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  1. Haha
    RUBBERMAN reacted to sturmchaser in Mature couple or single Lady   
    Okay, so can I put in a request for a mutant with three titties?  Like the one in 'Total Recall.'  That babe totally consumes my dreams every night, I must HAVE her.  Can you imagine?  TWO pearl necklaces in one?  And honestly, who cares about teeth?  Actually, the less, the better.  

    BTW, Maya's pooch gets some from the cats.  Don't think I'm wrong.  Why do you think they are scared of him?  

    You're a hoot man.  I love your input.  Never shave.  
  2. Haha
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Scotsman84 in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Should be one of these on the front door. LOL

  3. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from King Hamlet in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    She might want to burn everything on the bed and couch.....and check for crabs!!!LOL
  4. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from King Hamlet in Mature couple or single Lady   
    I think more mature couples would and may help some of viewers.....some of these young girls seem more about there looks and payday and reading there status after any kind of sexual thing "as in masturbation or so call rubbing on each other."   I also think that it would cut down on a lot of the scripted plays each week.  We also wouldn't have to worry about a lot of them bringing in there parents.....as a lot of these young girls are starting to bring in there father figure boyfriends for a few days.
  5. Haha
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Shaggy in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    She might want to burn everything on the bed and couch.....and check for crabs!!!LOL
  6. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Shinning in Fan Page Glasha   
    Seems Glasha and her room mates "Sonya and Angie" had some company today....they looked like a music group....I did notice Glasha and Angie singing as though they was practicing.  Once late every one slept in different beds..."men with out the ladies" and "ladies with out the men"..lol  I guess sex in the apartment has been ruled out since the return of the vacations,  well Sonya and her boyfriend did have sex once......since then just T.V and sleep......I guess they got tired of the comments and decided to change things.
  7. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Sketch in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    She might want to burn everything on the bed and couch.....and check for crabs!!!LOL
  8. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Pleasant in Artists/Bands A - Z   
  9. Haha
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Pleasant in Artists/Bands A - Z   
    Try again!! 
  10. Haha
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Danny in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Nice vacation so they can plan the next move  enjoy spending your bonus.
  11. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to PeterGrey in Fan Page Elisa and Fima   
    Good to see Elisa back.
    I liked her first visit in old B1 with the girls, but I'm not complaining. At first glance, the 2 couples seem to go well together, even if there's a gap in age.
    I hope this works out well.
  12. Thanks
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Elle in The Chat Room!! #1   
    Oh I will if idiots like you are part of the chat.
  13. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Elle in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Masha will have more planned I'm sure.
  14. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Elle in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    I have to agree with you "iloner" on your comment......but we all know that the oil slick witch "Masha" well try and make as much money off of Dasha as she can......she has Sasha well trained.

  15. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ in The Chat Room!! #1   
    Why is it so hard to get into the chat room?
    1. Is it because there are some who thinks they own the site and chat room?
    2. Is it because some have there own rules that they want you to go by or else?
    3. Is it because some don't want you saying nothing negative about one or two of girls "that they my be in love with and they have in they mind they might just meet one day?" and they some how took them time to fine out their hole back ground "and they think they know them personally even what they think and do and what kind of family they came from?
    4. Is it because some are groups that if your not apart of they just won't talk to you?
    5. is it because you have to lose your thoughts and opinion when you sign in "Ha Ha Ha"...that's funny.
    When I first join this site "being a retired vet and love to talk to people anyway" I couldn't wait to sign on and talk to other members daily, talk about the apartments, the people, weather it was men or women, members would tell a few jokes and have fun. Now signing in is like taking a bar exam, your your dammed if you say the wrong thing "what is the wrong thing? You might lose a good friend, most of the time you don't even know who to trust, after going threw the questions 1 threw 5.  Its to many chiefs in the chat room now and not enough real members.
    What is the purpose of having a chat room if you can't express yourself? 
  16. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to High Voltage in Fan Page for Martina & Alberto   
    Better couple to watch than some I would say, when Martina masturbates it's not OTT and like him or not Alberto puts in more effort than others. 
  17. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from High Voltage in Fan Page for Martina & Alberto   
    Martina and Alberto sex life seems great and nice to watch......Martina brought a vibrato a few months ago and used it "nice too" and have never used it again....I wonder if she would rather just be with Alberto or did he get jealous of those powerful batteries..LOL
  18. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from StnCld316 in Fan Page for Martina & Alberto   
    I guess Martina still has her sex toy.....she used it today while masturbating.....very nice.  I hope she continues to use it off and on.
  19. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from iloner in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    I have to agree with you "iloner" on your comment......but we all know that the oil slick witch "Masha" well try and make as much money off of Dasha as she can......she has Sasha well trained.

  20. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to iloner in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Thank god its over at last.    
    For those who liked it there will be more of the same at Dick and Jane's.
    I for one am hoping RLC will now pension off the Three Sexual Skeletons, NOT give Dasha another chance to appall us with her nasty tummy tat, and close that tired aptmt down for good.
  21. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Shadow V in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Sure RLC has done well out of the show they have put on.
    Dasha gets her apartment and Masha and her lap-dog look for the next one.
  22. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Shadow V in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    I agree with you on some of your comments,  I really don't think that either three has any type of conscience or inner soul for them self's......I have been around and seen a lot in this world, but these three remind me of three crack heads who would do anything for a fix and or money, even if it means making them self's look like idiots on cam.  I am surprised that RLC would let it drag out as long as it did......"but it was another pay day for them as well"......some members believe it was a great thing that they did "but would they have let it happen in there relationships?"  For me and only me i didn't see where the voyeurism was in nothing they did, it was a total turn off for me.   We all know that Masha and Sasha well screw anything from and animal to a family relative.  Like you I wouldn't lose any sleep if they left today.
  23. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from nicechumley455 in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    I agree with you on some of your comments,  I really don't think that either three has any type of conscience or inner soul for them self's......I have been around and seen a lot in this world, but these three remind me of three crack heads who would do anything for a fix and or money, even if it means making them self's look like idiots on cam.  I am surprised that RLC would let it drag out as long as it did......"but it was another pay day for them as well"......some members believe it was a great thing that they did "but would they have let it happen in there relationships?"  For me and only me i didn't see where the voyeurism was in nothing they did, it was a total turn off for me.   We all know that Masha and Sasha well screw anything from and animal to a family relative.  Like you I wouldn't lose any sleep if they left today.
  24. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Pleasant in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    A quote from Terry Gilliam, regarding the last season of Monty Python -
    "We were relying on shock words, bigger explosions, because when you create a situation where the audience knows anything can happen,
    the surprise element goes and they expect to see it, so you play up to it".
    ....And you could paraphrase that for MSD.
    This is what gets me about all this now. Forget the whole 'Big Brother' style project for a minute. They are still real people, with real emotions. How can a couple look at one another the same way, knowing what the other has been doing? Do they even care? How can they not feel different afterwards? If they don't have any emotions about it, how can it be real love anymore? THAT is what i don't get now. I totally understand the whole "It's for the cams" etc yes - Let's not forget that's why big olive was there (and i'm totally convinced that's the reason why she is already at D&J) But still, i wouldn't be thrilled about my partner doing this with someone else all the time, even if it does mean more cash, more time in a free apartment. Isn't there any doubt from any of them to what they have decided to do? When you are listening to your long term partner with your friend in the next room, wouldn't there be some frustration, anger? They have indeed "Jumped the shark".
    But at what price?
    Swinging with another couple every once in a while is one thing, this is something very different. Have they now got lost in their "Onscreen personas"?  When D leaves, who else will be in waiting to come and visit, so the same thing happens again with someone else? Has this now become their whole purpose? I don't have any bad attitudes to any of them, i wish them all well and M&S have been great tenants, but wouldn't miss them if they left, so i'm on the fence.
    It's just plain bizarre. Even for a "TV show" like this. And to me, it's spinning out of control.
  25. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Ray in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    After watching the replay most of it looked fake!!!!! Masha's masturbation seems to have been real.......I think that Dasha and Sasha's sex act was scripted as always....surly Masha well still have her big pay day with RLC......Dasha has earn her self a lost of pride and dignity......over a year ago Dasha's old boyfriend "Demind" was cleaning up Masha and Sasha's stove with good intentions as a friend...."now his so called friend Sasha is trying to screw his old girlfriend Dasha"...."what a friend"!!!  Lets hope Masha get paid for her directing and controlling so this freak show can come to an end.
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