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  1. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Scorpio 2.2 in The Chat Room!! #2   
    Bitchy and Drama Queens lol. No surprise it's dead and very few use it. 😂
  2. Haha
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Vaz in The Chat Room!! #2   
    They sound even more pathetic. 

  3. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Danny in The Chat Room!! #2   
    The chatters are their own worst enemies. One minute they get tired of seeing the same returnees doing less and less each time they reappear. They ask RLC to bring in new first-timers. Then they bring up names of possible returnees. They threaten to cancel or renew. Can't help but laugh at all their comments, speculation, adoration and over analyzing of tenants. RLC is happy making tons of money while offering garbage. Chatters continue to pay and watch the garbage. Tenants enjoy the easy money for doing nothing. Sounds to me that everyone connected to or with RLC are winners. So funny - I crack myself up sometimes - hahaha. Gotta give the chatters credit though - they are all likeminded and walk their same talk. 
  4. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Danny in The Chat Room!! #2   
    Why it will not get better or improve. Poor management and recruitment. 
  5. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Scorpio 2.2 in Mira & Henry #2   
    There will be more deaths. I had mentioned that it could happen to a certain star manager/participant and I was severely scolded. Yes, same former asshole camcappers that put you down and constantly face_palm my comments. 
    VHTV is like extreme sports - living porn on the edge.
  6. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Scorpio 2.2 in Mira & Henry #2   
    More disgusting than entertaining. Good site turned to shit. The idiots you are on about are not worth the time. Guaranteed most on that forum are the same that were assholes on CamCaps. More Ass lickers. Only real shock is there's not been more deaths. 
  7. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Scorpio 2.2 in Mira & Henry #2   
    Henry is so disgusting and a loser. Mira is "in it to win it" as a co-managers alongside Henry. After watching the video of Mira getting tossed around and choked by Henry but still fucking around with anybody - fuck'em both. Couldn't care less about either of them - this is their chosen path and whatever happens, happens. Really surprised that VHTV didn't give them the boot but VHTV survives on drama, bad shit, drugs, violence, rape and all kinds of spousal abuse. Most VHTV Forum members thrive on all this crap and will put you down for any negative talk. Things never changed after Sergio's death and more shit is going to happen. VHTV is all about sex, drugs, alcohol and rock'em sock'em. 
  8. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in Mira & Henry #2   
    Henry is so disgusting and a loser. Mira is "in it to win it" as a co-managers alongside Henry. After watching the video of Mira getting tossed around and choked by Henry but still fucking around with anybody - fuck'em both. Couldn't care less about either of them - this is their chosen path and whatever happens, happens. Really surprised that VHTV didn't give them the boot but VHTV survives on drama, bad shit, drugs, violence, rape and all kinds of spousal abuse. Most VHTV Forum members thrive on all this crap and will put you down for any negative talk. Things never changed after Sergio's death and more shit is going to happen. VHTV is all about sex, drugs, alcohol and rock'em sock'em. 
  9. Haha
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Scotsman84 in Drunk AF 🤣   
    The horse has to bring home the town drunk again. The horse knows it's way home since this is a daily episode - lol.
  10. Haha
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Scorpio 2.2 in xcamfan.com versus camcaps.net   
  11. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Scorpio 2.2 in xcamfan.com versus camcaps.net   
    CamCaps especially always been bad for that. Unless you kiss ass and praise them you are not wanted lol. But perfectly fine when they do it. Truth hurts as they say lol. Better to be an asshole and say how it really is, than an ass kisser. 🍑
  12. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Scorpio 2.2 in xcamfan.com versus camcaps.net   
    To me, it seems like a lot of members on xcamfan, camcaps and the VHTV Forum want to protect, support and love their respective tenant(s). Once something bad is posted about their angel, princess, queen or true love then they get defensive and try to put the offending voice in their place. It is free and easy to speculate and put your dream girl on a pedestal but don't fucking dare to badmouth or say anything negative about them or their partner. Well, might as well remove all topics about tenants and the voyeur cam site and only have fan pages to talk positive and highly of them with love in your hearts. All three forum sites sure dislike negative comments and you are told to go watch other apartments, realms, or tenants or better yet go watch porn or grow up you immature child. Great responses by dumb fucks. No surprise why most members don't participate in any of these forums. I guess it is better to be an ass kisser than an asshole. 
  13. Haha
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Scorpio 2.2 in VHTV General Chat Part #3   
    A former tenant that promised quite a few things.. But did they deliver. 
  14. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to StnCld316 in VHTV General Chat Part #3   
    In another week or two that counter will be back to 30 days and countdown again. It was started by a former Tenant of VHTV but it has never gotten off the ground yet.
  15. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Vaz in xcamfan.com versus camcaps.net   
    To me, it seems like a lot of members on xcamfan, camcaps and the VHTV Forum want to protect, support and love their respective tenant(s). Once something bad is posted about their angel, princess, queen or true love then they get defensive and try to put the offending voice in their place. It is free and easy to speculate and put your dream girl on a pedestal but don't fucking dare to badmouth or say anything negative about them or their partner. Well, might as well remove all topics about tenants and the voyeur cam site and only have fan pages to talk positive and highly of them with love in your hearts. All three forum sites sure dislike negative comments and you are told to go watch other apartments, realms, or tenants or better yet go watch porn or grow up you immature child. Great responses by dumb fucks. No surprise why most members don't participate in any of these forums. I guess it is better to be an ass kisser than an asshole. 
  16. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Plank in VHTV General Chat Part #3   
    Spot on with your review of apartments. Candy and Marla use to do it for me but always the same "nothing different" shit. Even some regulars I got tired of. Did watch Sophia and Claudia do their chaturbate shows but same routine each time. Don't care if they even came back with their big sausage man. Most, if not all, realms do their same daily shows or cam shows or play childish naked games. Montana and Pasha can leave even though they show nudity and sex. It is like watching a good porn movie a hundred times. Tattoos ruin it for me. Seen some pics/videos in the VHTV Forum of male partners abusing the women. VHTV must love it because it draws attention to their site but for the wrong reasons. Right now I have no favorites and briefly look into 4 or 5 realms to see if anything might give me a rise. The VHTV site has degraded badly (all about quantity of realms, not quality) and the VHTV Forum is a very poor read. 
    I see that the always threatening to start up site VOYEUR LIFE is again saying that they will open this Saturday (as of this time of post, running time clock shows 3 days and 2 hours to go). I suspect, if it opens, it will include porn stars, cam girls and more of the same type of usual tenants. Badly in need of another new voyeur cam site.
    If you read the RLC chat - obviously RLC sucks shit. Even Leora is graciously trying to sexually abuse numbnuts Paul. In their relationship Leora is the sexual aggressor while Paul can take it or leave it and really comes across as a lifeless fuck. He works long hours at the computer doing what? Oh, and he likes to sleep and take naps. He loves being pampered by Leora. Same old Paul.
    Between VHTV and RLC they are both fighting for dead last.
  17. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Plank in VHTV General Chat Part #3   
    VHtv have a collection of returnees,like Scott & a pregnant Macy no idea why they are back?
    We have some cam-girls,even Tessa (white house) is in on the act.
    There are a selection of Pro-hardcore porn performers,they might be top shaggers but some of the behaviour is concerning in the light of recent events with Sergio.
    There has also been times at certain apartments where what I have witnessed was abuse.
    As for Winter & Vegas, I've never seen such a collection of freaks & tattooed ladies in one place since the Circus last came to town.
    Then we have a few interesting couples who are playing the game,because they have to.
    Also way too many really drab apartments,who offer nothing to 'the project'.
    Some tenants have gone missing in action, or others that are being 'relocated',that really shouldn't bother returning.
    There are plenty of tenants who have overstayed their welcome,take a bow Candy, if you can be arsed to get off the bed.
    For me 10/49...and that's pushing it.
  18. Haha
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Scorpio 2.2 in IDEAS FOR RLC   
    That's way above their ability. Maybe they could get one of the smarter tenants to show them how. 🤣
  19. Haha
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Scorpio 2.2 in IDEAS FOR RLC   
    Hey RLC, since you suck at your job and business I suggest that you close up shop now AND take up knitting for fucks sake!!!
  20. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Zander in WHAT DO YOU THINK OF RLC LATELY????   
    Chat and Daily moments tell a lot. Replay also shows how bad it is and not worth subscription. 
  21. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from DIRTYHARRY in WHAT DO YOU THINK OF RLC LATELY????   
    Leora is so cum hungry that she could probably eat Paul's white gooey cum at least 4 or 5 times daily if Paul was motivated enough. Can't say all the rest of the RLC females combined can come close to Leora's thirst. Sure says a lot about what kind of life the other RLC tenants have on an adult porn site - boring as fuck. Chatters here and at camcaps sure do their part trying to give the tenants some storylines but to no avail. Waste of subscription money but those paying are hooked, lined and sinkered.
    hook, line, and sinker used to emphasize that someone has been completely deceived or tricked.
  22. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from TwoMoons in WHAT DO YOU THINK OF RLC LATELY????   
    I don't know about the rest of you but, to me, RLC has been very disappointing over the last year or more.
    It has gotten very stale with tenants over staying their welcome, tenants that live very boring real lives, tenants that play games with paid subscribers money, tenants and guests that intentionally make fun of subscribers and viewers, tenants living a "Lifestyles of the RIch and Famous" type living on subscribers money, ongoing scripts/soap operas/dramas (lacking of comedies or musicals or science fiction) and very poor decision making/new thinking by the RLC ownership whoever the fuck they are. I do a quick tour of some apartments but nothing, zero, nada impresses me.
    Everything is so predictable or not exciting. Why do members look forward to new tenants, guests or mothers and fathers for some action? RLC has to dramatically change their model. No point mentioning tenants names because members will get defensive. Keep enjoying the shit but in the Chatbox I do read that regular diehards are now finally getting soft like a limp dick and want some changes too. Perhaps RLC will suggest to their paid subscribers to load up on some Viagra so they will stick with and continue to financially support the bad tenants. Even RLCF has slowed down considerably lately because RLC basically sucks big time. The other voyeur sites offer what RLC members keep chatting for the tenants to do more of. WAKE UP!!!!! Gotta give the RLC paid subscribers credit - they are stubborn and continue paying for an inferior product/ service. All I will say - "good luck with that - suckers". By the way, most paid subscribers do love the youngens with a decent body but don't know how to use it since the phone is their main joystick. Money well spent????? RLC is on your dime so enjoy the so-called REAL LIFE - haha hehe giggle giggle lol.
  23. Haha
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Scorpio 2.2 in The Chat Room!! #2   
    Supposedly many don't like to "speculate" either lol. 🤣
  24. Haha
    dougiestyle4u reacted to RUBBERMAN in The Chat Room!! #2   
    I read the funnest shit today in the Chat room where someone said "they didn't like to start rumors"....well I do believe 99% of the shit that's said in the Chat Room are rumors. LOL

  25. Haha
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Scorpio 2.2 in Drunk AF 🤣   
    The horse has to bring home the town drunk again. The horse knows it's way home since this is a daily episode - lol.
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