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    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from slowhandbob in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
  2. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Plank in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
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    dougiestyle4u reacted to CowArt in Moralists Won - Voyeurs Nil   
    The great voyeur dilemma: Does one stay hidden in the bushes peeking in the windows when you see things go to shit or, does one act?
    The voyeur in me always wants to keep watching, but there's a human being hidden inside me somewhere that feels the need to step in. I am not alone in that. I was on the chatbox the last time Lev got physical with Zoya, and the time when Mario had his breakdown. A lot of chatters were concerned for the safety of the people on the cameras and sent RLC an email with those concerns.
    Same with the events at the Barca-apts, some people just felt it wasn't right what was going on the night with the CokeBoys. Translations suggests that some of the girls had serious regrets about the things they did on the previous nights their judgement was clouded. There maybe wasn't any eminent physical danger, but is a black eye really that much worse than the hurting from the knowledge you did things, everybody saw it, and you can't undo it anymore? And it seems that without the powdery or liquid encouragement these girls aren't very entertaining at all. That's up tor RLC to fix, find girls that are fun no matter what.
    The observation that the moralist won isn't really fair. Sure, some sent emails that this is not what they wanted to see, but are there subscribers out there with the opposite view that sent an email to RLC requesting them to bring in a bunch of CokeBoys every fortnight? Or is that one step to far? Happy to see it happen, anonymously on a web forum asking for it is okay too, but actually step up and just ask RLC for it is where the line is drawn? Suppose RLC is just judging on the emails they receive, the choice is easy. Dozens of emails saying this is not good, versus none saying this is what we want.
  4. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to CowArt in I bid you adieu (for now at least)   
    Made up my mind, I'm done with RLC, at least for now.
    A bit of history first. I stumbled upon the RLC-website completely by accident and clicked around the free cams for a couple of days until I saw topless Irma give topless Ilona a massage in the living room of B1, that of course being the only B at the time. Ilona moved to the couch, on her back, and was joined by topless Anna, they had their boobs rubbed simultaneously by Irma. That's when I decided I had to get in on this thing and see what went on in the other rooms. Never did care for any of the other apartments, apart from B2 after that opened, and I doubt I ever will. Saw a bunch of girls move through the apartments: Ilona, Irma, Anna, Layla, Danaya, Adele, Aida, Vika, Rita, Elisa, Irma again, Ilona again, Polya, Lola, Amy, Megan, Stella, Anna again, Rebecca, Belle, Carolina, Rebecca again, Milena, Lima, Jasmin. Some were fun, some a bit less.
    Most enjoyable times I found Ilona, MacBook Pro and Danaya, when it was just the tree of them, and later Irma, Ilona and Polya. Worst time up till a month ago was three weeks with Vika and her Bearded Wonderstone, but looking back, compared to what I see now, that was just an hilarious intermezzo.
    Exactly one month ago today, RLC took a turn for the worse, at least for me they did. I'm not gonna spell it out here, enough has been said about that in the various topics spread out across the forums. RLC has always been a bit up and down, but for me the downs are getting the upper hand. If this is the direction RLC wants to go with their business, they have every right to do so, it's their business after all, but it's not to my taste. Every time I log on to RLC I feel I am witnessing a different trainwreck in progress.
    I find it harder and harder to stay predominantly positive in my posts and comments. My mom always taught me, and still reminds me of that sometimes, "when you can't think of anything nice to say...". I have not always agreed with mom in the past, but growing older I learned that moms are very often right, if not always. Another thing she taught me is not to waste too much of your time on negativity. A couple of years ago, I came very close to finding out in person that things can be over before you know it.
    I pondered on the whole RLC thing for a while, hoping things would change more to my liking, but so far I don't see any of that. So I made up my mind, I can find better things to fill my spare time with then the negativity RLC is giving me now, I'm gonna quit RLC. My subscription runs out in a couple of days and I will not renew.
    As much as I have grown to like a lot of you fellow RLCF-members, I even consider some of you friends, as far as that is possible with people you have never met in person, I will also stop participating in the chat and the forums for a while. I do intend to keep peeking in on the gallery and the forums to see if maybe the time is right to rejoin. With some of you I have ongoing conversations via PM and I would very much like to keep those going, to the rest of you, this is goodbye, at least for now.
  5. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Rob1 in WHAT'S UP WITH RLC   
    I will take real natural lesbian sex over fake scripted lesbian sex any day. The lesbo sex presented now appears to be more forced or setup than in a natural loving way (this is more in the way of porn style to me). Whatever happened to the straight lesbian sex that some commented on??? - LMFAO.
  6. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Rob1 in WHAT'S UP WITH RLC   
    Yeah rlc has turned into a porn site like i said before my worst fears is rlc turning into VV and that's exactly what has happened a shame really because i liked the site. It is a voyeur site so it should remain a voyeur site.
    By the way as much as you guys like the girls apartment , the girls apartment is the main reason it has turned into a porn site because of that fake lesbian stuff which eventually turned into lesbo sex i didn't mind the lesbo sex but the way they went about it doing the fake lesbian teasing then eventfully having lesbian sex after about 2 years was totally stupid if they are truly lesbians they should turn straight away it doesn't take 2 years to lick a pussy.
    (I always thought the fake lesbian stuff was stupid and silly)
  7. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from amar in Desiree and Raul Fan Page   
    Desiree is such a lovely girl. All the photos posted do her justice because she is a very photogenic person and extremely comfortable with her body and nudity. You just want to reach out and touch her. Thanks Desiree and ALL the great posters.
  8. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from delta10 in WHAT'S UP WITH RLC   
    Obviously RLC is condoning bad behavior or choices by tenants lately. Either RLC does not have standards for the tenants to abide by or they only care about the MONEY from paid subscribers or other bad streams of revenue. To me RLC has gotten downright pathetic and sickening to watch with only a few shining stars like Desiree. RLC might as well bring back wife abusers and include BDSM (bring back "fuckin' EFFIM"). RLC ownership and staff are allowing shit to happen without shutting the apartments down to straighten things out. I have absolutely no respect for RLC. Oh well, just ranting because i understand that a lot of current and soon to be new subscribers are liking the new and improved RLC. Oh well - it is always about MONEY $$$$$, isn't it?
  9. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to eyenthesky in WHAT'S UP WITH RLC   
    Iloner, you bring up some good points.  I think they have a legal obligation to prohibit illegal practices, such as drug usage on their site.  That not only protects them, but also protects their members.  I would be afraid of being an accessory to a crime merely by the fact that I'm viewing it.  If legal action against RLC ever became necessary, who's to say thier membership list wouldn't see the light of day in a public forum?
    I also believe they have a moral obligation to protect the health and well-being of the occupants of the apartments.  Alcohol may be a legal substance, but alcohol abuse (and in this case I'm thinking of Lima) needs to be monitored and steps taken to intervene if it becomes too excessive.  Who gets to make those judgements?  I think we as viewers can contribute our concerns, and if RLC cares to, they can follow up on them.  Ultimately, its their site, but we get to vote with our pocketbooks.
    In a perfect world, they would treat their subscribers more like stockholders, and be more responsive to our concerns, not just about incidents like we've seen, but also about other issues, such as the lack of cameras on the balcony, guests who abuse the privilege and become semi-permanent residents, or residents that have extended absences (Kami, for example).  Their attention to our feedback would go a long way to cementing customer loyalty.
    As viewers, I think we also have a responsibility to moderate our expectations.  We think every girl that comes onto this site must engage in a lesbian show the minute she unpacks.  We get upset if one of them doesn't masturbate at least once a day... folks, it's supposed to be Real Life, and I'd rather watch a semblance of that than a choreographed lesbian party any day!  
  10. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to iloner in WHAT'S UP WITH RLC   
    Hi guys,
    RLC are between a rock and a hard place.  
    I believe they have to have a licence to broadcast which imposes responsibilities on them, in particular not to condone practices which are against the law of the country the licence is granted in.
    Apart from their legal obligations, which I am certain they will carry out, should they police the moral and behavioural choices of the tenants?  
    Can it be said that they have gone further than condoning harmful choices and actually encouraged them?
    I guess there are many people (not watching) who think our behaviour in watching is a sin and should not be allowed.   They would censor things we want to watch.
    Here's the trouble with censorship, or policing morals and behaviours.    There is no agreement.   Meat to me is poison to you.    Laws change with cultural fashions.
    RLC has the responsibility, not us.    The law will hold them to account.    Our choice is to pay or not, and to watch or not.
    If you believe there is harm, don't watch.
  11. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to eyenthesky in WHAT'S UP WITH RLC   
    Maybe not.  I sent an e-mai to them concerning the drug use, they replied back asking if I had any screen captures of the activity because they were investigating.  I replied that i did not, in keeping with their stated policy of no reproductions of the site content.  Perhaps they are listening.
  12. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from CowArt in WHAT'S UP WITH RLC   
    Obviously RLC is condoning bad behavior or choices by tenants lately. Either RLC does not have standards for the tenants to abide by or they only care about the MONEY from paid subscribers or other bad streams of revenue. To me RLC has gotten downright pathetic and sickening to watch with only a few shining stars like Desiree. RLC might as well bring back wife abusers and include BDSM (bring back "fuckin' EFFIM"). RLC ownership and staff are allowing shit to happen without shutting the apartments down to straighten things out. I have absolutely no respect for RLC. Oh well, just ranting because i understand that a lot of current and soon to be new subscribers are liking the new and improved RLC. Oh well - it is always about MONEY $$$$$, isn't it?
  13. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Booffer69 in WHAT'S UP WITH RLC   
    Obviously RLC is condoning bad behavior or choices by tenants lately. Either RLC does not have standards for the tenants to abide by or they only care about the MONEY from paid subscribers or other bad streams of revenue. To me RLC has gotten downright pathetic and sickening to watch with only a few shining stars like Desiree. RLC might as well bring back wife abusers and include BDSM (bring back "fuckin' EFFIM"). RLC ownership and staff are allowing shit to happen without shutting the apartments down to straighten things out. I have absolutely no respect for RLC. Oh well, just ranting because i understand that a lot of current and soon to be new subscribers are liking the new and improved RLC. Oh well - it is always about MONEY $$$$$, isn't it?
  14. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Admin in Membership Policy Change   
    I am working on this. Ideally users will be presented with a notice as soon as they register. 
  15. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to texl01 in Membership Policy Change   
    Thanks for the Update Admin. 
    I strongly suggest that ANY member - financial or not - upon joining , be given a Package of the Rules, Relevant Details and any other relevant information new members should have. It serves as a guide as to familiarize themselves to the site, how to obtain recent forums posts, etc and saves everyone concerned having to answer the same new member's questions time and time again. 
    New members , on a daily occurrence , resort to the Chatbox for information they should have been guided to or given upon registration. Chatbox is exactly that - Chatbox and NOT Q & A forum. 
    Your attention to this matter ( I do not say Consideration ) is something that requires immediate action. 
    Thankyou and I look forward to the Chatbox becoming what it was intended for. 
  16. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Admin in Membership Policy Change   
    Starting November 1st we will no longer be offering Hero memberships.  Currently, Hero memberships are obtained by making 30 posts, and grant free access to the gallery. We now have over 1000 hero members which is a significant amount of "Free" users. After November 1st the only way to obtain access to the Gallery will be to pay the annual membership fee of $12. Current Hero members will retain access to the Gallery indefinitely.  The reason for this change is that costs of running the site have increased, and we can no longer afford to have so many free users.  
    Thank You, 
    - A 
  17. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from gwalchmai in IDEAS FOR RLC   
    The wanna be or fake lesbians in Barca1 are having a lovers' spat or in a tit fit. Time for RLC to put the apartment UNDER MAINTENANCE and counsel the 3 of them (Belle, Milena and Lima) to grow up and act like mature wanna be porn stars so the paid subscribers and free loaders can enjoy their viewing pleasure once again. The lack of activities or lack of cohesiveness is killing the apartment so bad that perhaps all 3 should get the boot or completely shut down Barca1. I like pretty girls but bitches turn me off. RLC counselors where are you?
  18. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to Capeguy in Wouldn't have guessed... bye bye Premium   
    A lot of times I have stuck up for RLC in certain situations but I agree with you totally on this topic. I have no problems if a guest is invited with the understanding there are cams all over the place but does feel the urges to have sex but would rather not do the deed in front of us. The RLC tenants know exactly what they are getting into and that if they want to have sex they will be visible from most rooms. The couples that feel the need to pull up the sheets and do the deed under covers should be warned once and then terminated. In the apartments where they do this they also tend to walk around clothed most of the time. We could all get more skin if we went to our local beach. 
    If they felt Carolina should not be seen having Belle ram a dildo into her for 25 minutes, Lola kiss and fondle her breasts and pussy then sit on her face while Carolina performs orally on her (quite well I might add), Stella fingering her clit and pussy AND have Carolina with her fingers stuck in Belle's pussy then they should not be here.
    I could go on to no deck cameras, and I think I will since we are talking premium. RLC claims you get to see 'the real lives of these people 24x7'. Because there are no cameras on almost every deck, Barca1 being the exception; their claim is a clear case of false advertising! You watch a party at Dasha and Demid with 15-20 people and suddenly the apartment is empty: all went out to the deck. Little fun with Kami and Kristy's friends and again, the apartment is empty because they went on the deck. Same at Stesha and Marco's; Nina and Kira's; and most notably Barca2. So much takes place on those decks, which seem to be on all 3 sides of the apartment. Last night after Carolina was done, or so we thought; she went out on the deck from Lola's BR in a sheet, followed a minute later by Lola who was carrying the dildo. Because the door was left open we could hear Carolina from time to time as apparently Lola really finished her off. This is just not right; and RLC could give a shit! I have written them numerous times, including today, and so have others and you get NADA!  I will have to seriously evaluate when my subscription is up whether to renew or not. They have fucked up the selection of people in the apartments and made some boneheaded decisions on 'plots'. If this is what new management brings then maybe they need another team that actually thinks customer support means more than a 'thank you for your feedback' reply.
  19. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to DocMartin in Wouldn't have guessed... bye bye Premium   
    And this is what I mean by above rant... most of the time it was like this:
    If the images don't show, click on the links:
    And as I mentioned above, I have absolutely no problem with tenants having sex under bedsheets. That's what people do in real life. But when they hold up bedsheets in the air like in the images, it is not natural and ONLY done to avoid anyone seeing what is going on (recognizing the cameras which shouldn't happen), that is completely wrong for a site like this.

  20. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to DocMartin in Wouldn't have guessed... bye bye Premium   
    I wouldn't have guessed that the moment when finally something steamy is happening in Barca, Lola's room, with her, Carolina, Belle and Stella, is the moment I decide to give up my Premium subscription at RLC...  
    I do understand people having sex under bedsheets, but I do NOT think in REAL LIFE people having sex are holding their bedsheets up like curtains to cover any view from exactly the sides that happens to be the sides where the cameras are located. Belle was taking care of Carolina with fingers and toys and all the time they held the bedsheets up in the air to have a curtain vertically hanging between them and the cameras. That is a gigantic F*** YOU to the paying customers. 
    I know we aren't promised anything specific when we join RLC, and there more interests than people having sex, but this website should in some way reflect what "real life" might be in the apartments, and tenants not acknoledging the cameras too much. Who the he11 has sex in their bedroom and holds the bedsheets like that? If you are not willing to accept the premise of the website and "web service", don't become a tenant, that's my message to these girls actually.
    So, no more money from me, RLC, after 4 months of premium membership. Wouldn't have guessed that it took a 4 girl sex session to happen for me to come to this decision. 
  21. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from Rob1 in New Forum Set Up..   
    Rob1, If you haven't found it yet, you can locate the Overall Top Posters (Post Count) with the Search button.
         Just click on the Search button without entering anything. The Search button will show a green box around it as you click it.
         On the next page where it shows Content Search or Member Search just click Member Search. 
         On the next page scroll to the bottom and on the right side click Search Members.
         On this page you will see the List of Members (over 20,500 so far). To the right and just under this heading you will see Sort By \/.
         Just click \/ and choose Post Count and the page will give you what you are looking for. The Reputation lists members with how many
         likes each. So there you have it. I use this info because it provides info about long-time members and frequent posters.
             As far as Most Posters during the day list - haven't found it and don't think it is listed anywhere in this new version. At my old job i use to provide IT with page info modifications/report sheet designs and worked with them to be inserted into the computer data system for operator use/troubleshooting purposes so it can be done easily. Perhaps put in a request to the ADMIN but good luck with that because they won't increase the amount of likes for the day (like quota appears limited at 10/day which is not enough with the great posters of images and commenters we have now).
  22. Like
    dougiestyle4u got a reaction from cyberleader in Desiree and Raul Fan Page   
    BOOB-A-FUCK-A-LICIOUS         Hey, Desiree - How you doin'?     For me personally, Desiree is a major cock-teaser and i am loving every minute i get to see her
  23. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ in Stupid Me   
    And here I though you guys were different . But just check the shout frome 6pm til now on 9/30/16. You guy s don't want real life you want some body smashing sex or some lesbian sex  or some masturbation. The only thing different is it matter who you get it from. Unlike me I don't care, It's porn wrap up in real life. so again someone explain why we pay 50.00 usd for something we can get for free? Now before all of you jump on me please understand that i was paying too, But i was not  psyching myself out, I knew what this was, So I had know real expectations of seeing real life  as we know it ,but this might be real life as Russia know it. I don't know guys just venting. tried of the balcony complains, tried of the Lola complains. So may I make some Suggestions ? 1. On certain things you can force RLC hand, And on other RLC will give you the bird. Pick and choose wisely cause once you are on there radar than the first pic you post you done banned and you won't know why. And for the fact checkers, answer me this Why can some post and face know consequences? yet when other do banned before they logout? It's about the money baby. If you bitch at RLC and turn around and post a pic , so long, goodbye, see you when we see you peace. Now this is just my opinion and I'm sure many of you see it differently. But a good motto to go by to each his own. And  with that I leave you with Prince - She's Always In My Hair. THE Girls RLC ARE.          
  24. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to cyberleader in Adriana Isn't That Hot   
    this type of woman knows whats she wants,when she ready watchout,you could wake up next with broke dickitus,she may not flaunt it as much as the others but you can bet the quality of sex will have you ditching the dolly birds for more of her,real woman real sex not staged but meaningfull.
  25. Like
    dougiestyle4u reacted to PJFrigate in Please Read: Gallery Access Requirements   
    I was posting for most of the last 6 months. I went on a long vacation and you appear to have deleted my old account. OK. I'll start making meaningful posts. But you _COULD_ have given me a reply when I tried to contact you.
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