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  1. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Max 2017 in Anna & Alex, Em   
    The stunning Bree getting ready to go out.

  2. Like
    Plank reacted to Capeguy in Empty Chatbox.   
    Pretty much why I stay off of chat now. I get really tired of the same conspiracy theories about why someone is doing whatever, what they do outside of the apt, and what the useless girls are doing in B1/B2 (90% of the talk). Maybe someday it will get back to where it used to be but I doubt it. 
  3. Like
    Plank reacted to Scotsman84 in Zoi & Tim   
    After watching RLC for years you get use to teasing. LOL
  4. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Rotciv in Zoi & Tim   
    Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

  5. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Scotsman84 in Empty Chatbox.   
    As I said previously, I have lost count of how many times the subject of the Chatbox has come up since I have been a member. Just have a look back through the General Discussion topics.
    If you can be arsed that is.
    I used to live in the the Chatbox, we used to have some good laughs in there. These days I don't get in there because I don't watch rlc anymore since the DMCA bollocks.
    I might have a look as I am passing through to the VHtv and other stuff, to see if anything is going on with my favourites but 9 times out of 10 there isn't.
    And I can't comment about anything because I am out of the loop, and as I have previously bitched about,the Fan pages are not getting written up, with a few exceptions,so I remain none the wiser.
    I know there has been incidents with some of the tenants but nothing gets written up. Thanks to those members who can be bothered to write a few lines to keep us informed.
    When I have looked at the Chatbox the comments about the Barca's especially, seem to switch between absolute obsession or contempt about them hiding from cams, being out all the time or doing nothing.
    So why are you watching those apartments? Every time you click on those apartments rlc think that they are doing a great job.
    Also,there seems to be certain members who like to dominate the Chatbox with their agenda. Such as talking about incidents that happened ages ago, or about incidents that happened with tenants who have not been tenants of rlc for a long time? Same old shite being regurgitated time & time again about incidents & allegations that no-one other than them saw. These incidents are now set in stone although no evidence was offered, even though rlc were playing nice at that time.
    After the treatment metered out to RLCF by rlc, I thought we were going to try and move RLCF away from supporting rlc, and treat them with the contempt they deserve, but that's not happening.
    I thought we were going to open up the Chatbox so we could talk about VHtv or VV or Camarads or whatever,this doesn't seem to happen for whatever reason either?
    I suppose the only people we can blame is ourselves for letting our forum get into this state.
    Our forum seems to be floundering,in the doldrums, rudderless, and even our much loved & respected Mods, 'don't come around here no more'.
    As for the female members, and I mean no disrespect to any current female members, I am not that sort of bloke, thank you for being here!
    But we used to have some brilliant ladies on this forum, always up for a laugh and gave some great, and sometimes brutal opinions on the tenants.
    They voted with their feet a long time ago because they could see the way things were going, and they are not as stupid as us male members who will just put up with rlc's bollocks.
  6. Like
    Plank reacted to Alittle in Empty Chatbox.   
    It's the same CRAP OVER AND OVER....the same 2 or 3 damn apartments all the time which is like beating a dead horse over and over. I agree what some one said if you don't have proof of your lame stupid speculations.....SHUT YOUR PIEHOLE. Trust me, I will question it. LOL! It makes me laugh because people are so obsessed over these 2 lame apartments. I am not a member and I wont be again. It's a waste. Although, i would like to see what the rest of the apartments look like because I am curious. I miss chatting with the crew (you know who you are ) But I seriously rather watch paint dry than chat. 
  7. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Scotsman84 in Empty Chatbox.   
    Oh how many times have we been over this topic? Scotsman84 my old mate, you might as well bark at the moon!
    The only suggestion I have is that all the old guard/ usual suspects organise a day when we take over the chatbox, any discussion about the Barca's results in a ban? Too much.....?
  8. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Danny in Funny Logos.   
    Talking of the Police.
     This is from GTA V.

  9. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Max 2017 in Empty Chatbox.   
    As I said previously, I have lost count of how many times the subject of the Chatbox has come up since I have been a member. Just have a look back through the General Discussion topics.
    If you can be arsed that is.
    I used to live in the the Chatbox, we used to have some good laughs in there. These days I don't get in there because I don't watch rlc anymore since the DMCA bollocks.
    I might have a look as I am passing through to the VHtv and other stuff, to see if anything is going on with my favourites but 9 times out of 10 there isn't.
    And I can't comment about anything because I am out of the loop, and as I have previously bitched about,the Fan pages are not getting written up, with a few exceptions,so I remain none the wiser.
    I know there has been incidents with some of the tenants but nothing gets written up. Thanks to those members who can be bothered to write a few lines to keep us informed.
    When I have looked at the Chatbox the comments about the Barca's especially, seem to switch between absolute obsession or contempt about them hiding from cams, being out all the time or doing nothing.
    So why are you watching those apartments? Every time you click on those apartments rlc think that they are doing a great job.
    Also,there seems to be certain members who like to dominate the Chatbox with their agenda. Such as talking about incidents that happened ages ago, or about incidents that happened with tenants who have not been tenants of rlc for a long time? Same old shite being regurgitated time & time again about incidents & allegations that no-one other than them saw. These incidents are now set in stone although no evidence was offered, even though rlc were playing nice at that time.
    After the treatment metered out to RLCF by rlc, I thought we were going to try and move RLCF away from supporting rlc, and treat them with the contempt they deserve, but that's not happening.
    I thought we were going to open up the Chatbox so we could talk about VHtv or VV or Camarads or whatever,this doesn't seem to happen for whatever reason either?
    I suppose the only people we can blame is ourselves for letting our forum get into this state.
    Our forum seems to be floundering,in the doldrums, rudderless, and even our much loved & respected Mods, 'don't come around here no more'.
    As for the female members, and I mean no disrespect to any current female members, I am not that sort of bloke, thank you for being here!
    But we used to have some brilliant ladies on this forum, always up for a laugh and gave some great, and sometimes brutal opinions on the tenants.
    They voted with their feet a long time ago because they could see the way things were going, and they are not as stupid as us male members who will just put up with rlc's bollocks.
  10. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Scotsman84 in Zoi & Tim   
    Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

  11. Thanks
    Plank got a reaction from Pleasant in Empty Chatbox.   
    As I said previously, I have lost count of how many times the subject of the Chatbox has come up since I have been a member. Just have a look back through the General Discussion topics.
    If you can be arsed that is.
    I used to live in the the Chatbox, we used to have some good laughs in there. These days I don't get in there because I don't watch rlc anymore since the DMCA bollocks.
    I might have a look as I am passing through to the VHtv and other stuff, to see if anything is going on with my favourites but 9 times out of 10 there isn't.
    And I can't comment about anything because I am out of the loop, and as I have previously bitched about,the Fan pages are not getting written up, with a few exceptions,so I remain none the wiser.
    I know there has been incidents with some of the tenants but nothing gets written up. Thanks to those members who can be bothered to write a few lines to keep us informed.
    When I have looked at the Chatbox the comments about the Barca's especially, seem to switch between absolute obsession or contempt about them hiding from cams, being out all the time or doing nothing.
    So why are you watching those apartments? Every time you click on those apartments rlc think that they are doing a great job.
    Also,there seems to be certain members who like to dominate the Chatbox with their agenda. Such as talking about incidents that happened ages ago, or about incidents that happened with tenants who have not been tenants of rlc for a long time? Same old shite being regurgitated time & time again about incidents & allegations that no-one other than them saw. These incidents are now set in stone although no evidence was offered, even though rlc were playing nice at that time.
    After the treatment metered out to RLCF by rlc, I thought we were going to try and move RLCF away from supporting rlc, and treat them with the contempt they deserve, but that's not happening.
    I thought we were going to open up the Chatbox so we could talk about VHtv or VV or Camarads or whatever,this doesn't seem to happen for whatever reason either?
    I suppose the only people we can blame is ourselves for letting our forum get into this state.
    Our forum seems to be floundering,in the doldrums, rudderless, and even our much loved & respected Mods, 'don't come around here no more'.
    As for the female members, and I mean no disrespect to any current female members, I am not that sort of bloke, thank you for being here!
    But we used to have some brilliant ladies on this forum, always up for a laugh and gave some great, and sometimes brutal opinions on the tenants.
    They voted with their feet a long time ago because they could see the way things were going, and they are not as stupid as us male members who will just put up with rlc's bollocks.
  12. Thanks
    Plank got a reaction from Pleasant in Empty Chatbox.   
    Oh how many times have we been over this topic? Scotsman84 my old mate, you might as well bark at the moon!
    The only suggestion I have is that all the old guard/ usual suspects organise a day when we take over the chatbox, any discussion about the Barca's results in a ban? Too much.....?
  13. Like
    Plank reacted to Max 2017 in Empty Chatbox.   
    The ones that complain it's quiet need to ask themselves why it is quiet... 
  14. Like
    Plank got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in Em, Nyusha   
    This apartment, which started out with such promise, has now turned into a soap opera. Or should that be a tragedy?
    Not so much 'Four Weddings & a Funeral', more like three shags and a fight, maybe Harvey Weistein could fund it.....topical....too soon?
    Last night saw a gathering of friends for a typical Friday night house party, and it started in the usual way of lots of booze & pickles.
    I could see that this was not going to end well. With Rockhead lecturing Anastasia again before the thing had got into full swing. She looked close to tears & almost isolated on the fringes of the group.
    The beautiful leggy girl & her man from the other night were there again so all was not lost. They ended up in Adam & Jacks bed again,very nice.
    From there on it's hard to understand what the hell happened, Anastasia very upset, laying on the bedroom floor crying,angry voices, scuffles and one guy being physically thrown out.
    It looks like Adam & Jack are not speaking.All their friends left this chaotic apartment, and will be considering if they will ever return to this shit show.
    Until we can get a translation of who said what to whom, etc, throughout the timeline of events, then we can only speculate and I'm not going there, it was too chaotic.
    I dare say it was probably a case of the demon drink talking and everything will be ok once the hangover's have gone, but I doubt it.
    I think the Managers of this apartment are Anna & Alex? And for the good of VHtv they need to get their backsides over there pronto!
    Not only to fix the camera's that are out of whack all over the apartment,especially the bedroom. But to read the riot act, and better still kick Rockheads sorry arse out of this project.
    He is bullying Anastasia on what seems like an hourly basis,this vivacious, fun loving dancing pretty girl is shrinking before our eyes, she is at risk of serious psychological damage if this continues.
    She needs to wake up and realise that this guy is not the love of her life, but a complete and utter asshole.
    She either has to throw him out, or leave for her own good. She could go over to Misty's, they know each other, or maybe Lisa's because that apartment needs all the help it can get.
    But whatever happens it can not carry on like this.
    We all complain when apartments are boring, (see rlc ) but this is not fun to watch, 'quite disturbing actually', which could be this movies title.
  15. Like
    Plank got a reaction from StnCld316 in Zoi & Tim   
    Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

  16. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Robwin in Edda & Joe   
    I assume that Joe is working the night shift? Because a nice evening was had by Edda & Serena, and those of us lucky enough to watch it.
    The Edda & Serena apartment, wow, that would be worth the subscription on it's own!
  17. Like
    Plank reacted to Pleasant in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Very well said Sir! You're right. Others may disagree though....!! 
    Olive is a normal person who can at times be seen nude in a friends home, that's all. To many, nudity isn't a big deal. And just because she allows  someone to see her naked, or playfully flashes, it is NOT a come-on signal, nor is theirs towards her. A few back massages and a couple of shared baths are basically non-events. There have been plenty of times in the last 2 weeks for something, anything, to happen - And not one of them have even come close to making a move.  So she clearly isn't there for that reason. It ain't happening!
    ....And Masha may easily have asked her to be nude, to help boost the cam views - Now THAT is a real possibility. They do know every trick in the book!
  18. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Robwin in VHTV General Chat Part #1   
    First of all let me be honest, I stole this from C C, (thanks to them) from a member called Jeka & Co. I'm assuming that it is the Jeka.
    He said this.  
    Posted Tuesday at 04:30 PM
    we have great news. Alice and Pavel will be married soon. Other news is that Alice is pregnant.
    I am getting concerned that there needs to be a serious chat with these people about contraception.
    Alice, Anna, Mika all pregnant. The bad news is, the other day I saw Anastasia with a Test kit.
    As for Nina and her skin problems, I think she suffer's with eczema. I use the word suffer in context, it itches like hell all the time, and trying not to scratch is torture.
    I hope she can get it under control because it isn't easy to live with it.
  19. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Chucky in Mira & Henry #1   
    Welcome to the new couple Mira & Henry.
    Anna & Alex are the welcoming committee, which is no surprise as they had a foursome evening back on 19th August.

  20. Thanks
    Plank got a reaction from Pleasant in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Can I ask a question.
    Why do you think that Masha & Sasha should be fucking anyone who comes into their apartment?
    When you invite your friends over to your place for drinks, a meal, overnight stay, a party, a weekend etc. Do you fuck them? If you do, good luck to you, but most people don't.
    You might fantasise about it, but it won't happen because it's real life. So why do you expect, almost demand, it from M & S ? Also I see TK's name is still being brought up.........
  21. Like
    Plank reacted to Scotsman84 in Empty Chatbox.   
    Some of you certainly know how to empty a Chatbox... Sometimes the arguments/discussions call them what you want are pointless...
    Most of the time neither has " Proof " and just a waste of time.. Just bores me.
  22. Like
    Plank got a reaction from StnCld316 in Mira & Henry #1   
    Welcome to the new couple Mira & Henry.
    Anna & Alex are the welcoming committee, which is no surprise as they had a foursome evening back on 19th August.

  23. Like
    Plank got a reaction from Max 2017 in Clara & Stas   
    Sally is too classy for this scene. It might have been different if Eric had been there. I noticed a few flirty looks between them the other night.
  24. Like
    Plank got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in CasaHot   
    As I said in an earlier post about CasaHot,. The problem is where to look. Tonight the place to look was Suite Black.
  25. Like
    Plank got a reaction from cyberleader in CasaHot   
    As I said in an earlier post about CasaHot,. The problem is where to look. Tonight the place to look was Suite Black.
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