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    iloner reacted to sturmchaser in What stops you getting involved in chat?   
    Oy, I debated CQ on this topic; I have a lot of concerns, questions, and opinions.  And we all know what opinions are like.  Not sure if I'm ready to express them yet.  I'm quite content just being the 'Murican trucker obsess- sorry, fascinated with - my St Pete baby girl.  I will agree, there is a lot of the "wild west" out in the chat box lately, and a few scoundrels amidst the forum, too.  Vets know how to weed them out, call them out, or just ignore them, which is the best policy here overall.  I'm not quite a vet, just barely over being a "newbie."  But someone mentioned that the term "newbie" is a little discrediting to new forum members, and I agree.  After all, let's not forget, I was here a long time ago under another pseudo until some signals got garbled and I had to create a new user id, which, in essence, made me a "newbie" again, even though I had 8 months under my belt at the time.  And here I am just over a newbie again.  Granted, the term 'newbie' is sort of a right of passage in any internet forum, but still.  SO what I'm saying is a newbie may be a 'newbie' to us under a new pseudo, but they might actually be a vet and have valuable knowledge, but when they express that historical knowledge, are shot down, and not so delicately, I might add.  I have met several of these fine folks offline, and they have given me legitimate reasons why they won't engage the chatbox anymore.  I don't blame them, and I have to agree with them, but, much like some of our other steadfast members, I keep charging once more into the breach.  

    We have the entire lot here, for sure: we got jokers (that's me), we got smokers, we got midnight tokers,  ponderers, mehers, philosophers, ESP predictors, speculators, spammers, dictators and hammers, supporters, deniers, whiners and criers, those who get it, those who don't get it, conspiracy theorists, those who are utterly confused but just want to see naked women, those who came here expecting pornhub or xhamster, those who might be female but who are we to really know and those who might be male but who are we to really know?   On top of all this, there's EuroPols, liberals, conservatives, fucking CANADIANS even, and the rest of the political lot which I have no dog in and couldn't care less about.  I think @RUBBERMAN summed it up best a few posts above.  

    *Sigh*   I'm out of breath.  A chatbox moderator is indeed a good idea here - to a point.  It would have to be someone SO neutral on all sides and I don't think such a person exists.   For example, I love all you guys (and gurls) here in forum and on chat.  There was one member who had disparaging words toward a former tenant whom I enjoyed watching, and I thought was unfair, but I also realized hey, he's looking at this from a totally diff perspective than me, so I need to respect that opinion.  So it was all kool and the gang.  And we all need to learn how to do that for serendipity here.  

    Except until one of you makes the mistake of saying something negative about Kira. 

    Then you're a dead man.  I have a unique set of skills.  I will hunt you.  I will find you.  And I WILL kill you.  

    Otherwise, HAPPY DAYS for all!    

  2. Like
    iloner got a reaction from Rhodie in What stops you getting involved in chat?   
    Chat is a hornets nest.    
    At least Forum gives everyone time to reflect.    Even if it is not always gentlemanly, most posters are well-intentioned and take their time to consider they will have to defend what they say.
    Sometimes people say sharp things, but over time you realise the same people are mostly positive and embracing of everyone - especially newbies.    
    Keep saying what you want to say.    Someone wants to hear it.   
    And if it turns out no one is listening - welcome to the club! 
  3. Like
    iloner got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in What stops you getting involved in chat?   
    Chat is a hornets nest.    
    At least Forum gives everyone time to reflect.    Even if it is not always gentlemanly, most posters are well-intentioned and take their time to consider they will have to defend what they say.
    Sometimes people say sharp things, but over time you realise the same people are mostly positive and embracing of everyone - especially newbies.    
    Keep saying what you want to say.    Someone wants to hear it.   
    And if it turns out no one is listening - welcome to the club! 
  4. Like
    iloner reacted to vortios in Fan Page Eva and Sam   
    After years of being a client of RLC, the only thing that I have concluded in conclusion is that people give too much importance to "Real live", which does not stop being a brand, like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, or Texaco ... if you you let go of that, I think you do not do well in life, but that is your decision.
    On the other hand, you talk about reality, and now I will tell you what I have said on many occasions about this topic ... what reality do you want to see?
    The reality of day to day? Well, you do not have to see other couples, you just have to look at your own life, the neighbor's is usually not much more interesting than the own one.
    But you want to see young people who do not work, who do not have to get up early because they do not have to pay bills, they do not have to pay penalties because they cut water or electricity, nor do they have to pay taxes, nor do they get tired of working where they have spent a day out, eating anywhere, because you do not have time to go home, or to see your children ... and when you come back, you have just enough time to make dinner, give them a bath, see what they have done. homework, or what do you have to help them do because they have not wanted to study or do not know how to do some problems? You mean that?
    Or when you get home, and they tell you that a gasket has been broken, or that a glass has broken, that a cupboard has fallen off a shelf, or that you have to fix a chair because it turns out that the child started playing with until she broke it ... I keep thinking, the client wants to see that? That's real life ... but think. you do not want to see that.
    She wants to sit in front of the computer, and at least she wants to see couples having sex, because not to say it, we are not hypocrites, just like me, I want to see girls having a great time, what's more, if they have sex, it would be great.
    That's why I say that what they have done in this house is what most RLC clients want to see.
    Of course you will never please the majority, but that happens in all aspects of life.
  5. Like
    iloner reacted to RUBBERMAN in Fan Page Eva and Sam   
    It seems that Sam and Eva has taken their apartment and the viewers to yet another level......"and my I add some very interesting experiments."  We all know how sexy Eva is and some are saying that Eva wants what Sam does to her and her sexual needs are high "but if they are so high then why can't she be pleased with Sam and him only,  but it also seems that after each time they play these sexual games with others or even them self's poor Eva has a face of shame or have I been reading her facial expressions wrong?  Although I won't compare them with Masha and Sasha "do to the fact that I might be beheaded by some members"..lol and there doings are still fresh and haven't become boring "YET"  I am waiting to see how far this new thing well go and who or what is next......lets hope they don't get stuck on stupid and not ruin their relationship.  I like Eva... and what makes Eva happy makes me...............well I like Eva..LOL

  6. Like
    iloner reacted to vortios in Fan Page Eva and Sam   
    First to declare, that I am not a regular in this house, nor in the rest of couples' houses.
    But saying this, and from what little by little I find out where they come from and why they act like this couple, I would dare to comment, that maybe they are fulfilling what is expected of them. And it's a show.
    They come from VHTV, perhaps today, and it is only an opinion, the page, is getting what they promised, a page where the viewer receives a show almost daily. Something that RLC seems to have failed to understand, or because they have wanted to take it in another way and have not known that the other pages, have eaten the business. They (RLC) have wanted to bring one of those couples to try to overcome that side, and with this couple, it seems that they are fulfilling.
    So, in summary, E & S, are the couple that more diversity and show of all the houses with couple are offering
    Maybe some do not like it, maybe it is not to their liking, but what is not questionable, that they have elicited more comments from all couples in recent times.
  7. Confused
    iloner got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in Fan Page Sofie   
    All has not been perfect in Sofie's and Naomi's paradise.    
    In Chat critics are circling Sofie like vultures, picking her bones and tearing lumps from her flesh.     In Forum we are unhappy that poor Monica is caged into her room by whatever the bad vibe between them is.
    Even Naomi got exasperated with her last night, when she wouldn't get dressed to go out.   But whether this was to go to the GP party or just to the shops was not clear.   Later Elisa and Amina turned up to play a game of strip cards so perhaps they had always planned to stay at home.    And when the visitors left both girls rushed to bed, happy to be back in their own worlds.
    Sofie has her stresses.    But in the short time she and Naomi performed for us, dressed in similar pants and bra, stroking gently, dancing with each other, there was a gentleness, an affection, a need for the other.   They spend so much time together, much of it touching, yet even the cross word was spoken with care.    
    I am envious girls can create such friendship.
  8. Thanks
    iloner got a reaction from vortios in Fan Page Sofie   
    If some warmth had been growing between Naomi and Sofie I suspect Sof's weekend away with her friend left Naomi feeling not as valued as she thought she was.
    Last night and tonight lacked the spontaneity to be hoped for from girls who genuinely want to have fun together and with each other's bodies.
    My view: poor Naomi is BORED.    She came alive at GP.    At B2 Sofie holds her close but offers her nothing to nourish her.
    Adding to the sense of depression, Monica masturbates in her room obsessively like a caged tigress.    (Its nice to watch - but where is the interaction, the possibility of fun?)     
    The girls are beautiful so enjoyable whatever they do.   Sofie is solicitous to give viewers value, by personal display and with Naomi.   But she has killed off the 'atmosphere' in B2.   She is stifling the other two.   
  9. Like
    iloner reacted to CowArt in Fan Page Eva and Sam   
    It's a bit sad that when Eva & Sam bring in another girl for a threesome you see maybe two posts in this topic, and when they bring in another guy everybody is tripping over each other to express their disapproval.
    Here's a wild thought: If their lifestyle or sex life doesn't suit you... watch one of the other 21 apartments. No, instead, going by the detail of the posts, everybody had their noses pressed to the screen during the whole thing and then came here to complain that they saw something they rather didn't see...
  10. Like
    iloner got a reaction from PeterGrey in Fan Page Amina & Nil   
    What a turn up!   Elisa massaging and being massaged by Amina!
    Well done Amina, because I can't recall Elisa being willing ever to touch any girls on previous visits.
    A bath or two lead to this, but will this lead to more - Amina wants it to, I'm sure.
    And on the bed now is Elisa's trademark banana.    I don't know how it got there, but  we can all hope we can guess where its going!
    Boy did I underestimate Amina.    If she could only offload that useless prick - the one with Nil attached to it - she could be another Nora
    ..........only LIKEABLE.
  11. Like
    iloner got a reaction from PeterGrey in Fan Page Elisa and Fima   
    After the massage with Amina (a first I think for Elisa with another girl) a banana appeared on the bed.    Promise of things to come.     Elisa's Famous Maturbation.
    We didn't have to wait long.    Did the sensuous carresses of Amina's soft hands, and her obvious wanting for more, get to Elisa.    
    The banana slid along her cunt lips a few times and then pushed right in; her legs twisted this way and then grasped urgently that way, and she came.
    Afterwards she sniffed along the length of the banana.   Be interesting to see who eats it for breakfast!
    Compared to her very first stay in B1 the clarity of the image, even in night vision, was breathtaking.    Mind you, at that time there was a recording did the rounds on the internet.   Yum!
    Now if Amina had been awake to see that on her phone would she have resisted going next door - no, I don't think she would.
  12. Like
    iloner reacted to vortios in Fan Page Naomi   
    Strange behavior, I would say of this girl (summarizing a lot), of what I have perceived on the screen.
    A few days ago, it seemed that their relationship had a nice sense, I think a connection beyond the show, but was to say, Sofie bring "friends" home, and then his departure from home, "vacation" with a suitcase, It seemed, that she was leaving for a month (incredible but true), and she came back with another friend ...
    The way Naomi received Sofie, with that smile on her face, that little run to her and then the little leap over Sofie, did not agree with Sofie's apparent coldness. Something did not work.
    Later, although they have wanted to fix it, I have the feeling that Sofie is much colder in Naomi than just a week ago. And Naomi, also seems to have less desire to be with Sofie.
    To give just one example, before Naomi, she showed her breasts with pride at any time, in Sofie's room, yesterday without going any further, even with the massage, Naomi, refused to take off her bra altogether .. and that was not normal.
    Too many silences, too many skills that from the outside do not seem to have continuity with the good relationship that they seemed to have.
    I hope that they, as before, seemed to have a good conjunction and chemistry, this can come back, because otherwise, B2, it will simply become a poor and sad house.
  13. Thanks
    iloner got a reaction from vortios in Fan Page Sofie   
    Sofie isn't really back to firing on all cylinders yet.
    She had an afternoon bate and then seemed to sleepwalk through the evening with Naomi.     Shame, because Monica has to keep to her room so we lose out on the proper interactions of the flat.    Worth it if something came of S & N, orgasms, strap-on, pussy licking - but increasingly it looks like one of them will leave before anything exciting happens.     
    Perhaps Naomi fancies a career in porn and is keeping herself chaste so she can truthfully say that line all the girls say (they do in the vids I watch) "I've never been with a girl before".
    Tonight  Sofie did show some interest in Naomi, but N was glued to Lolita on the screen.    The usual fairly low-key fiddling, but a girl as beautiful as Naomi needs to know she is wanted, and Sof gives the impression she isn't really bothered.   Perhaps she isn't,  and the charade is petering out .................. into nothing.
  14. Thanks
    iloner got a reaction from vortios in Fan Page Naomi   
    Naomi  was distracted tonight - she could hardly be bothered to respond to Sofie's gentle caresses.    But perhaps they are so gentle they appear barely interested.
    Strangely, Rose has also seemed out of sorts this evening, ending up in a long earnest convo with Serena, and then having to be cheered up by an after-hours visit from three naked girls.
    (That kind of thing always cheers me up - unfortunately I wake up before there is any good bit, and tonight Rose didn't get any good bit except a long kiss with a naked Serena).
    Last night N came home 3.15 LT.    And Rose got into GP an hour later.     Maybe they spent 2 hours together and the result has upset them both - real life!   
    More likely, they didn't.    
  15. Like
    iloner reacted to RUBBERMAN in on my opinion   
    If you want the chat room to work, you have to let people do their own thinking and voice their own opinions with out any threats or made up so call friendship rules.
  16. Like
    iloner got a reaction from Plank in on my opinion   
    When B.T.R. (RIP) was here Chat was exciting and fun its true.   He did not put up with whingeing; "complaining fuckers" were told to get positive or leave. 
    But for those who enjoy Chat the way it is why not let them enjoy it?     For those of us who don't there is FORUM.
    On FORUM you can post what you want and its easier to deal with the crap if you find any - ignore it.
    There are some great posters, with insights that make viewing RLC more fun, and they are even funny (ok, some).
    Don't leave.    FORUM needs you.
    But hang on ........... you are already posting on FORUM, and reading this ............ so what is the problem!
  17. Like
    iloner got a reaction from dougiestyle4u in on my opinion   
    When B.T.R. (RIP) was here Chat was exciting and fun its true.   He did not put up with whingeing; "complaining fuckers" were told to get positive or leave. 
    But for those who enjoy Chat the way it is why not let them enjoy it?     For those of us who don't there is FORUM.
    On FORUM you can post what you want and its easier to deal with the crap if you find any - ignore it.
    There are some great posters, with insights that make viewing RLC more fun, and they are even funny (ok, some).
    Don't leave.    FORUM needs you.
    But hang on ........... you are already posting on FORUM, and reading this ............ so what is the problem!
  18. Like
    iloner got a reaction from PoeBoy in REPLAY   
    Drat and Blast I missed Naomi's bating set.   I think it had just happened before I logged on last night.    I know, get REPLAY then I won't miss anything.
    But I did see the two simultaneous 'entertainments' in GP that started shortly afterwards.
    I have long considered there is coordination of the starts of 'entertainments'.    This was very clear with the sessions between Jas and Blair which had the same start time most nights, after the other girls had all gone to bed.   Jas even had to wake Blair up one night for her 'training session'.    
    Am I too cycnical if I suspect RLC encourages sessions that compete against each other to drive us into the arms of expensive REPLAY?
  19. Thanks
    iloner got a reaction from Bandit in Newsletter   
    Don't hold your breath.    
    RLCs's idea of 'News' is about every two or three months they tell us something we have already been discussing for days.
  20. Like
    iloner reacted to vortios in Fan Page Naomi   
    I join your words.
    Either on her own initiative or at the suggestion of RLC, she did what she had to do, so that the spectators, even with two of the girls outside the house, would like to visit her.
    Moreover, I think that in many moments he had even more visits than GP.
    The planning of the house, as you point out, is not that it does not work, it is simply that it is terrible. We have Monica who had a little vacation "with a friend" each one who believes what she wants, but could not be with the "friend"?
    Now go back and go to GP, by the way, I also agree with your words, is that they have no friends in GP Anita and Nica?
    In Spanish we say that that is to undress a saint to dress another. Or clearer, we leave empty B2, so they have a party in GP. May God come down and see ... But this is RLC, and everything seems to work that way.
    Finally, although the relationship between Naomi and Monica does not seem as tight as that of Sofie and Monica, I have the impression that they will never share a party, let alone have a party in one of the rooms for us.
    Maybe Monica, if she is afraid of a real female and put her with her legs wide open receiving, this time, a good pussy lick, without having to hide. And no, with the girls so green and maybe
  21. Like
    iloner reacted to RUBBERMAN in Fan Page Naomi   
    Naomi who I have to admit "I am not to much of a fan of" did give a great masturbation set last night....and I do believe in "give credit when credit is do weather you like them or not"....Seems Naomi did have the apartment to her self last night do to the fact that Sofie is on a hopefully short vacation and Monica is at B1 helping Nica and Anita entertain viewers, when I sure B1 did hire enough young ladies for that job!!!  Its seems that this little child's play with these two "Naomi and Monica is still going on".....maybe RLC needs to step in and let them know what there purpose of being there is.  I am also wondering how many more times well Monica run over to B1 or continue to have her little private parties in her room with Nica and Anita with out inviting her real roommates?  I thought she was way more mature than that, and maybe Naomi needs to do the same!!!!  "Lets grow up ladies and keep the viewers watching!!!!"  Even though my comments went off course......I still have to give Naomi credit for her effort on keeping me and the viewers watching last night with her sexy masturbation and say it was well worth 3 stars from me!!!!  "Thank you Naomi"
  22. Thanks
    iloner got a reaction from vortios in Fan Page Sofie   
    Looks like I jumped the gun and Sofie is only away on a short break - judging by the amount packed anything up to a month.
    Meanwhile, lonely Naomi (I missed her major bate last night) waits in Sof's room, faithful and patient.
    Lets hope Monica comes back from GP to take up her education where Sofie left off - Stage Two: Pussy Licking. 
  23. Thanks
    iloner got a reaction from sturmchaser in 2018 Clear-out   
    Well, its great to have a review like Sturmchaser's of the state of things.
    But as soon as anyone gets to the detail of what they like and don't like then we all have different views, and everyone's are equally important.   I missed whatever got you going about what Eva and Sam did last night because I was glued to the three hour pussy fest in GP that was Anita Mo and Nica.   YUM! 
    So we need more choice, not less.    
    I am a Doe fan too, and there was a brief visit about a year ago from a lovely girl who clearly was willing to do Doe over inside out and upside down, but she received no encouragement and never came back.    If Doe had her own place she would live on her own with 6 cats and there would never be any sex, ever!
  24. Like
    iloner reacted to sturmchaser in 2018 Clear-out   
    I didn't want to get into this mix because, as many have stated, I am one of those who watch certain apts and disregard others, so how qualified am I to make judgements?  Not very qualified at all. 

    Yet I throw my opinion out here anyway.  Grain of salt, gangstas.  I'm pretty sure you all know what that means.  

    Obviously, if you all know me, and most of you do by now, my first vote to KEEP is going to be Nina/Kira/Doe, and my second vote to KEEP would be Eva/Sam (esp after what we witnessed last night).  Third vote to KEEP is definitely Nelly/Bog, and Linda/Tib.  Fourth vote to KEEP is definitely Lana/Rob and Taya/Will.  Fifth vote to KEEP would be Ana/Fhim and Adey/Markus.  Runners-up: Julia/Eric and Kitty/Smitty, only because I think between Julia and Kitty, we just might see a live murder take place on cam.  Altho watching a Kitty meltdown honestly makes me scared, it's so damned frightening.  Jane/Dick and Chloe/Ty are too new to judge, altho I like them both. 

    Special mention (and I know I'm going to get shit from all of you because of it, but fuck you all, it's my goddamned opinion) goes to Maya.  

    SO.... that brings us to my losers... (and I'm sure I'll get shit over this too, but again, fuck you, it's my opinion):

    D&R, M&A, and especially M/S/D whom I have zero interest in, speaking of Zero, that goes for Ami and Zero and E&F.  Watching GP and B2 is good for a Monica bate with purple egg and the occasional tub time with 3 or more, and when the Twins were there, and Bea, and Leia, oooooo, I miss you Leia  <3  Tatiana tried but she could never fill your shoes.  But otherwise - BORING.  A/G/S - sigh, what to say.  Angie is definitely the winner in the breast category, they are natural stunners for sure.  Other than that, I haven't noticed anything noteworthy there to take note of.  So here is 3K - I commented a few weeks ago that Kami was quite cute, but I got shot down, mostly b/c members said 3K is boring.  Indeed you all are correct, hence why I have not paid attention to them.  Soooo...  all of the above could disappear or switch tenants and I would prob not notice.  Sorry for all you Sofie/Jas/Rose etc etc fans, I'm sure you all have your justifiable arguments.  Let's hear them!  That's what this forum is for. 

    Just don't touch my N/K/D or you will die.  
  25. Like
    iloner reacted to vortios in Fan Page Sofie   
    First, I want to thank your comments.
    Certainly in the night of yesterday, I saw what you describe, in fact, in 6 hours of being in the camera (incredible that was so long), we really say, that at best, everything could have happened in half an hour.
    A big waste of time if we compare.
    I totally agree with you in everything, a beautiful girl Sofie's friend, a not to feel embarrassed when doing some things in front of the cameras, with naturalness, that even RLC girls are not able to do), but I have to be in I disagree with you on only one thing.
    Saturday night, I could not see, but if I read the comments of many people, both in the open forum, as in private messages, and in conclusion, it was already expected that this girl was not going to enter Sofie's games .
    The night of the Sabao, I think it was even worse, since it did not go beyond simple caresses.
    Certainly, I think, it is complicated, unless you are prepared, that a girl who comes to Barcelona, and takes the opportunity to stay a few nights in the city without having to spend money in a hotel and the expenses are minimal, would be Hard to think that girl, quickly enter the games of their roommates. That was my conclusion of Anita's behavior, which I suppose she had already planned to come to RLC (I will not judge the origin of that since it is not the subject of this comment).
    On the other hand, to say, that Sofie's behavior last night, I think she was quite brave. She tried to make the night could be more interesting, beyond just seeing three beautiful butts in camera 9. That leads me to remember that the relationship between Sofie and Naomi, but was more reluctant to think that it would have part of In reality, I might think that a beautiful relationship between the two is brewing.
    Naomi is becoming more comfortable with Sofie's attention, and that's very nice, as you say, on the night of yesterday we saw Naomi, she let herself be caressed because she really wanted to feel the hand of her friend in such an intimate area. the time so pleasant.
    The pity, is that as a good friend says, "Sofie, just be so receptive to Naomi at that time of night, and do not look more like Lola, with whom she always compares, to take advantage of every moment of the day to caress or touching her roommates, an issue that I think friends did not mind. "
    But Sofie, I get the impression that she is colder or less affectionate than Naomi could be.
    In short, I think that I can not imagine Sofie, caress Naomi's ass or give a simple kiss in the mouth to Naomi, without having to be those hours of the day and yet Naomi, if I imagine it.
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