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On 9/29/2019 at 1:58 AM, TigetJackson said:

LOL!!!  Rhodie - that's not the Trump saying, Hell Americans been saying that since forever and I'm a country boy that was just putting it mildly.  Unfortunately, there is no PC in the country, its all straight up in your face - talk, which usually ruffles feathers..  But I got ya, sometimes PC can be a means of shaking across the Isle.  Here's to you "developing" folk and, Ahhhh... well.... keep on developing!!!!   Se that's what I think has made us so MAGA - is that we used to be able to just say it.  If it hurts someones feelings, we'd say, pull up you bootstraps; poke out your chest and get some balls.  Now its all about - that's not my pronoun and you hurt my feelings.  We took and still do that saying "sticks and stones may break my bone, but names will never hurt me".  Parents forgot that somewhere here.

Sorry if this appears twice. I just spent an hour of my life typing out a reply and then nothing appeared? Mr Jackson, please rest assured that I take not offence to your comments. As much as this hurts, as much I am ashamed to admit, Trump is right about  Africa being a "shithole". In Africa's defence, we're trying to improve. We like to call that "development"  and that is why we are the "developing" nations. The fact that we have devloped fuck all is something we'd like you to overlook, hey we tried!. In realtiy, the only things developing is our "leaders" ability to hide thier illgotten gains. As for MAGA, I think we will agree to diagee on this subject but I think Trump is an igorant cunt.

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1 hour ago, Rhodie said:

Sorry if this appears twice. I just spent an hour of my life typing out a reply and then nothing appeared? Mr Jackson, please rest assured that I take not offence to your comments. As much as this hurts, as much I am ashamed to admit, Trump is right about  Africa being a "shithole". In Africa's defence, we're trying to improve. We like to call that "development"  and that is why we are the "developing" nations. The fact that we have devloped fuck all is something we'd like you to overlook, hey we tried!. In realtiy, the only things developing is our "leaders" ability to hide thier illgotten gains. As for MAGA, I think we will agree to diagee on this subject but I think Trump is an igorant cunt.

Hey Rhodie, disagreeing is ok, but I love my country, served my country and not to give it up to fuckhead Socialist Libs.  Well in all the best cases, Trump might be a true cunt and I don't disagree to that point, but if nothing else, he drove home the point that our government across the board is way out of hand a the things that have been perpetrated against trump to date prove it so, they should all be tried for treason.  Buenos dias buddie!!!

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Another month,  and there has been another change threw out the VIP apartments such as the GP, B1, B2 apartments......"Now that most of the true drunks and drug users and summer tattooed studs are gone until the season opens up again...lol...RLC has brought in a new line of girls to dance and rub on each other for the viewers for the next 90 days."  I do see things must be getting slower especially for the Chatters in the Chat room, who seem to have nothing to talk about now,  but what the new girls must be doing outside of the apartment at clubs or at least what they assume and think that know,  seems most of the Chatters has gotten bored or moved on or just don't want to pay to see girls who are not getting wasted daily.  I guess RLC well have to come up with a few stray guys off the streets to come in and use these new young ladies for a weekend of free sex...lol...to keep a few viewers happy and the money rolling in.   Boring for some now!!!!...yes, or just maybe RLC has started reading the complains from their old members for a change.8)

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RLC keeps bringing back tenants even if they are brutal or are spouse abusers or drug addicts.. Even returnees that were previously decent have underperformed the second or third or fourth time. Members wonder why certain tenants are given every opportunity to keep coming back. Lots of negative comments about these tenants and complain that "new" participants should be found such as mature women or couples.

  So why the fuck do members keep bringing up names of past tenants and Russian has-beens. Either you want new tenants or repeat offenders (poor voyeur subjects). MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So much contraction of what members want.

You might say RLC doesn't read the comments on the chat or in the forums or that RLC doesn't care what RLCF or CC members want. Is it just a coincident that soon after members yap about past tenants that they show up in an apartment. Members of RLCF and CC get what they ask for - a shit voyeur site and constant complaining. RLC needs a "total new restart" and not the same shit or useless tenants.

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On 10/7/2019 at 9:18 PM, Vaz said:

Site is a complete joke and needs shut down so they can figure out wtf they are doing. If people want to waste their time and money that's their choice, but you're just helping them waste more time and money. 

Exactly. And all this mentioning of old or ex tenants doesn't help. Look at the ones they have brought back and what have they done that hasn't been viewed over and over. 

Leora - Waste of money.

U&Y - Waste of money.

L&R - Waste of money.

N&B - More chance of seeing something new, adventurous couple, but sharing an apartment - Waste of money. 

Barcelona - No interest and can stick them where the sun don't shine - Waste of money

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On 10/13/2019 at 3:26 PM, Scorpio 22 said:

They are acting like a company getting ready to fold. Get as much in as you can then boom see ya. And yes they have spent money e.g flights, accommodation, tenants. But think how much they will get back resubs. Many have already that said they wouldn't and also 180 day. All ads up. 

That can come down to some being obsessed and truly think it will improve and not wanting to miss it, but hey their money to waste. 

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