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Posts posted by Plank

  1. Many thanks my friend,that has cleared up several issues for me. It also explains why I have had some very strange looks from my Spanish friends. I now feel sufficiently informed & confident to return to Spain on holiday,unless the £ falls any further against the €. ;D

    By the way, I voted Remain !

    In regard to mocking British Plumbing,there are two key issues. Why do Plumbers never turn up when they say they will, and why do they charge you double what they quoted?

    Muchas gracias mi amigo, que ha aclarado varios temas para mí. También explica por qué he tenido algunas miradas muy extrañas de mis amigos españoles. Ahora me siento suficientemente informado y confidente para volver a España en vacaciones, a menos que el £ cae más lejos contra el €. ;D

    Por cierto, he votado ¡Permanezca!

    En cuanto a burlarse de British Plumbing, hay dos cuestiones clave. ¿Por qué los fontaneros nunca aparecen cuando dicen que lo harán, y por qué te cobran el doble de lo que citaron?

  2. On 1/6/2017 at 12:08 PM, intheshade said:

    I'm loving these current guests, they are playful and adventurous in bed, obviously very much in love and she is just a raving nymphomaniac. She's cute rather than beautiful but has a lovely curvy body and he's hung like a fucking horse. Who could want more?

    RLC - there is a couple here in need of an apartment and pronto

    I think your prayers were answered. Have a look at this,  (Linked Content No Longer Available)

    Looks like @PeterGrey,deserves a 'spotter's' badge! ;D

  3. On 20/02/2017 at 11:00 PM, delta10 said:

    You let that quickly


    b1 0220 6.jpeg

    Business is business,these are fiscally challenging times and this is a prime piece of real estate. ;D        Looks like they got the message then?

  4. @dougiestyle4u, no problem,'woody' & 'plank' in the same sentence, made me laugh.....anyway!

    I must admit I was sorry to see Carla go from this apartment, but Desiree is a fantastic replacement. And like Carla, some days she can look rough as boots, but when she makes an effort,stunning! Maybe I have got an underlying issue for curvy Hispanic girls with big boobs. I must phone my psychiatrist! ;D

  5. There has been something wrong over the last few days between Mash & Sash, an atmosphere.
    But Sasha has been in a bad mood since Saturday afternoon? I have no idea why, I will speculate like others do without any form of proof whatsoever!
    He was mis-sold PPI, he is being bothered by persistent Telesales/marketing people. He doesn't like Masha's hair colour, she threw out his favourite T-shirt? All of that is bollocks of course!
    Maybe he is sick of Pash & Tash being at their place,it does tend to cramp your style when others are living in your house.

    This afternoon Pash & Tash were in the living room, Masha came in looking miserable and helped herself to a large glass of what looked like Irish Cream & Ice.
    Tash gestured to Pash,'is she ok?, have a word with her' Pasha gestured to him 'no leave it'. Masha took herself to the bedroom to drink alone.
    15 minutes later Sasha & a friend arrive and Masha is given gifts,there are flowers on the breakfast bar and there are kisses all round.Everybody happy.
    Is it Masha's birthday? Is it International Hair Colour Day?
    Was she pissed off because she thought everyone had forgot?
    I honestly don't know, I'm speculating not viewing it as fact..

    Update, an hour later.
    Masha busy in the kitchen,clearly frustrated,trying to put a brave face on it all, but can not disguise her sad eyes.
    Tasha out, Pasha & friend chatting, but aware that there is an elephant in the room.


  6. Greetings from the Mother Country to our friends in the colonies. Huzzahh!

    Would you like us to send you some supplies or a Red Cross Parcel, over.

    Glad to hear that you are o.k., over.

    We are all thinking of you at this difficult time,over.

    Sends Hugs.....over.



  7. Thousands of gay men pardoned for past convictions

    Thousands of gay and bisexual men found guilty of decades-old sexual offences in England and Wales have been posthumously pardoned.

    The enactment by the government of the so-called Alan Turing law means about 49,000 men will be cleared of crimes of which they would be innocent today.

    Wartime code-breaker Mr Turing was pardoned in 2013 for gross indecency.

    Statutory pardons will also be granted to people still living who apply to have their convictions removed.

    The pardons were first announced last year and have now been officially rubber-stamped after the Policing and Crime Bill received Royal Assent.

    The men were found guilty of committing now-abolished offences while in consensual relationships.  Courtesy of BBC News.





  8. And I quote from my post earlier on this subject.

    I shall give you my opinion but start again by stating what I said in a previous post on this subject, because if I don't some folk will get their knickers in a knot!

    I rest my case m'laud.
    Anyone on this forum that 'knows' me, knows that I am here for light entertainment, a laugh & a joke,a song & a smile. I try to get on with everyone, I try be light & humourous, because life is too short.
    Very rarely I go off on a rant, but not that often. I have fallen out with a few on here,but not many, if I am out of line I will recognise it & give a sincere apology.
    My posts are my point of view, my opinion & I do not have any agenda's.
    I did not refer to anyone by name in my post,it was a general observation of the subject.
     At RLCF, we tend to be a community that can accept one another's points of view, agree to disagree, done with good grace.
    We do not resort to personal attacks in the Forums or the Chatbox. If there is an issue with another member that you wish to resolve we are encouraged to take it to PM's & keep such stuff away from the Forum & Chatbox
    But seeing as Donzi decided to open this can of worms, I have the right to respond.
    So your opinions are right & everyone else is wrong. This speaks volumes.
    There is a subtle difference between my points of view & yours.
    My hyperbole,as you called it,are my own opinions & viewpoints etc. I felt it was well thought out and was reasonably crafted & very much 'tounge in cheek' as a lot of my stuff tends to be.
    However,even though your post was longer than my hyperbole, it required you to justify your points of view, or to shore them up, by Copy & Pasting quotes from like minded people who are on the same page as you,from CC,       and that is ok is it?
    That is what political organisations and sections of the media do, it's called 'spin'.

    Thank you for the offer of 'your timeline' of events,but no thanks.
    Do not bother responding to this post,this subject is 'sooo last week darlingk' :rolleyes:
    And really not worthy of my time. End of.

  9. I've been sitting on my hands with this post,bollocks to it,post and be damned!

    I am starting to get tired of all this negative stuff aimed at Masha & Sasha and their Foursome Guests.
    I am not an apologist for Masha or Sasha, but I feel that someone here needs to speak up in their defense.
    Everyone is entitled to their opinions for sure,but for me some of this stuff has gone too far.
    I shall give you my opinion but start again by stating what I said in a previous post on this subject, because if I don't some folk will get their knickers in a knot!
    'Before I begin let me make it clear that I am not having a swipe at anyone,these are my thoughts based on what I have seen & read.'
    1, Judging by various accounts over this past week, Masha is some sort of Femme Fatale, a harlot who has planned this foursome scenario because she is 'in love' with TK, and 'does not kiss Sasha the way she kisses him'.
    Masha did plan this,along with Sasha,TK & Gf. It was great fun last time when they got together for a long weekend,and I bet they thought,'we all got off on it,so why not do it again,but this time stay for a week?'
    As I stated before, 'the only way that this scene happens is if the girls are ok with it all.'
    As for Masha being in love with TK,she loves his cock & the way he uses it on her, & how she gets off on the whole scenario,& that includes TK's Gf. The kissing/snogging between Masha & Tk we saw last time as well, it's called Passion!
    2, 'Sasha is useless,has lost his woman to TK,he is finished as Masha's partner, he doesn't satisfy her like TK does.Now Masha fakes her level of arousal to placate Sasha'. etc
    Clearly you haven't observed Masha & Sasha in full flow when they are on their own, a few times last week M & S have been at it,even though TK & Gf were in the next room.
    And as for losing Masha, you were saying the same stuff last October,it's now January in case you haven't noticed. There seems to be a competition as who can be proved right on this matter,at the end of the day it's up to M & S.
    3, TK has got quite a fan club on here. He is a god, a bone meister,a woodsman,he satisfies Masha better than Sasha ever could, or will. Also he deliberately dosed Sasha so he couldn't perform so he can 'steal his woman'.
    There is no doubt that TK can lay the pipe,good luck to him. Every so often he gets to have wild sex with an insatiable woman that is Masha ,who wouldn't be turned on by that prospect?
    Did he medicate Sasha so he couldn't perform last night,really?
    And what were his motivations for doing this downright dangerous act? So he could 'out-perform' Sasha and steal his girl, again, really?
    From what I saw prior to last nights main event,they were all indulging in the recreationals. Did he dose his Gf as well? And what would have been his motivation for doing that? By the above logic, so she couldn't perform and thereby stopping Sasha wanting to steal her. What is he planning on doing,having Gf & Masha in his own little harem?
    4, TK's Gf(wife) labelled Submissive,Subby & Sub. Also useless, does not satisfy TK because she is not as good in bed as Masha, she has lost her man.
    I find this term has strayed so far off target it is not even in the same postal code. Submissive? Not from what I saw all through the week, the other night,or the time before,or the time before that!
    For instance, the other night, TK's Gf was ready for action in a sexy dress,dancing provocatively for the other three. She was then laying across the kitchen breakfast bar when I left the action,a good hour or two before the main event.
    I think that she really get's off on all of this,she is really into M & S as a couple, and gets excited to see how crazy Masha gets with her guy.
    Once again, if she was not happy about this entire situation,or thought for one moment that Masha was going to steal her man', there is no way that this week would have happened, & certainly will never happen again.

    Another side issue,'Masha dragged TK off to the Bedroom so they could be alone because they are so in love', 'Sasha could not cope watching his girl get a better f***ing than he can give her',to paraphrase-ish.
    Rubbish! This was planned in my opinion, there was probably a coin toss or a turn of a card, or was completely random as to who got the bedroom.
    Why? Simple really, space. It can get a bit tricky with four adults are going at it on a double bed.
    Masha & TK can have enough space to get heated up & physical & rampant with each other, Sasha & TKGf can get relaxed & tender (yeah that word again) & tactile, and get into each other slowly.
    Just because TK the woodsman was chopping down tree's with Masha, and Sasha & Gf were chilled & took their time does not make Sasha shit in bed! It does not mean that TKGf didn't get off because she was not screaming the house down like Masha. I didn't see her complaining this week or the last time!
    And for those who will say that TKGf didn't orgasm the way Masha did,or that now after TK, Masha will never orgasm with Sasha, what a crock, and you know this how? Masha is vocal we know this,maybe TKGf isn't!                       Are you in the room with them,did you personally ask them? No I thought not.
    Why can't some people just accept what has been a great week at M & S's place. I would love to know what the viewing figures were, or how many people signed up for a subscription just because of them.
    In the Chatbox the other night I said something along these lines. Give me a week(end) of the M & S 4 over any of the fake stuff in the Barca Apartments anytime!


  10. Before I begin let me make it clear that I am not having a swipe at anyone,these are my thoughts based on what I have seen & read.
    I might be wrong but I think folks are reading far too much into this Masha & TK scenario,so Masha looks longingly at TK,she really gets off on the sex & wants as much as she can get.So TK looks longingly at Masha she's sexy as f***,wouldn't you!?
    I find it interesting that no-one comments about the relationship between Sasha & TK's Gf, the way that Sasha treats TK's Gf with tenderness. Or the other night when TK's Gf couldn't wait to get into Sasha.
    From what I saw of the other night/morning, it was Masha who was guilty of a 'delay of game'.
    As I have stated previously,I get the impression that these four people have known each other a long time.
    Could be back to school days,flirting with each other at the school dance,snogging in the back of cars etc,I don't know,it is pure speculation on my part.
    Whatever their history,I have to admit that I am jealous of their relationship,where every so often you get to have sex with a different person with the full consent of your partner, without it ending up involving tears,screaming,violence and Lawyers!
    They trust each others friendship,and they know what lines must not be crossed, which is why they can have their weekend get togethers and have great fun with each other.
    The only way you can do that is by having total trust & understanding with your partner & total trust in your friends.
    As has been mentioned before by others,the only way that this scene happens is if the girls are ok with it all.
    If there were any doubt whatsoever about the safety of their relationship with their partner, or any chance that it could destroy that relationship, or destroy the long standing close friendship within the forsome, these weekenders would not happen.

    So what does this pic tell us?


  11. I can confirm that another Swinging time was has by all at the M&S apartment. It took a long while to get going,but it did, It started in the kitchen with creative use of the kitchen chairs by Sasha & TKGF. Whilst Topknot had Masha sprawled over the on the Breakfast Bar. It then moved to the bedroom where I couldn't see anything.

  12. Just for information.

    Topknot & Girlfriend arrived at Mas&Sash place late last night. Hence the furious cleaning of their apartment yesterday afternoon.

    The foursome drank shots,laughed and joked with each other before a tired or ill Masha tried to go to sleep on the Sofa-bed in the Living room, their guests have got their bedroom again.

    Masha didn't get much sleep as Sasha and their friends carried on partying until 6am their time, I also think she didn't want to miss out on anything. More shots went down,much merriment and Sasha danced,sort of.

    I get the impression that this foursome have known each other for years,very relaxed in each others company,as we've seen before.

    So....a fun weekend we hope.

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