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    Capeguy got a reaction from ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ in IT'S TIME   
    Well said Sir Cow! I agree with everything you outlined. To many of us it was no longer worth the grief and aggravation to be on CHAT most of the time. It used to be fun and not so much about the items you mentioned. For the most part I know log on, look to see the current stream of topics and if it looks reasonable I will join in. Most of the time I end up just watching from the background and shake my head in disbelief. I guess we will see how it goes. 
  2. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from Dutchy1969 in Policy Change - 7/19/17 - Please Read   
    I will reiterate what @CowArt said and extend my thanks to @Admin and @StnCld316. Having worked in computer groups with large companies for years I understand the total panic when stuff like this happened; although ours were usually of our own making or major equipment failure. It is a cold, cold feeling when you know your customer's data is out there but you can no longer access it. While it is shocking what our Host did, it is probable we should all have seen it coming. In the 18 months I have been on RLC and over a year on RLCF, we have seen numerous other times where RLC jumped in and we found huge numbers of pictures and video clips gone with only links left to where they used to exist. At the same time users who were posting this content were banned by RLC, many in only their first few days on the site. Yet with all that happening and many RLCF users telling others that you will get banned and that RLC will end up getting their stuff removed; many people kept posting this material, most of them being users who were already permanently banned on RLC so they figured they were immune from any retribution. Guess what guys: YOU WERE FUCKING WRONG! And as the last few days have shown, RLC was able to exact retribution and those of you who did, and lets be real here: you really know who you are. put this entire site in jeopardy. Maybe it can be saved, maybe not. The gallery was pretty cool if you wanted to get a perspective of prior life of the long term tenants and apartments but the pictures were a snapshot in time. Posts in the Forums can provide the same insights but using words. So in the long run, with DCMA's lurking over our heads like Damocle's Sword, it would appear verbal accounts will have to suffice.
    There are still other great things to do in the Forums, such as those who post about a certain event and post a music video or clip which seems appropriate; just ask @ShakaZulu, the king of sound clips.
    I hope those in power here can come up with a plan, and solicit suggestions from the members, on what RLCF should become after its transformation. There are lots of nice, although somewhat perverted, people on here and it would be a shame to see it all go.   
  3. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from Mr. Fabulous in IT'S TIME   
    Well said Sir Cow! I agree with everything you outlined. To many of us it was no longer worth the grief and aggravation to be on CHAT most of the time. It used to be fun and not so much about the items you mentioned. For the most part I know log on, look to see the current stream of topics and if it looks reasonable I will join in. Most of the time I end up just watching from the background and shake my head in disbelief. I guess we will see how it goes. 
  4. Like
    Capeguy reacted to CowArt in IT'S TIME   
    The chatbox and the gallery were always the best assets of RLCF. With the DMCA take-down this week, we lost the gallery. The chat is still there, or what's left of it.
    It used to be a place for pleasant conversation, some banter, and discussing what happened ON the cameras. But not anymore. Most of the apartments aren't mentioned at all. Interesting stuff happens there, but chatters rather talk about B1/B2 even when the the apartments are empty, than mention the other 17 (!) apartments. The chat is all about guessing what happens outside the B1/B2-apartment, based on bits of conversations that are taken completely out of context, translations of conversations that are incomplete, inaccurate, or just plain false. The times I log on to the chat, all I see is the same bullshit over and over again from a very limited number of users that are completely obsessed, mostly with Gina. If she blows her nose, it must have been because she had been snorting cocaine off camera moments before. If she sits in the corner of the balcony smoking, it must be weed. Whatever she does, a conspiracy theory gets dreamed up around it.
    We always had a pretty steady crew on the chatbox, ever since I joined over a year and a half ago. Sometimes a user disappeared, sometimes a user joined. In the last few months, all of the old crew has completely vanished from the chat. Now the chat is no longer used by RealLifeCamFANS, but by very few that only take pleasure in letting everybody know how bad things are. They will eventually leave too, once they've figured out that it might be a good idea not to watch RLC if you don't like what you see.
    Then the chatbox will be empty and all that's left on RLCF is the forums, which have been pretty much dead since RLC started wielding the ban hammer at every picture that got posted in there.
    RLCF already started digging itself a hole, and if the staff doesn't come up with a vision for the future, will never be able to get out of that hole anymore. And that would be a shame. I always liked it here, I met some good people here, who I enjoyed talking with. 
  5. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from Un4Given71 in Daily Free Viewing Restrictions?   
    Sorry folks; you will get no sympathy from me. When you each open your own business and give away your service for free get back to me. If you complain that RLC stuff is junk then what the hell are you there watching it for? You just want to get the good stuff by having others record it for you and post it, risking their membership dollars. If you want it then pay. If you do not want to pay then you have absolutely no right to bitch about the quality of the apartments nor the rules for free usage. 
  6. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from toolmaker123 in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    I agree with Cow. I have not been on chat a lot and find myself just sitting in the background a lot because I have no desire to get dragged into certain conversations where anything you say is then attacked. I do agree that being a MOD is probably a thankless job and I have always appreciated what they do and enjoyed chatting with them; even if I do not always agree with what the say. Have a good day all.
  7. Like
    Capeguy reacted to CowArt in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    Just for the record: My post was in no way intended as criticism towards the administrators and moderators. I know they are volunteering their time to give us this forum and everything that comes with it, and I thank them for that. I assume they all have lives outside RLCF and can find better things to do than keep us idiots in order if they wanted to.
    Besides, it's really difficult to enforce a rule that doesn't exist, or is mentioned in such an obscure place I can't find it (and I'm usually pretty good at finding stuff), that's why I asked if there could be a discussion on whether such a rule should be in place. If the outcome of the discussion is that it's not desirable, I will just have to live with that.
  8. Like
    Capeguy reacted to Plank in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    I have sat on my hands for three days about this, I’ve tried to ignore it but I feel compelled to speak out now.
    Yes it’s about Masha & Sasha again, because I feel that are certain members of this forum that are being incredibly rude and disrespectful towards them, and for me it has to stop for the good of the forum.
    When I joined this forum there were rules about the conduct, behaviour and language of members toward one and other in the Chatbox. But also when talking about the Tenants. I have seen members of this forum silenced and/or banned for derogatory comments or language aimed towards the Tenants, especially the girls.
    For the past three days there has been an almost constant barrage of abuse aimed at Masha & Sasha. Again the subject of TK is brought up with monotonous regularity, even though the man has not been at M & S’s since January. There was a gathering of friends at M & S place last night, I will admit that I did not see the party and arrived as everything was winding down. But I was reading the comments on the Chatbox, they repulsed me. The general acceptance seemed to be that it was only a matter of time before Masha f**ked everyone in the room, and that Sasha was trying to get off with one of the female guests. And it would probably all end up in a gang-bang. Despite there being no evidence of any such intentions the various members continued with their outrageous comments, referring to Masha as a ‘Hoe’. They used this sort of terminology even though there was a female member in the Chatbox at the time. That, Sasha is a broken man, he cannot satisfy Masha anymore ever since TK etc etc There’s no point in me repeating the rest of it, you have heard these comments before, it’s difficult not to, as they are repeated on a daily basis.
    There 19 are apartments containing 43 tenants not including family, friends or pets yet there are certain members who only watch M & S to pick up on every nuance so they can weave it into their own narrative.
    I have an interest in Masha & Sasha, same as I have an interest in quite a few of the other tenants, I am not a Masha & Sasha uber-fan, although it might seem that way.
    But these certain members are fixated with this couple. They like the spread their toxic bilge and infect as many people as possible, the same little clique that feed each other in a self-perpetuating shit storm. And what have Admin or the Mods done about this situation that is turning members like me away from this forum….fuck all! This situation needs to be addressed as soon as possible, because at the moment this forum is heading at great speed towards the buffers.
  9. Like
    Capeguy reacted to CowArt in Unfair Treatment of Masha & Sasha   
    I agree with you @Plank. Not necessarily regarding M&S in particular, I missed most of that, thank god, but the chatbox has taken a turn for the worst since two, maybe three months.
    There have always been moments the atmosphere was a bit negative in the chat, but those only lasted a day or so. It's now become this horrible place where over 50% of the posts are negative, the most ridiculous theories are being dreamed up, repeated for a couple of days and from there on forward just stated as facts. All in the safety of the chatbox of course, because there the posts sink into oblivion after an hour or so, none of those trolls seem to have the courage to state their opinions in the forum where they will last and we can have a reasonable discussion about them.
    It's the exact reason I almost never visit the chat anymore. And by the looks of it when I peek in, I'm not the only one. We always had a good crew in the chat, a group of people that came on the chat almost daily ever since I joined RLCF. Some new people joined, some left, some stuck around. When I look at the chat now I see none of those, don't know if they're still lurking in the background, or are run off the board for good.
    I search the forum for a Code of Conduct or whatever if there's anything mentioned about derogatory comments about the tenants, but it seems we only have to be polite to each other, and the tenants are fair game. I wish there was a rule like that, now the moderators and admins are powerless.
    This is supposed to be a FAN-site. That doesn't mean we're only allowed to kiss the tenants' asses, of course critical comments are welcome as well, but it's really getting out of hand now. I see too many people who's only intention seems to be to find anything on any of the cameras to get themselves worked up about, or just throw all sorts of nastiness at the tenants. This has nothing to do with a FAN-site anymore, this is quickly becoming a RLC-Bashing site. I for one will have nothing to do with that. As long as the bullshit doesn't spread to the forum, I'll keep reading and posting there, but I won't go near the chat until that's getting sorted somehow.
    That concludes what I wanted to say about this, I will now make reference to the staff so they'll get notice of this topic:
    @Admin, @StnCld316, @toolmaker123, @texl01, can we have an open discussion about the rules of this board, and in particular if there should be a rule against derogatory comments toward the tenants like there is at CC? 
  10. Like
    Capeguy reacted to CowArt in Barcelona sexual performance statistics   
    Since I still see comments being posted about the lack of explicit sexual activity, and I still feel some members are expecting too much from the girls in that area, so I tried to put things in perspective by crunching the numbers since I joined in January 2016. The numbers are based on what I've seen on the cameras or read in forum posts. I hope these numbers can give (potential) subscribers an insight on what they can expect to see in B1 and B2.
    I drew the line for hiding at the kitty. The girls trying their best to hide the kitty from the cameras as much as possible are tagged as "hiding", even though we might have caught some glimpses. For bating I also drew the line at the kitty, that means bating in the bath with the kitty out of camera view qualifies as "hidden", for example Karol bating pointed at camera #12 but with her panties on is also "hidden", but Angelina with her poor camera angles counts as "open" in my list. Bating with an object is either a sex toy, a piece of fruit, or some random object they found in the apartment.

  11. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from iloner in I am done...   
    Gilbert, First, there have been men at KKH but they are usually there very late, are usually drunk, want sex and get none. The only one getting anything recently has been Heidi. If Kami and Kristy are having sex it is at their BFs place. When the guys are there everyone gets all ready for something, but get nothing. If men were to visit at B1/B2 then a lot of viewers would complain because it forces the other girls to stay covered up, cause friction with the other girls and there would be no nudity. This happened a lot when Nicole was there and had a guy over on a regular basis; she is ruining it for us and the others, she must be a real slut bringing a guy in for sex and on and on it went. You cannot have it both ways. As CowArt said earlier, with the exception of the drug-fueled Lola parties, B1/B2 are pretty quiet. The Irma/Jess/Ilona period was an exception.
  12. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from iloner in I am done...   
    I agree with you that REPLAY is a cool tool, I just wish it covered a longer period of time. The only issue is it is expensive when you figure it out on top of the regular fee; even if you do a long-term subscription. If I were RLC I would have a 'REPLAY' subscription, which would be Premium + Replay for about $50/month, $125 for 3 months. and $225 for 6 months. It gets rid of being logged on for hours and seeing nothing, then everything happens right after you leave. You can get on to see what is happening and go to Replay to see ALL the stuff you missed and you get to forward through the boring parts.  
  13. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in I am done...   
    Gilbert, First, there have been men at KKH but they are usually there very late, are usually drunk, want sex and get none. The only one getting anything recently has been Heidi. If Kami and Kristy are having sex it is at their BFs place. When the guys are there everyone gets all ready for something, but get nothing. If men were to visit at B1/B2 then a lot of viewers would complain because it forces the other girls to stay covered up, cause friction with the other girls and there would be no nudity. This happened a lot when Nicole was there and had a guy over on a regular basis; she is ruining it for us and the others, she must be a real slut bringing a guy in for sex and on and on it went. You cannot have it both ways. As CowArt said earlier, with the exception of the drug-fueled Lola parties, B1/B2 are pretty quiet. The Irma/Jess/Ilona period was an exception.
  14. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from CowArt in I am done...   
    Gilbert, First, there have been men at KKH but they are usually there very late, are usually drunk, want sex and get none. The only one getting anything recently has been Heidi. If Kami and Kristy are having sex it is at their BFs place. When the guys are there everyone gets all ready for something, but get nothing. If men were to visit at B1/B2 then a lot of viewers would complain because it forces the other girls to stay covered up, cause friction with the other girls and there would be no nudity. This happened a lot when Nicole was there and had a guy over on a regular basis; she is ruining it for us and the others, she must be a real slut bringing a guy in for sex and on and on it went. You cannot have it both ways. As CowArt said earlier, with the exception of the drug-fueled Lola parties, B1/B2 are pretty quiet. The Irma/Jess/Ilona period was an exception.
  15. Like
    Capeguy reacted to CowArt in I am done...   
    If your paying RLC to see real sex in the Barça-apts, you're in for a big letdown.
    I know there have been exceptions in the last few months, but I've seen 34 girls pass through those apartments since I joined, very little of them have had real sex with another person, I think over 60% never even masturbated openly, I can name probably ten girls that even went out of their way to prevent showing their kitty on camera.
    The problem here is there are too many that joined RLC during Lola's party era, or when Lima and Nicole were around and think that is the standard all girls should be measured against. It isn't, that were the exceptions, what we have now is much closer to Barça-standard.
  16. Like
    Capeguy reacted to CowArt in I am done...   
    Is this the rant section of the forums? Yes? Good, here we go then:
    I am getting sick and tired of the girls of the B1 and B2 being accused of being prostitutes without any proof. I can't be on the chatbox for more than an hour before someone starts suggesting the girls are selling themselves for money or gifts. In most cases it's just an opinion that gets thrown out there, some chatters even have "proof", that later turns out to be some conversation that has been falsely or incompletely translated, or something that they saw on the cameras that gets misinterpreted or completely taken out of context.
    I'm done with it. It takes the joy out of the chatroom for me. I tried poking holes in the theories, or suggesting alternative, more reasonable explanations, but it's like talking to a brick wall.
    So from this moment forward, anyone who posts any more of those accusations on the chat, without proper proof to back it up, is going on my ignore list for a week. No matter who it is or for how long I've had pleasant chats with them, no exceptions. If that means I'll be staring at an (for me) empty chatbox within 24 hours, so be it.
    I've had enough of this shit.
  17. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in ARE YOU READY FOR A GAY MALE OR BISEXUAL MALE APARTMENT?   
    I am sure RLC will consider this if, and only if, they feel they can turn a profit from the apt with new viewers; after all they are in this to make money. I have no objections but I would probably not watch a gay male apt and that is my choice. If it was a bi-sexual situation I would probably drop in from time to time and see what is going on. We all have free choice and can tune in to what we like and ignore that which we do not. 
  18. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from amar in Cumming inside a girl's pussy - an old method of ejaculation?   
    Maybe the women prefer something else. Anabel and Masha take the load in the mouth quite frequently and on their bodies the other. A log of woman like to feel the warm cum on their skin. Some even like to rub it in (good for the skin I hear). Others may just want to see the ejaculation. Marco always wears a condom as do Kristy's guys so they do cum inside their women, just contained. 
  19. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from Mona1976ch in RLC Overwiev: How many cameras?   
    I must say Mona is right up to the minute with this. Thanks.
  20. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from Dazzan in IS RLC A PORN SITE OR NOT?   
    I voted no. It is not a porn site but it sure as hell is not 'real people leading their normal lives' either.
    * There are very few apt dwellers who have a 'real' life. Nina and Kira; Maya and Stepan (a very boring one); Raul and Desiree (?); Vanessa and Thomas; Carina and Sabrina are about all I would consider because they appear to be the only ones who probably have jobs and do real life shit. All the others laze about and do pretty much nothing.
    * As far as sex goes, if these people are really couples (maybe) then it is normal they have sex from time to time. They are well aware if they do then we will see. Some will do their best to hide it while others enjoy knowing we are watching and have enough exhibitionist tendencies to love showing off. (Masha and Sasha, Nelly and Bogdan top my list there).
    * As for the B1/B2 girls having a man over and getting laid, well that is part of life as well. Some prefer to see these girls be celibate while in the apts, some want them to have sex together and some want them to have men. I consider it non normal for them to be celibate for their 3 months or so there and have no problem with it. I do NOT want their men to live there however as it disrupts the less-dressed atmosphere.
    * If some of the girls already did cam shows before they came here then why would you expect them to stop. That is part of their 'normal' life so that is what RLC advertises.
    * Some of the drug-induced stuff that occurred was bullshit and should not be allowed to happen again. If someone comes in who does to drugs then I would hope they remove her/him.
    * If this was a porn site then the other night with the guy at B1 the plan would be to have had sex all around but it was quite obvious that was not going to happen. So the girls can put on a show but they are not sluts or prostitutes.
    * If it was a porn site you would have lots of couples getting together for 3-somes and more on a regular basis and that is not happening.
  21. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in IS RLC A PORN SITE OR NOT?   
    I voted no. It is not a porn site but it sure as hell is not 'real people leading their normal lives' either.
    * There are very few apt dwellers who have a 'real' life. Nina and Kira; Maya and Stepan (a very boring one); Raul and Desiree (?); Vanessa and Thomas; Carina and Sabrina are about all I would consider because they appear to be the only ones who probably have jobs and do real life shit. All the others laze about and do pretty much nothing.
    * As far as sex goes, if these people are really couples (maybe) then it is normal they have sex from time to time. They are well aware if they do then we will see. Some will do their best to hide it while others enjoy knowing we are watching and have enough exhibitionist tendencies to love showing off. (Masha and Sasha, Nelly and Bogdan top my list there).
    * As for the B1/B2 girls having a man over and getting laid, well that is part of life as well. Some prefer to see these girls be celibate while in the apts, some want them to have sex together and some want them to have men. I consider it non normal for them to be celibate for their 3 months or so there and have no problem with it. I do NOT want their men to live there however as it disrupts the less-dressed atmosphere.
    * If some of the girls already did cam shows before they came here then why would you expect them to stop. That is part of their 'normal' life so that is what RLC advertises.
    * Some of the drug-induced stuff that occurred was bullshit and should not be allowed to happen again. If someone comes in who does to drugs then I would hope they remove her/him.
    * If this was a porn site then the other night with the guy at B1 the plan would be to have had sex all around but it was quite obvious that was not going to happen. So the girls can put on a show but they are not sluts or prostitutes.
    * If it was a porn site you would have lots of couples getting together for 3-somes and more on a regular basis and that is not happening.
  22. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from Scotsman84 in Your RLC Threesome   
    I doubt I would survive an night but:
    me; Ilona, Irma
    I think those 2 would have an awesome time together and I would enjoy being there.
  23. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from intheshade in Daily Free Viewing Restrictions?   
    Sorry folks; you will get no sympathy from me. When you each open your own business and give away your service for free get back to me. If you complain that RLC stuff is junk then what the hell are you there watching it for? You just want to get the good stuff by having others record it for you and post it, risking their membership dollars. If you want it then pay. If you do not want to pay then you have absolutely no right to bitch about the quality of the apartments nor the rules for free usage. 
  24. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from Rob1 in Membership Policy Change   
    I think this change was fair. It is a tiny amount of money and somehow the site needs to be supported. I had enough posts but paid the money anyway because I feel we should pay for the ability to be here. I think the whole posting thing made for a lot of really stupid posts just so people could reach the 30 level.
  25. Like
    Capeguy got a reaction from Rob1 in RLC Overwiev: How many cameras?   
    I think every apt has a country listed now. Nice job Mona.
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