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Posts posted by Plank

  1. So Eric & Layla's friends came over again,this time the cute girl friend was a lot more daring than she usually is,normally she wears a track suit. Nice evening had by all,the girl friend didn't look bothered when Eric started to get a little lewd with Layla. Meanwhile her boyfriend was more interested in watching video's, although she did drop enough hints. Eventually everyone started settling down for the night,except the boy friend who carried on watching the laptop. The girl friend was getting frustrated by him & went to sleep. Meanwhile Eric & Layla had a very nice session of quiet,discreet,'let's pretend we're asleep' sex only feet away from the oblivious video-boy.

















  2. On 07/05/2017 at 10:14 PM, Sam Cuddly said:

    Quite often the best response is to request authoritive and verifiable evidence of what they are saying. If possible, provide authoritive and verifiable evidence of the truth. They will probably insist you are wrong but without authoritive and verifiable evidence from them of what they are saying, you have a meaningful exit out of the situation. If enough people do that then it will no longer be fun for the trouble makers.

    I'm afraid that it does not matter a damn if you request any sort of evidence. They haven't got any. It's just their skewed viewpoint and if you try to offer a counter viewpoint that is when certain individuals get nasty. A while ago I asked one member about a particular incident that was a hot topic, I was being friendly and reasonable and stated that no-one had any evidence of the incident & that until any of us saw any pics of the incident it was mere speculation. That's when he got nasty & stated that, 'it's not his job to provide evidence', he then went on to accuse me all manner of things all of them bizarre and untrue? Has he apologised for his outburst, hell no, it's over a year now, I'm not holding my breath, he's not man enough.

    Some people do not understand the term 'debate' anymore, maybe it;s the fault of too much 24hr TV & Radio news & confrontational reality TV, where the accepted norm is to 'shout-down' the opposition instead of listening to different views, and meeting on common ground. I'm a patient ,reasonable guy, I am prepared to listen to anyone's viewpoint on any subject, but I have given up, it just makes me angry & there's enough in the world to be angry about already without the pathetic behaviour of certain people on RLCF. Who get away with it time after time. For example, in the Chatbox we've had one member polluting the mind of a 'newbie' with their brand of bullshit and no-one is challenging it. I was going to wade in but as I said above, I can't be bothered anymore,no point,futile & waste of my time.

  3. So it's official even though they haven't changed it on their menu's yet.

    Iris & Lex have moved to GreenWood, Lisa & Nick are now at Tver.

    And Bobbi & Nina have left the building, "Bobby & Nina have realised that they did not meet expectations and left the project".

    Nothing to do with most people finding him & his obsession with ropes.....weird? Or them screwing each other in the lounge of Jackie & Phil's place (Tula) whilst everyone else was having a party in the kitchen????

    And here's Debbie with the Traffic & Weather....;D


  4. Few pics of Iris sorting out the kitchen, showing off her fantastic slender body.
    Although it seems a bit weird to me to be having a sort out of the kitchen (& the rest of the apartment) in the early hours of a Saturday morning,but why not?
    Or could it be that Iris & Lex are moving to GreenWood? They might as well as they spend most of their time over there since Lisa & Nick went away for 'a few days' on 2nd May?
    Iris & Lex and Sonia & Ivo have become great friends visiting each others apartments and engaging in same room sex sessions.





  5. I dropped into Volga earlier to see Anna packing,don't know if she's left,on vacation or moved? She was 'on trial'. Maybe she was cramping the others style because.......

    I dropped in later thankfully! I have no idea how it started, but Nina & Bobbi got all 50 shades on Mona. She was tied to a chair,blindfolded and then the caressing & kissing started all over her body. The dildo was only used for clitoral stimulation,no insertion.

    I loved Mona's cheeky wave to the camera at the end. Daaayyyyuuummm!












  6. Let me start by saying that it was not my intention to single out the Mods for any undue criticism,I appreciate the work our Mods do, I have always had a good relationship with them,probably not anymore.
    I have been a Mod so I appreciate what a thankless task it can be. But moreover I was having a pop at the forums membership in general for letting this place descend into such levels. We were always better than that.
    The chatbox used to police itself when there were no Mods around. But I think that people have lost faith in the system. In that what will really happen if you report someone,probably nothing except leading to bad feeling.Certainly from personal experience one individual made some despicable accusations against me,I reported it & nothing happened,the accuser is still a member of this site.
    The Mods need to have the power to reinforce the rules,otherwise what is the point in doing the job if you are expected to have all the answers and non of the powers?
    When i was a Mod I worked on an American Football mode,4 downs.1st a friendly warning,2nd a strong warning,3rd a final warning ( + a time out), 4th it's time to punt....boot you're out of here.
    This was manageable with the ability to silence that person for a period of 6/12hours (the time-out) or a permanent-ban. It worked, unless someone was a complete idiot. (trolls,spammers etc)
    I also appreciate the work that  StnCld316 does, he had to step into some big shoes at short notice.I also appreciate that his loyalties lay with CC and his time is spread thin trying to look after both places. Which is why our Mods need more powers.
    But more important is the behaviour of ourselves,there are some people that need to look in the mirror & question their own behaviours, some of it bordering on socio-pathic. Are you happy that decent members of this forum do not want to come here anymore because of you?

    Special notice should be given to our Mod Texl. A good guy who by his own admission has not been around as often as he would like.Quite a few of us know that he has had major problems with his PC and couldn't get on-line.I for one appreciate Texl's style of friendly management and there is no way he should shoulder any blame for the state of this place,it's the memberships fault.

    If Admin or the Mods or members are pissed off at my comments,and want me out, then I will fall on my sword and leave this forum for good.But at least now we are having a debate about our forum, and what is good for it in the long run.


  7. I have sat on my hands for three days about this, I’ve tried to ignore it but I feel compelled to speak out now.

    Yes it’s about Masha & Sasha again, because I feel that are certain members of this forum that are being incredibly rude and disrespectful towards them, and for me it has to stop for the good of the forum.

    When I joined this forum there were rules about the conduct, behaviour and language of members toward one and other in the Chatbox. But also when talking about the Tenants. I have seen members of this forum silenced and/or banned for derogatory comments or language aimed towards the Tenants, especially the girls.

    For the past three days there has been an almost constant barrage of abuse aimed at Masha & Sasha. Again the subject of TK is brought up with monotonous regularity, even though the man has not been at M & S’s since January. There was a gathering of friends at M & S place last night, I will admit that I did not see the party and arrived as everything was winding down. But I was reading the comments on the Chatbox, they repulsed me. The general acceptance seemed to be that it was only a matter of time before Masha f**ked everyone in the room, and that Sasha was trying to get off with one of the female guests. And it would probably all end up in a gang-bang. Despite there being no evidence of any such intentions the various members continued with their outrageous comments, referring to Masha as a ‘Hoe’. They used this sort of terminology even though there was a female member in the Chatbox at the time. That, Sasha is a broken man, he cannot satisfy Masha anymore ever since TK etc etc There’s no point in me repeating the rest of it, you have heard these comments before, it’s difficult not to, as they are repeated on a daily basis.

    There 19 are apartments containing 43 tenants not including family, friends or pets yet there are certain members who only watch M & S to pick up on every nuance so they can weave it into their own narrative.

    I have an interest in Masha & Sasha, same as I have an interest in quite a few of the other tenants, I am not a Masha & Sasha uber-fan, although it might seem that way.

    But these certain members are fixated with this couple. They like the spread their toxic bilge and infect as many people as possible, the same little clique that feed each other in a self-perpetuating shit storm. And what have Admin or the Mods done about this situation that is turning members like me away from this forum….fuck all! This situation needs to be addressed as soon as possible, because at the moment this forum is heading at great speed towards the buffers.

  8. The new crew at Volga are turning out to be great, they all seem to be getting on well together.Nina & Bobbi seem to seldom venture out of their bedroom as they are too busy having sex.
    Mona & Anna are getting on like a house on fire and having great fun,although both are still very aware of the cameras.
    Tonight was,'Educating Anna', which saw Mona teaching Anna how to stretch,as I said previously I think Mona is/was a dancer, or has done performing arts & has been taught 'how to move',poise, grace & very,very supple. It almost made my eye's water to watch it!
    For instance,note the pic of Mona doing the almost right angled,ballet-esque leg exercise, effortless. Anna was holding onto the fridge.Anna is going to ache in the morning.
    Anna got changed into a bunny-style outfit,seen previously with white fishnets. Don't you love it when a sister helps a sister adjust her suspender belt.
    Anna then put on her green high heals and a lesson in how to walk cat-walk style. Mona placed some candy bars in a line on the floor and demonstrated how Anna should walk.
    Mona, as I said above,poise,grace,elegance. Anna was Bambi on an iced up tigh-rope. Funny...?, I almost coughed up a lung! But she got much better.
    The girls then had fun watching video's on their devices. A great nights entertainment.
















  9. Part 2,And the Bad News
    Zoe returns to Tver to finish packing & get changed ready for her travels giving us ( dougiestyle4you ) one last ogle at her great body.
    The final goodbye's with Zoe & Iris were heart-breaking. Both girls visibly upset, both sobbing as they hugged.Genuinely distraught at separating.
    Unlike what we have seen at Barca when you'd be lucky if they can bothered to get out of bed to say a quick goodbye.
    And there for me is the difference between V V & RLC. I can count on one hand the RLC tenants that I could care about,or even enjoy watching. I am genuinely interested in these characters on V V. RLC could learn something here.





  10. First thing first, I think the girl above is Mona, I could be wrong? I am falling hopelessly in love  lust with her! >:D

    Part 1 The Good News.
    So what interesting stuff has happened at RLC today?
    Meanwhile at V V,
    Tver have a leaving do for the lovely Zoe. The crews from Tver,Tula & Inna & Greg from Dubna were present,leaving Marna & bloke home alone to fluctuate between making out & arguing ? None of the GreenWood lot were present again?
    Zoe leaves for personal reasons. She will be missed, especially by dougiestyle4you. (don't shoot the messenger)
    At Volga the girls Mona & Anna prepare food & get ready for Bobbi & Nina's 1st night in the apartment dressed as bunny girls.....why not...it works for me!
    The do at Tver breaks up & everyone goes home. Tula's Jackie & Phil engage in a quicky before the new crew from Volga join them for drinks?
    The Volga crew return home for more drinks & dancing.Mona retires to bed,Nina & Anna discuss nipples. Nina & Bobbi go to bed and have adult fun time. Leaving Anna dancing around the living room on her own.
    Mona has got some moves,possibly trained? The same can not be said of Anna, but full marks for effort though.












  11. Changes are afoot at V V.
    Voro is now called Volga, and has new tenants coming called Nina & Bobbi. One of the bedrooms has been labeled Mona, possible typo?
    I assume this is Nina (Mona) pictured? Promising start. She has a smaller dark haired woman with her,I don't know if she is a guest or tenant or what? Nice, but nothing worth capping.....yet?
    Sonia & Ivo ( and the cat?) and Liza & Nick have moved to the new apartment, GreenWood.

    *edit. Nina & Bobbi have arrived, the girl pictured is probably Mona ? Small dark haired woman, the cook, could be Anna?.........that is all........carry on.










  12. Narration; Plank stares at the computer screen, he shakes his head in disbelief,he smiles to himself. The smile turns to a frown,anger builds, furiously he begins to tap at the keyboard.

    I am getting quite concerned at some of the behaviour on this forum. The negativity in the Chatbox is at an all time high. Is this a reflection of our forum membership's mindset or is this a reflection of the state of RLC?
    So let's get on to my pet subject, Masha & Sasha. At first I thought it was just my internal paranoid android rearing it's ugly head, 'it's just you reading into this', 'these guys are pulling your chain, having a laugh, the Craic, a bit of banter',which I don't mind, I've got broad shoulders. But no, this shit is real.
    What am I talking about? Masha & Sasha and the obsession some members have with TK.
    Even when I'm not on the forum it continues, so it can't be me ,right? Some people are predictable, I know it's coming, it's just a matter of time. But I am shocked at the number of members that I respect, that have gone over to the dark-side, no not CC, but the realm of the TK obsessed.
    The dust of Pasha & Tasha's departure had not even settled, when 'space for TK' was mentioned.
    What is the fascination for this guy? Why can't members talk about Masha & Sasha without mentioning his name? It is bizarre.
    Don't get me wrong if TK and his lady turn up again I will be happy,but it seems that some people are wanting this fantastic foursome to destroy Masha & Sasha's relationship. Some are convinced that it already has.
    Which brings me onto my next point,oh yeah there is more!
    People complaining about the amount of sex that Masha & Sasha are having at the moment.WHAT!?
    Various comments along the lines of 'it's not normal', 'it's staged because the viewing figures have dropped off since the 4some' and my favourite, 'they are getting ready for TK's next visit'. Really?
    Masha & Sasha have always had a high sex drive, ever since their first day in the apartment. But this is bad thing now?
    I have a simple response, don't watch them! Go and watch all the nothing happening at all the other apartments. Go an watch the empty Barca's,watch them sleep, play with their phones or the fake-bate sessions.
    Or you could literally watch the (body) paint dry at B1.
    I have voiced my concerns about the number of the older members of this forum who have disappeared, or that don't come into the place anymore preferring to sit in the background & not get involved. I can feel that I am heading that way.
    Which will probably be welcome news to those that think I talk shite, and those who I dare to challenge.


  13. News Update.

    Pasha & Tasha have left the building.

    I'm not sure what started it all but at 3.25am their time Saturday, we had raised voices, a very angry Sasha and P & T started packing, by 5.30am they were out of there.

    Someone is going to have to fill in the blanks on this as to what started it,who said what etc as I missed it, but it seemed to those in the Chatbox that the problem did not seem to be with Sasha & /or Tasha?


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