet for video captures of you performances and nuke-ing them.
    We will be in touch with the new scripts soon, keep up the good work!

    Thank you so much!

    For & on behalf of......yada yada....

    Dear, (insert name here)

    We are sorry to inform you that your contract with us will be terminated on (insert date here)
    This is due to various factors, mainly due to your viewing figures sinking faster than a lump of concrete.
    We are also aware of the negative feedback we have seen on the 'fan sites',and let us be quite frank about this,they hate you.
    Your, (delete where applicable) lack of Nudity, Saggy arse, Plastic Tits, Sex life of a Nun, awful dancing, singing that sounds like foxes mating, kinky stuff, that is,well....lets face it just wrong & creative use of fruit & veg, are just some of  the contributory factors in us terminating your contract.
    We would be grateful if you could pack up your shite as soon as possible,including all of your mobile phones,laptops & other mobile devices and 'get tae f**k' ! ( no I don't know either,ask Scotsman84 ?)
    Also according to our records you have exceeded the monthly usage allowance of our internet service provider's tariff, which takes some doing to be honest, but you owe us €1250.00 We expect payment of this as soon as possible.

    Thank you & get stuffed,

    For & on behalf of......yada yada....

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