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  1. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from StnCld316 in Fan Page Amina & Nil   
    Now that Amina and Nil has bought them self's a free ticket and meal with a temporary apartment with RLC, I wonder if they are going to be able to win an apartment next?  We all know by now they both are good in bed and somewhat creative "kinky" and I have to admit "Amina is sexy" too.  I waiting to see how many cock blockers they have come in an sleep over weekly.  I think there temporary apartment might also be a good place for B1's girls to come and get some "rest and relaxation" away from the other girls, or bring "there studs" too.  "I could be wrong"...LOL
  2. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from PeterGrey in Fan Page Adeline & Markus   
    Adeline and Markus has been spending a lot of time with each other alone..."I think that's good" seems to me that they use to have to much company all the time and sometimes Adeline did look like she wanted it to stop..."I could have been reading the wrong signals too."  Adeline is one of sexiest and real prettiest ladies here at RLC "from where I sit anyway" She is a real beauty.....with no drama.  I envy Markus alot..LOL
  3. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to zzakary in Fan Page Angie   
    Dont worry Angie I luv ur FaT A$$    

  4. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Pendauros in Fan Page Kitty & Smith   
    Kitty and Smith seem to be keeping me on edge at times...lol  I guess its no secret that one may tune in a catch Kitty crying or giving Smith a big lecture with hell behind it.  To reintegrate myself again...these two have come a long way..."a good" long way..lol  Kitty is very sexy with or with out her new tits.  Smith gives in to her some times demanding behavior because he loves her, and at times he himself well snap back, "but gives in to his lady's wants"..LOL  Kitty does give a great show "all the time"....when she is alone!!
  5. Thanks
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Pendauros in Fan Page Kitty & Smith   
    This is Smith and Sexy Kitty's second go round here and RLC, and believe me, they are doing much better then the first time, Smith has raised his level energy a hell of a lot may I also add that the first round here Smith would last for only a few seconds...." Kitty's puss has to be good"lol funny but its true.  I have to give Smith a lot of credit now "and he also has to put up with Kitty's hell raising weekly too"...that's something for all men to think about.
  6. Thanks
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Pendauros in Fan Page Kitty & Smith   
    Kitty and Smith seems to be doing great "besides Kitty's weekly hell raising and crying" there sex seems to be on a roll.  One thing I can say about Ms. Kitty and Mr Smith, is that there is no faking with these two when it comes to sex and especially Kitty's sexy masturbation sets...its all real.
  7. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Pendauros in Fan Page Mira and Kai   
    Look as though Mira and Kai are getting ready to leave us.  I think they where good for viewing, even though there first two weeks was filled smoke and in and out company as Kusti and Luci didn't give them any respect at all.  I hope they well return again "with their own place next time."   Mira and Kai come back to see us again and have a safe trip back home, I really enjoyed your stay.
  8. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Zander in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    With these three, it looked like another episode of "DUMB AND DUMBER"...lol  Masha's scripted plays are such a faiure they are so sad to watch...lol  surely she wanted it to look like Sasha was having sex with Dasha...."either one of them couldn't remember their lines"...lol  I think Dasha's is going to have to start giving it up soon or get kicked out....all of the rehearsals went out the door for the plans last night....lol   I think all three needs to go on "FEAR FACTOR" because they well do anything for a view!!!!!
  9. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Pleasant in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Wise words indeed. But it looks like they've got lost in the whirlpool.
  10. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from StnCld316 in Mira and Kai   
    I hope so, they are better then a lot that's been here for awhile.
  11. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from anonymous69 in Fan Page Amina   
    Now that Amina and Jasmin has given B1 a big dose of Porn....I wonder if this apartment well ever go back to real voyeurism.  Seems RLC has brought in a few babies and not ladies..."if it hurts to be away from there men for a week or two" then what the hell are they doing here.  Amina's guy has taken over the main bathroom and the girls in the room have to make sure they keep them self's covered to a certain way. I thought this site was RLC I didn't know it was the love connection.  Complete nudity it OUT while the studs are IN...LOL  Whats next "Grandma's and Grandpa's"..LOL
  12. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from charlietheangel in Fan Page Mira and Kai   
    Look as though Mira and Kai are getting ready to leave us.  I think they where good for viewing, even though there first two weeks was filled smoke and in and out company as Kusti and Luci didn't give them any respect at all.  I hope they well return again "with their own place next time."   Mira and Kai come back to see us again and have a safe trip back home, I really enjoyed your stay.
  13. Haha
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from zzakary in Fan Page Angie   
    Maybe its a war drum....and she is sending Glasha and Sonya a drum beat "that its time to come home."..LOL
  14. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to zzakary in Fan Page Sofie   
    Freedom of expression is sacred, never let people tell you what you need to think, say, write,or do, whether on the chatbox, on the forum or in the outside,express yourself 
    SOOOOOOOFIE ur a Goddess 
  15. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Danny in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Credit to them they are getting exactly what they want:
    People watching and people talking about them. 
  16. Thanks
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Pleasant in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    These three are still trying to fine the right script for the viewers....if there well ever be any real sex with the starting to act loony Dasha I am sure it won't be worth watching.  As long as Masha is in command and makes them both look controlling "That they are" there ratings are looking very poor..."from where I set"...seeing that Masha makes Sasha set and jump when she wants him to, she needs to have him cut that "Brillo Pad" off this chest...lol  I sure its scratching the hell out of Dasha's back at night...while his dick rest's on her ass.
  17. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to iloner in Fan Page Sofie   
    When they got in last night, Mo first and then Naomi and Sofie together a little later, all went to bed, Sofie having a quick bath first.    But then Sofie thought better of bed and wandered down to Naomi's room and slipped into bed with her.
    They stroked each other, mostly arms and shoulder, a little gentle caressing of Naomi's breasts.   After a while Sofie slipped back to her own room.
    Could be a long tease, and there are worse ways to appreciate two beautiful women than staying with this act, if that is what it is, for the 90 days, even if it doesn't get into real sex.
    My feeling is Sofie is gradually acclimatising Naomi to some girl girl love.     (Ok, if its a RLC brokered  commercial agreement to end up making love to each other before the end of their stay then perhaps 'love' is sweetening the lily).
     I'm hoping they've  set themselves a target for this weekend.
  18. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Pendauros in Fan Page Mira and Kai   
    Mira and Kai, still keeps me watching,  there sex drive may have slowed down just a touch, but Mira does make up for it with some very sexy masturbation.  Seeing that Stesha and Marco has left....I think that these two "Mira and Kai" would be good candidates for that apartment.
  19. Haha
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from PeterGrey in Fan Page Sonya   
    Those three stay out the apartment so much....how does one knows if they still stay there sometimes.  I have seem more of the furniture then I have them.
  20. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Sketch in Fan Page Mira and Kai   
    You get more action from them than you do from some of the others.
  21. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Scotsman84 in Would the last one out,turn off the lights & put the cat out.   
    I agree with you 100% but look for it to get worse,  seems someone is sitting behind the round table making bad decisions and have their on version of voyeurism.  I read a few weeks ago where someone said "that if you don't like what your seeing feel free to move on" well that's true,  but there wish has come true for a lot of members...LOL   Being respectful for ones own opinion and thoughts......."you'd better be wearing a bullet proof vest." there is very little respect for others.  I could continue on about some of the apartments,  "but what good would it do?"
  22. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from Lollo87 in Fan Page Adeline & Markus   
    Adeline is looking very sexy, she and Markus are keeping me watching these days...lol  Since they move in they made the last couple "Zoya and Lev" look bad, they have brought their apartment way up to viewing level...and Zoya was my favorite lady...I guess Adeline and her beauty took that away..LOL
  23. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to StnCld316 in Fan Page Kitty & Smith   
    There's only one girl on RLC that has gotten pregnant and that was Lora.  Someone posted awhile back that Alina was but it wasn't for certain.  I think Alina & Anton left so they could start a Family. Dayana was already Pregnant before she came back for her last tour of RLC.
  24. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Pleasant in Masha and Sasha Fan Page   
    Isn't it amazing how Masha has suddenly become such a heavy sleeper that she can't feel or hear what is going on in the bed with S&D just inches away from her? 
    And to think, we are being led to believe this is still real! Thankfully, more and more people are wising up to their cheap tactics.
  25. Like
    RUBBERMAN got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in Would the last one out,turn off the lights & put the cat out.   
    I agree with you 100% but look for it to get worse,  seems someone is sitting behind the round table making bad decisions and have their on version of voyeurism.  I read a few weeks ago where someone said "that if you don't like what your seeing feel free to move on" well that's true,  but there wish has come true for a lot of members...LOL   Being respectful for ones own opinion and thoughts......."you'd better be wearing a bullet proof vest." there is very little respect for others.  I could continue on about some of the apartments,  "but what good would it do?"
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