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  1. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to ups5464 in Fan Page Sofie   
    Softie was masturbating in bed around 2.20am local time on Tuesday morning. She obviously woke up and decided to make herself happy ;). Was under her covers but could clearly see the movement of her hand and some leg movements, plus audio picked up her gentle moans. Turned her on her side after a while and brought herself  to climax. Louder groan when it happened and the normal female change from legs are apart to squeezing them together. 
  2. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to wde22 in Fan Page Kitty & Smith   
    Well said Tool !! They are in hot competition for my #1 pussy here !!
  3. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to delta10 in Fan Page Gina   
    Instead of leaving she has moved to the best bedroom as Lola has moved to B2 sharing the big bed with Anna.
    I am simply bored of her as nothing new or interesting. She doesn't even sit around airing her 'gina like a couple of months ago
  4. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to PeterGrey in Fan Page Gina   
    Not to blame all on Gina, but B1 is boring and have been boring for a long time now.
    Time to get in fresh new faces!
  5. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to TBird97 in Fan Page Nicole   
    I'm at a loss. Clearly, Nicole had an epileptic episode. This means that she may have another one at any time. There is no cure and the causes are unknown. Constant medication can keep it in check.
    So why hasn't Nicole been sent home where relatives and doctors can keep an eye on her?
    Instead, RLC has put her in her former bedroom by herself. Not the best of ideas taking her illness into account.
  6. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Plank in Write it up!   
    I'm a bit busy with stuff at the moment, so I try drop in to see what is going on.......if anything.
    If you take a look down the Fan Page index you will notice that there is very little activity on most of the pages with a few exceptions. ( I have moaned about this before)
    Meanwhile in the Chatbox the conversations go on, but if you miss that conversation you end up not knowing the details and being 'out of the loop'. Then you have to ask someone what happened etc, people have start relaying the details, raking over coals etc...which is fine most people are accommodating and will assist. But it can be a ball-ache at times.
    For instance; tonight I dropped in and noticed a great piece of chat from our esteemed friend Philo about Dasha. It went like this;
    "Some apartments have learned how to fly under the radar. Dasha and Demid for example, attract little attention because they don't present a lot of nudity and sex but there seems to be more going on there than most for the observant voyeur. Dasha's latest male visitor has learned how to turn off the lights and to disengage the infra red cameras.
    I just watched a shift change at Dasha's.
    Male guests and Dasha have been going back and fourth to the patio all afternoon. They leave and two new guys come in and Demid goes to bed after being introduced.
    Dasha took a shower and changed from her classic shorts to a fresh pair of shorts with no panties. While the new guest wait, she puts on her coat and invites the two new guys to the patio. The are out there for almost half and hour. They return without speaking while Dasha goes to the bathroom without closing the door and brushes her teeth.
    When she returns from the bathroom, they say good bye to one guy and he leaves while the new guy beds down on the sofa for the night.
    As they come back from the patio, the new guy appears to be watching a replay of something on his phone while Dasha is watching something on her phone at the same time.
    The new guy has disabled the infrared camera in the hallway and in the bathroom at Dasha's
    Although Demid and the new guy seemed to be meeting for the first time, the new guy immediately took charge of the kitchen and started preparing something to eat without asking and went to get his own bed linen for the sofa without any assistance or involvement from Dasha. When he said good by to the other male guest, he seemed to be in the role of the host rather than as a guest. Looks like Demid is being cuckolded again?"
    A great piece of observation by Philo, I think you would agree. But I have noticed similar events by others in the Chatbox that never get written up, but why not write it up in the Fan Pages so we can all be informed & be made aware of such stuff? Thereby we can all keep an eye out for any further events,intrigue,shenanigans or fall-out etc? We can then add to that fan page with our thoughts & observations and so it goes,and so it goes,and so it goes.......
  7. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Bobbil in Fan Page Kitty & Smith   
    And now they're fighting again, so we know what's coming next!
  8. Like
    This is the third day in a role Rose sleep all day wake play a little touch feel with Caroline to keep her fans watching, Then her and Caroline will shit shower and shave out the door they go.
    Now I don't  much care but they are not even putting in an effort to get to know Sofie. But right now i kind of like Sofie she just do her. But I would not be surprise if she packs up and leave nor would I blame her. Rose is kinda smart she did the right things to keep us all watching.  But now it's getting old. Rose need to put up or shut up. or her fans will slowly turn against her. No one likes an empty bed  And so far from Rose that's all we are getting from noon til 5or6 in the morning
  9. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to iloner in Fan Page Rosemary   
    I guess Rose has been knocked back by both Jas and Belle going, and now she is alone with Man Fucking Machine Nicole.
    Last night she tried to get back in the saddle with Gina, and it was both lovely and sad to see the desire on Rosie's face.    Gina outdrank her, and then pretended to go off to sleep so Rose would give up, which she did.   Just the way she looked at Gina's luscious body and several times leaned her mouth towards G for a kiss was exciting and I hoped Gina was getting herself tanked to do the deed.
    But no.   Gina was devious in my view, and deliberately gave Rose the slip.
    Rose tried though, licking fizzy juice off G's belly - very erotic.
    Back to the les-licking porn for Rose.   Lets hope the stiff fingers can do for her what they did for Jas.
  10. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to robuk in prostitute or not ?   
    Sometimes I think people get so hot under the collar about names,lets face it you are probably not going to see your daughter or sister on this site dancing naked thrusting their pussies at the camera..so the girls here are out to make money and good luck to them,i won't call them sluts or prostitutes but man these girls are not  angels
  11. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Scotsman84 in Stupid Questions.   
    Where are the Girls going at this time of the morning?
    Why is she upset?
    Where have the Girls Been?
    They for me are " Stupid Questions"
  12. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to CowArt in Fan Page Belle   
    Just now, 10:41 to be exact, Belle left B2 with all of her luggage.
    Goodbye Belle, have a safe trip home. You have, again, been amazing this tour, please come back to us sometime in the not too distant future. 
  13. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Scotsman84 in Funny Signs.   
    Lisa Is a Keeper.

  14. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to StnCld316 in Is REPLAY worth buying?   
    In my Opinion of the RLC Replay Feature is a Blatant Rip-Off.   The Price of the Replay Feature should be included with the Price of the Monthly Membership. If someone misses something they should not have to pay extra to see what they have missed.
    Sites such as Voyeur-Villa, Voyeur-House.tv have the Replay Timeline Feature and it's included in the Monthly Price of the Membership plus there is a Video Section of Videos that can be Downloaded if the Timeline has gone past the 24 Hours of seeing what was missed. Nothing more is charged. Camarads is also in the midst of Adding a Timeline Replay Feature as well so viewer can go back and look to see if they have missed anything throughout their time away from not seeing the Original Footage also it will likely be incorporated into the price of the Monthly Membership as well.
    Plus Voyeur-Villa, Voyeur-House.tv and Camarads do not Ban their Members when they post their Content in the Forums. RLC will try to Ban everyone they can who Posts Content whether they are a Member of RLC or just a Free Viewer that Posts without a RLC Account.
  15. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Capeguy in I am done...   
    Gilbert, First, there have been men at KKH but they are usually there very late, are usually drunk, want sex and get none. The only one getting anything recently has been Heidi. If Kami and Kristy are having sex it is at their BFs place. When the guys are there everyone gets all ready for something, but get nothing. If men were to visit at B1/B2 then a lot of viewers would complain because it forces the other girls to stay covered up, cause friction with the other girls and there would be no nudity. This happened a lot when Nicole was there and had a guy over on a regular basis; she is ruining it for us and the others, she must be a real slut bringing a guy in for sex and on and on it went. You cannot have it both ways. As CowArt said earlier, with the exception of the drug-fueled Lola parties, B1/B2 are pretty quiet. The Irma/Jess/Ilona period was an exception.
  16. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Scotsman84 in Know - It - All.   
    Wow some of you really do think you are the Dog's Bollocks. Disrespect some of you show to others is Fucked Up.
    Just because you are older doesn't mean you know everything.
  17. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to dougiestyle4u in RLC Playtime.   
    Now that's how girls should masturbate - Uncovered, spread eagle and in full view of the cams plus with ample lighting. Although the night vision lighting (black and white) does add some intrigue as if you can see a girl playing with herself in darkness but she can't see you or she thinks no one is watching her (the voyeur adrenaline kicks in and your heart starts beating a mile a minute as you jerk off yourself and hope to come or cum at the same time as she does - oops - did I say that out loud - lol).
      Great pics Scotsman84 - still trying to figure out why women make me so fucking horny - it just takes one look - damn!!!
  18. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to dougiestyle4u in A LETTER TO RLC   
    The lack of pics and videos being posted does negatively affect RLC and that is why I believe RLC is relying on RLCF and CC comments in the Chatbox and forums to help promote their business for new subscriptions (free advertising). Just look at camarads - they started a forum topic on Mar.22/17 and have about 4,000 views. This site and discussions are helping them as advertising which is okay with me. Good or bad comments is advantageous advertising for them now. The posting of pics and videos is generally all positive in nature which puts their site in a better light. RLC is protecting themselves and tenants for privacy issues (yet "voyeur" cams - contradiction you would think) and/or liability.
  19. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to dougiestyle4u in Leora Fan Page   
    Welcome to RLCF charlietheangel.
    Sorry to burst your bubble but Leora is the ringmaster of the dog and pony show. Once in a blue moon (no blue balls for Paul cause he loves the dog more than his wife Leora) Paul might pony up and let Leora take advantage of his sexual prowess - lol. Leora is the #1 master-bater for RLC while Masha is a close 2nd. Leora and Paul have been with RLC for years because of Leora so enjoy her beauty and performances while putting up with the dog and Paul.
  20. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to dougiestyle4u in A LETTER TO RLC   
    Of late, it seems that RLC brings new or repeat tenants based on RLCF comments in the Chatbox or forum posts. It appears that it doesn't matter whether you bad mouth any of the tenants/apartments or talk well of them - it is based on the amount of discussions related about them. Why is that do you ask? My feeling is that RLC is taking full advantage of RLCF and CamCaps (CC) for promoting their RLC site which in turn has been a boost to increasing new subscriptions or renewals. Just look at the repeat "performers" - good/bad girls or couples. They even have an abundant of apartments to satisfy the tastes for different tenant lifestyles or shapes/looks. This does come at a cost but subscriptions pay for this. So complaining is okay but the more you complain or comment good/bad about tenants the better it is for RLC - more subscriptions brings kaching kaching $$$. Basically bad or brutal tenants are money winners for RLC - if they leave - they will be back to increase subscriptions. RLC has this "take it or leave it attitude" and it actually still works for them.
        In time, if there was a noticeable drop in the comments in the Chatbox and forum posts of RLCF and CC then I believe RLC will take a big hit with a decrease in subscriptions. This applies to other voyeur sites that rely on our comments such as voyeur-villa, voyeur-house and camarads. All of these voyeur sites and these "fan" forum sites feed off each other for advertising/promoting. So much money to be made and a lot of questions about the overlapping business dealings that play out here - hhmmmm.
                   _ _ _ _ _ _
        Still trying to figure out why boring, do nothing, no nudity, minimal sex, spouse abusers or no gooders are still with RLC - must be some subscribers that are turned on by them (go figure) - hah.
         The only thing that I can compare this to is:
    Loss leaders are a marketing strategy, used in many retail businesses, especially in grocery stores. A loss leader is an item that is sold at such a low price it actually loses money. The price is lower than the actual cost the retailer paid for the item.
        These apartments have a minimum cost structure/overhead but brings in customers or in this case possible subscribers whereby they look at these specific apartments and then all the other apartments. Before they realize it, they fell for it  - HOOK, LINE and SINKER - and can't turn away and got reeled in (gotcha - took the bait). This seems to make sense with respect to the "less talked about apartments" and why they are still here after all these long boring years.
  21. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Evil33 in Fan Page Angelina   
    Have a good Flight Beautifull Angel I'm gonna miss you much!!!
  22. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to CowArt in Fan Page Angelina   
    Goodbye Angelina.
    Can't believe it's been 90 days already. For some girls 90 days is stretching it, for some 90 days is way too short. Your 90 days was too short. I wasn't done enjoying you on my screen, especially in the last weeks when all pieces of the B2 puzzle seemed to fall into place, more interactions between the tree of you, the atmosphere in the apartment improved by the day.
    I remember the moment you got me hooked. I think it was you second night, you got out your cute "Amsterdam" panties and started dancing. It's been a real treat watching you dance, do your amazing yoga sessions, you even looked hot sitting around doing nothing.
    Have a good trip home, be safe, and I hope to see you on RLC again soon. Thank you, and I'm gonna miss you, my Lovely Angel.  
  23. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to Scotsman84 in I am done...   
    Sex in B1 & B2 you having a laugh.. it's hard enough for most of them to masturbate, never mind bring someone home for sex. You want sex don't waste your time with they Apartments.
  24. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to gilbert in I am done...   
    There have been dozens of complaints against the barca apts recently. The girls are out a lot, no men come to visit, no sex etc  All the complaints are valid Rlc have loyal customers. They can choose to ignore them if they wish. I hope we are helpful in improving the product, bur we are only helpful if people listen. For me personally, I have not seen one man other than Alex in the past 2 months. He is  unquestionably impotent which is a medical condition. If you watch the KKH apt you can witness the normal interaction between men and women in a girls apt. This is what I expect, and what I paid for. It is a normal expectation. I want to see this in the barca apts.  It is called real life. If real life cam does not want to show real life than it is false advertising. When I see real men there then I am watching real life. I am happy to pay for that. What I have received so far is not real life
  25. Like
    RUBBERMAN reacted to gilbert in I am done...   
    The bottom line is people pay good money to see sex. What you see in barca right now demands a refund. You can go on chaturbate right now and see live single woman or couples giving you your moneys worth. You will get what you pay for. It is live and it is entertainment. It is not boring. Alex is impotent, He is a man with a medical condition. No woman in real life wouid invite him to their bedroom , unless it involved favors
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