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Posts posted by WhySoSerious?

  1. On ‎9‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 8:25 PM, Johnny said:

    Meds or padded room are a must. If it's Leora or Barca hoochies you're guaranteed a laugh. 

    Leora by far is one of the funniest to read. If its not Girlfriends coming and having incredible "Lesbian" sex with her, its that she needs a hung man to come and satisfy her needs pmsl.  Better chance of RLC having apartments on the moon.

    the dark knight batman GIF

  2. I just had a near-sex experience.... My wife flashed before my eyes.

    I don't think it's possible for me to become a sniper. Not by a long shot.

    My computer's got Miley Virus. It has stopped twerking.

    I'm as bored as a slut on her period.

    My daughter told me she wants to be a secret agent. Based on that alone, don't think she'd be a good secret agent. 

  3. On a plane bound for New York the flight attendant approached a blonde sitting in the first class section and requested she move to economy since she didn't have a first class ticket.

    The blonde replied, "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to New York and I'm not moving."

    Not wanting to argue with a customer the flight attendant asked the co-pilot to speak to her. He went to speak to her to please move out of the first class section.

    Again, the blonde replied, "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to New York and I'm not moving."

    The co-pilot returned to the cockpit and asked the captain what he should do. The captain said, "I'm married to a blonde, and I know how to handle this."

    He made his way to the first class section and whispered in the blondes ear. She immediately jumped up and ran to the economy section mumbling to herself, "Why didn't anyone just say so?"

    Surprised, the flight attendant and co-pilot asked what he said to her. The captain replied. "I told her the first class section wasn't going to New York." 

  4. A blonde goes to the local restaurant, buys a small drink for herself, and sits down to drink it. She notices a peel-off prize sticker on the side of her cup while she is drinking. After pulling off the tab, she begins screaming, "I won a motor home!, I won a motor home!"

    The waitress runs over and argues, "That's impossible. The biggest prize given away was a stereo system!"

    The blonde replies, "No. I've won a motor home!"

    By this time the manager makes his way over to the table, and he too argues, "You couldn't possibly have won a motor home because we didn't have that as one of our prizes."

    The blonde says, "There is no mistake! I won a motor home!"

    Blonde hands the prize ticket to the manager and he reads, "Win A Bagel." 

  5. Day1: A blonde comes home from school and says to her mum, "We learned how to count up to 5 today mummy. I got up to 10. Is it because I'm blonde, mummy?" Mum replies, "Yes dear."

    Day2: We learned how to do the alphabet today mummy. The others only got up to E and I got up to S. Is it because I'm blonde, mummy?" Mum replies, "Yes dear."

    Day3: We learned about breasts today mummy. All the other girls are flat chested and I'm a 36DD. Is it because I'm blonde, mommy?" Mum replies, "No dear, it's because your 25."

  6. A blonde hurries into the emergency room late one night with the tip of her index finger shot off.

    "How did this happen?" the emergency room doctor asked her.

    "Well, I was trying to commit suicide, the blonde replied.

    "What?" spluttered the doctor. "You tried to commit suicide by shooting your finger off?"

    "No, silly!" the blonde said. "First I put the gun to my chest, and I thought I just paid $6,000.00 for these breast implants, I'm not shooting myself in the chest."

    "And then?" asked the doctor.

    "Then I put the gun in my mouth, and I thought I just paid $3,000.00 to get my teeth straightened, I'm not shooting myself in the mouth." 

    "And then what?"

    "Then I put the gun to my ear, and I though. This is going to very loud. So I put my finger in the other ear before I pulled the trigger." 

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