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    Robwin got a reaction from BORN-TO-RIDE in Pages freezing during periods of high activity   
    Simply down to RLC's servers being over loaded at peak times.
    When Irma arrived on her first night the actual servers even went down for a few minutes as there were so many trying to see her rubbing off lol.
    Nothing to do with your computer.
  2. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from Mooka in hypocrits annonamous   
    See all the usual suspects are at it again this evening,ones who were never gonna sub again are now saying they will and still spilling their usual shit.
    I do get a bit fed up with some of them i must admit who must have a brain the size of a pea.
    Suppose things will never change with some people.
    Still rather a laugh to see how they all change with the weather.
  3. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from Mooka in hypocrits annonamous   
    What an excellent article Mooka just have to agree with what you say whole heartedly.
    It does amaze me as well with the theories some of them come out with and the sad thing about it is that they actually believe it lol.
    Loved your comment about the sugar daddy wow such wealth eh lol
    And how shitty they get if you query them and ask them where they got this information from and they say CC or other sites, obviously from the same sort of pillocks there as well.
    Yes i have had the odd ignore slapped on me as well, which hurt greatly lol, but they still come back in the end.
    Meanwhile most of us will probably still continue watching even if we do have the odd moan from time to time and i have probably been as guilty as many for moaning but then variety is the spice of life so they say.
    Keep it up fellow pervs.
  4. Like
    Robwin reacted to Mooka in hypocrits annonamous   
    Damn I was just about to create a similar thread to this!
    Every day I log on here eager to read the latest theory about the tenants.  Just in the last couple of days I have found out:
    Ilona is pimping Danaya around town to any guy that can afford the price (hence why Ilona is resisting the charms of Danaya)
    Ilona has a sugar daddy (who bought her the stuffed dog - wow big spender)
    Ilona also has a boyfriend (this is of course why she spends so much time on the phone/laptop)
    This of course adds to the growing list of:
    Ilona was the madam for Layla, Irma and Anna (again because she was on the laptop a lot making bookings)
    Both Paul and Lev are gay (it must be true they don't ravish their partners 24/7 like a normal couple would)
    Carla and Mario are making money by web casting their sexual adventures (hey they have a laptop remember)
    Anna has an STD (the reason is she peed more than she should and therefore wouldn't fuck Irma)
    Every girl that has gone into the girls apartment is either a hooker, high class escort, stripper or porn star.
    And the classic, all time favourite - everything that happens in all the apartments is closely scripted by RLC!
    I must admit, I am impressed by the imagination some people exhibit here, they can pick up the minutest detail and form a rock solid conclusion with it.  And they don't like being queried about their new found detective powers, I am now proud to say I am blocked by at least two regulars in the Shoutbox for daring to ask where they got their information from.  No loss there I can assure you. 
    So why do people here get so caught up in the lives of well strangers on a screen?  Is it that they have to invent these stories to justify in their own minds the fact that they are perving on them 24/7? 
    On a slightly different topic, I would like to publicly thank B.T.R (and the other Admins of course) for putting a stop to the cyber stalking that was damn near epidemic here when I first joined.  It was a very dangerous practise that would only lead to trouble and I think the Admins should be applauded for putting a stop to it.
  5. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from mrkevin66 in the tenants are talking to us and we are talking back   
    Even if they are it certainly ain't working in our favour as they ain't taking any notice.
  6. Like
    Robwin reacted to Everard in IDEAS FOR RLC   
    In my opinion guests who out-perform current tenants, in respect of any action not just sexual action, should be used as replacements for some of the very dull couples resident in the apartments at the moment.
    Parties the like of which occur regularly at Dasha & Demid and Nelly & Bogdans apartments should be more of a norm and not the rarities that they currently are.
    The two outstanding couples who would in my opinion warrant an apartment of their own, are the couple who were apartment sitting late last year for Dasha & Demid and the couple currently in residence.
    Efim and his girlfriend also deserve an apartment of their own after their stints at Nelly & Bogdans pad.
    From all the messages regarding the blue/green haired girl in Carina & Sabrinas apartment, it would appear she is very popular but she doesn't seem to be "getting any", I know she is heterosexual because I saw her with a boy in her bedroom a few months back and they weren't just talking all night. Maybe she deserves her own apartment with a boyfriend in residence.
  7. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from temp01 in IDEAS FOR RLC   
    Performing arts and crafts!!!....Having a bloody joke aren't you many of the apartments are like a bloody zoo now so that's ok for the wildlife folk lol
    If RLC cut down on the number of secret hide aways that would be a start as many of them seem to vanish off the face of the earth for long periods and is very frustrating.
    Maybe they are'nt doing anything interesting but at least you would see them and not fuel the rumour mongers who seem to be living on another planet at times.
    Katka's apartment seems to have either a secret room or terrace where they disappear for ages.
    Chloes apartment the same and also that infamous cupboard that Lera and Alex also seemed to like.
    The girls laundry room is another bone of contention.
    We always used to moan about the girls balcony until a cam was put there and now,ironically, no one bloody uses it hardly lol BUT at least you know where they are if they do.
    The others do have terraces but the majority only seem to use them for a smoke etc which is understandable and are only out there for a few minutes but some do get abused with their disappearing acts.
    If we are supposed to be seeing real life well lets see it and not part of it however interesting or uninteresting it may be.
  8. Like
    Robwin reacted to StnCld316 in Tabu   
    She has overstayed her Welcome. She can leave now.
  9. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from thomasmark in Fan Page Katka and Lenka   
    The red heads friend slept with her last night,no sex as the friend i think was wary of the cams but they were kissing well in the living room earlier.
    So where the brunnette has gone gods knows,whether it is permanent i don't know but the friend only had her night things in her handbag so may not be staying long.
    At least the redhead seemed more livlier,happier and chatty last night as apposed to being a miserable bugger lol.
  10. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from hotwal in Recording Techniques   
    Agree with Strike31 the Ocam recorder is very simple and very good.
    You can set which format it records in and the only controls are RECORD & STOP and when stopped it is saved instantly with no rendering process like many
    which often means you are waiting for as long as the recording is to be finalised and saved.
    You also have an image capture function which is instant.
    All in all a good piece of software with NO limit on recording time and it is FREE.
    What is there not to like.
  11. Like
    Robwin reacted to strike31 in Recording Techniques   
      I've tried Ocam, is a screen recorder totaly free, you can select the zone to record, and the time for recording is unlimited
    (I hope links are permitted)
  12. Like
    Robwin reacted to Plank in IDEAS FOR RLC   
    Due to the RLC membership being so expensive & from what I have read, there seems to be a lot of unhappy bunnies & numerous members stopping their subscriptions.
    Maybe RLC need to seriously look at reducing their prices to attract new, or retain, members.But that would leave a hole in their funds.
    So maybe they should allow sponsoring of the tenants.
    For example, I thought of Ilona & her laptop & thought what about individal sponsors?
    iLona uses Bloggs Co Computers,click on the link below to find out more!
    iLona loves her 'Naranja' oranges,buy them from your local independent traders & screw the greedy tax dodging corporate types!
    "Carla wears nothing but 'Nympho'.Eau de Parfum".
    D & D's Ghost Linen & Blankets for all you bedding needs. Hard wearing,non-chaffing and are great for making indoor tents!
    Smell like Hector,get in touch with your inner thug.'Smouldering Brute for Macho Men!'
    Paul uses 'Outta-Tune Guitar strings' gauranteed to sound like you are playing barbed wire!
    Tired of your drab hair, do you want a new look? Get a New Do with 'Technicolour Hairdye' suppliers to Blue,Nina & Masha!
    Do you suffer with blurred vision? 'Speccy4Eyes',as recommended by Katka & Lenka.
    Are you a fan of Harry Potter? Get your own invisibility cloak from Chloe & Joshua!
    Or what about general apartment sponsorship?
    "All the Pets in these apartments are happy & healthy thanks to Pillocks Pet Nosh" Recommended by Maya's moggies!
    "All the apartments are supplied with, 'Luxuro-Lube' for all your lubrication needs." Endorsed by C&S.
    G-spot furniture & Bathroom fittings will stand up to daily wear & tear and serious punishment!
    Tested & endorsed by by Nelly & Bogdan and Masha & Sasha,and all their Guests!
    Are you not resposible for your electricity bill & like to leave the lights on 24/7.
    If you have never heard of global warming then you need 'Stuff the Planet lightbulbs'!
    Gauranteed to melt glaciers,fuck the polar bears!
    Have you suffered a Sporting Injury? Grabham,Bythe,Pubes Lawyers.
    Litigate the shit out of who ever was responsible,and if that fails,send round your black belt boyfriend!
    Relationship difficulties? No subject is taboo.
    Mr.L said,"I am addicted to internet porn & old movies. Because of my problems I was not paying my beautiful partner enough attention,intellectually or sexually."
    Miss Z said," I don't know what the problem is,he doesn't want to have sex anymore?
    I mean look at me,you would, wouldn't ya!"
    'Love Triangle Counselling',for all your dysfunctional needs.
    Just a thought?
    I need my Meds!
  13. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from Everard in IDEAS FOR RLC   
    Performing arts and crafts!!!....Having a bloody joke aren't you many of the apartments are like a bloody zoo now so that's ok for the wildlife folk lol
    If RLC cut down on the number of secret hide aways that would be a start as many of them seem to vanish off the face of the earth for long periods and is very frustrating.
    Maybe they are'nt doing anything interesting but at least you would see them and not fuel the rumour mongers who seem to be living on another planet at times.
    Katka's apartment seems to have either a secret room or terrace where they disappear for ages.
    Chloes apartment the same and also that infamous cupboard that Lera and Alex also seemed to like.
    The girls laundry room is another bone of contention.
    We always used to moan about the girls balcony until a cam was put there and now,ironically, no one bloody uses it hardly lol BUT at least you know where they are if they do.
    The others do have terraces but the majority only seem to use them for a smoke etc which is understandable and are only out there for a few minutes but some do get abused with their disappearing acts.
    If we are supposed to be seeing real life well lets see it and not part of it however interesting or uninteresting it may be.
  14. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from temp01 in Fan Page Katka and Lenka   
    The redhead seems to be a bit of a moody person, always seems to be upset or having a strop over something.
    I don't think their relationship is that rock solid?
  15. Like
    Robwin reacted to BORN-TO-RIDE in Regarding use of chat box   
    it as been brought to my attention again , that alot of new members who try and become involved are shunned by the regulars , ok i have seen some regulars saying hello to them and after that they are ignored . remember  some members are not as quick at typing and also there internet is slower so they will fall behind in the context of the chat , also some members like to test the water before they jump in , so can all the regulars who use the chatbox please try and help the newbies become more involved , 
  16. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ in HaHaHA REJECTED   
    Shaka ZuLu I agree totally with all you say however i was rather confused as during the 3hr marathon i felt Anna was getting rather excited and started lifting her ass/pussy up towards Irma on a few occasions but Irma never seemed to take the come on at all so am afraid my jury is still out on Anna and feel there could be a lot more to come from her if only Irma really wanted to which now i doubt very much.
    Hope i am wrong but not holding my breath.
    As far as Anna dashing off quick when Irma took her panties off i think you will find she went for an urgent pee.
  17. Like
    Robwin reacted to Dazzan in How are tennants to RLC appartments selected?   
    I am sorry to burst your bubble everyone, but you are all incorrect.
    Once a year the RLC train rolls into town... it visits an area (for ease of reference, lets call each area a District) in either Russia or Spain, and whilst there they visit the main town in each District and perform what is colloquially referred to as a "reaping", (a sort of lottery for want of a better term), during which they select a woman and a man (lets call them Tributes) to return to either St Petersburg or Barcelona, where they give them an apartment, food and a small wage.... in return for which ... they train them in different forms of combat and weaponry, in readiness to fight to the death...
    Oh hang a tick, am I getting RLC mixed up with The Hunger Games again... shit!... but at least that goes to explain why I was getting those funny looks when I was caught masturbating to the main battle scene in the film... I've been banned from the cinema for life  
  18. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from whyx3 in Fan Page Katka and Lenka   
    A few piccys of the dark haired one.
    (Image Content No Longer Accessible)
  19. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from Raja raju in Fan Page Katka and Lenka   
    A few piccys of the dark haired one.
    (Image Content No Longer Accessible)
  20. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from thomasmark in Fan Page Katka and Lenka   
    Think you are quite right there, they have had a few upsets since moving in especially with the redhead.
    They seem to use the guest room for sex as there is only one cam in there which i suppose avoids two angles of looking at them.
    The brunette seems to be the harder of the two and is the main instigator of their sex and really gives the redhead a going over.
    I hope they settle down ok as it would be a shame to lose them as they are both lovely women with normal great figures not the posing model types
    which many are on RLC and not just playing to the cams.
  21. Like
    Robwin reacted to jacopo89 in Fan Page Katka and Lenka   
    (Image Content No Longer Accessible)
  22. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from jacopo89 in Fan Page Katka and Lenka   
    A few piccys of the dark haired one.
    (Image Content No Longer Accessible)
  23. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from vampire in Fan Page Katka and Lenka   
    A few piccys of the dark haired one.
    (Image Content No Longer Accessible)
  24. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from Un4Given71 in Fan Page Katka and Lenka   
    One in bath now and she looks very nice.
    Not the skinny model type just a normal young woman as most are.
  25. Like
    Robwin got a reaction from Un4Given71 in Katka and Lenka   
    quite agree wgigi be nice to have someone's normal for a change and not screaming delinquent youngsters etc. and not forever preening themselves in front of mirrors and put on shows.
    Have to see how it goes but very hopeful.
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