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Posts posted by Plank

  1. And here we go again with the speculation about TK & Masha, it really is tedious.
    From what I heard from a bloke who speaks fluent Klingon. There's an alien ship on it's way to beam-up all the Barca girls and take them to a romantic spot just to the west of Saturn, where there is a fantastic view of Uranus.The reason they have chosen the Barca girls is that it will be days before anyone notices that they are missing before they alert the authorities.

    That could be pure speculation or as we UK types call it, 'bollocks'.

    Someone has done a bit of maths here. October (first leg) to January (second leg) = 3 months.Therefore January + 3 months = April. April + New boobs = TK will arrive at any moment.  QED,quod erat demonstrandum.                
    Obviously Masha & Sasha missed the meeting where it was decided that this Fantastic 4some should be a Quarterly event. ( This must be an RLC directive from the script writing team I suppose?)
    I also seriously doubt that the Fantastic 4some will assemble whilst Pasha & Tasha are there, unless of course RLC have been keeping an eye on A & A at V H and have demanded a Six-some?
    Who knows? Not I and neither do you ! :rolleyes:

  2.  @ sjuk2

    Welcome to this madhouse! Sorry to say that there will be no more Hero members, (orange names) because of a policy change.

    ADMIN posted this: Posted October 8, 2016 ·

    Starting November 1st we will no longer be offering Hero memberships.  Currently, Hero memberships are obtained by making 30 posts, and grant free access to the gallery. We now have over 1000 hero members which is a significant amount of "Free" users. After November 1st the only way to obtain access to the Gallery will be to pay the annual membership fee of $12. Current Hero members will retain access to the Gallery indefinitely.  The reason for this change is that costs of running the site have increased, and we can no longer afford to have so many free users.  

    Thank You,

    As iloner said have a look at the General Discussion topics as well as the Read Me section, you should find most of the info you need there.

    Cheers! ;D

  3. Interesting post Shaka, how many times has this come up?

    Back in the day our leader BTR said this;

    Posted January 6, 2016 (edited) ·

    As of today 06/01/16 , I am putting a stop to any links to the outside life of  tenants on RLC ,being disclosed on this site , if you want to share info please use the messaging system , The reason for me doing this is for 2 reasons , 1st reason , RLC have given us some freedom in posting pics etc from their site , and we don't  want to upset the applecart , we have a great gallery would be a shame to jeopardize it ,  (and we know how that turned out! )

    2nd reason== the links are visible to unscrupulous arseholes who don’t sign up to this site just visit as a guest and then they copy the links and post elsewhere , so guys no more links to be publicised live keep it internal between members using the message system ,

    Posted January 8, 2016

    I think full protection should be given whilst they are active in the RLC project. What they do when they leave is of no consequence. And should be forgotten about. OK some of the girls will be talked about especially those that left a lasting impression (and that is a very limited number) but eventually they to will be forgotten

    I don't remember that rule ever changing, but it seems it's not enough for some folk to watch these tenants 24/7, they need to know more??

  4. That is a damn shame Rob ! I was having a PM conversation with one of the 'old guard' the other day, and we were saying the same sort of thing. Where have all the great members of this forum gone? (Usual Suspects)

    I touched on this very subject in this post.

    I am not having a go at the new members, there are some fantastic additions to this place, but something isn't right? There seems to be the same people who post stuff & keep the place ticking over,myself included, but to be honest I am getting sick of my own voice. There are too many members cruising for me. They don't contribute anything to the forums, or never ( rarely) come into the Chatbox but at the end of the day it's their choice. I am also getting tired of members of our 'sister' site coming into the Chatbox with the sole intention of throwing hand grenades & then vanishing, e.g. wind-ups, being abusive etc. Something has changed since the much loved/loathed BTR left the building, & I don't think RLC have helped themselves, what with the Barca fakery,and bringing back some previous tenants has spectacularly failed.

    I will miss you Rob, I used to enjoy our back & forth's.

  5. 16 hours ago, cyberleader said:

    was meant to be a foursome more like 1 and a half men with two girls

    Yes I saw it, Alex was too drunk to funk! This couple are a lot more into it all than the couple in last weekends foursome. They pretty much did everything apart from f**k each others partner. A one point I think the girls took a double ended dildo into the bathroom and amused each other. This could be interesting to watch tonight?

  6. Other than the Carla & Mario ones you mentioned I can think of two.

    Nelly,sitting on the floor held up a sign to the camera saying, 'I love you Guys !' That picture seems to have vanished since the forum board was updated, unless anyone has it saved?

    And this one of Masha, in the middle of a rampant session looked straight down the cam lens. https://reallifecamfan.com/index.php?/topic/2709-masha-sasha-archived-pictures/&do=findComment&comment=52669



  7. Welcome back to Musicians Corner with Plank.

    Today we have a study in audience interaction.

    In pic's 1 & 2, notice how this enchanting chanteuse is concentrating on the music & exhibits 'gurning' as discussed whilst watching Anabel. Pic 3 shows her interaction with her audience in Pasha's Pamper Parlour.

    (There is no truth in the rumour that Sasha asked Pasha to cut his ears off, Masha's singing wasn't that bad considering she was singing in English.)

    Pic 4, shows Masha adopt the traditional folk sitting position known as the 'campfire' or the 'Kumbaya'.

    The final pic in this study is a fore-runner to the 'stage-dive'. However not a good idea when one is recovering from surgery.





  8. Let me tell you a story, are you sitting comfortably ? Then I shall begin.
    Once upon a time I met a gorgeous girl. She is lovely,very good looking, a raven haired beauty.Fantastic figure,legs to die for, just one problem she didn't have boobs.
    Well she did, but they were very small. This had caused her problems ever since puberty, the folk around her reassured her that her boobs would fill out, 'it was only a matter of time'. they said, but the boobs never did.
    She was teased at school by girls & boys, she was called names such as 'tiny-tits','bee strings', 'fried eggs' & other insults were hurled her way.But she is made of stronger stuff than that, and she would often make jokes about her small boobies, such as, 'when I lay down my tits disappear'.
    But in reality it was an issue for her, it did affect her confidence,she said that she 'didn't feel like a real woman'. That she was envious of her friends who had a cleavage. That clothes never fitted her properly, and she was sick of having to wear a padded bra or the dreaded 'chicken fillets'.
    So she got a bank loan & went an had a procedure. She ended up with a beautiful pair of breasts that were just perfect for her figure, I know because she showed them to me!  (No I don't have any pictures, you sick bunch of muthaf.....) ;D
    The impact this made on her self esteem & confidence was incredible. She could also walk down the road and stop traffic. And in the end she married a prince and lived happily ever after.

    I tell you that tale because I believe this is exactly what Masha has been thinking, probably for many years. There have been numerous comments about her skinny, bean pole physique. But if you really look at her you'd notice that, she isn't a bean pole,she just had tiny tits that were out of scale with her body.
    I think this is why she has had the boob job. Not, as some have suggested, that she is doing it for Sasha or TK's benefit, or anything relating to either of them. She has done this for her.
    Yet the facile comments continue in the Chatbox, and to be honest, some of these comments are becoming tedious!
    Yesterday Masha was trying on underwear. A comment came up that she was, 'getting ready for TK's next visit'. Obviously the member that posted that immature comment, had not appreciated that Masha has gone up a bra size or two, and that some of her underwear & clothes will not fit, or will fit differently.
    Same goes for the comments today, whilst Masha was giving Sasha a BJ in the bathroom, 'she is practicing on Sasha for TK's next visit'. Pathetic !
    This member I am quoting is obsessed with TK and is compelled to have swipe at Masha & Sasha every time he is in the chatbox. I for one am sick of this nonsense!
    The member responsible needs to consider his behaviour & maybe give his head a wobble, because something is clearly out of whack!

  9. On 03/07/2016 at 7:49 PM, vampire said:

    I have a degree in Health Education, And worked at a Family Planning Clinic. Every time I see this type of Birth Control method I cringe.(Have seen other Tennents use it.) It is not a safe or recamended form of Birth control. Ever hear of Pre-com, fluid that is formed before true ejaculation. Well it contains thousands of sperm cells. So if you wait till you feel you are getting close to orgasm to put on the condom it may already be to late. Many a surprise babies have been born this way---Suprise-lol

    Most people who use this technique as a method of birth control are called, parents.

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